Thursday, May 30, 2013

Main Street Mania: IST v. NGRI

There are two ways you can live at the Forensic Center.  The first, is that you come there IST.  It is an acronym for "Incompetent to Stand Trial".  That's what I was both times I went there.  That means that you have a mental illness that impedes you in either understanding your case, assisting in your defense or acting properly in court.  The first time I was there, it was supposed to be a question if I had a mental illness or not.  This last time, I was supposed to have a mental illness.  I guess it slipped past my psychiatrist the first time I was there.  Then you can go NGRI, and as I've explained that means that you are not guilty, because at the time of your crime your mental illness impeded your ability to know exactly what you were doing.  How and why you have sex is different, depending on why you are there.

The women with an NGRI have an obligation to have multiple sex partners.  They have to have to prostitute in order to go home.  This means they could be having sex with people from the outside, staff members or other patients.  These women are expected to go out on Main Street and get "boyfriends".  Those who are IST, don't have to have sex with anyone, unless they want to.  The women who are IST have sex with staff members for drugs or just for fun.  Mostly they only have one partner, because they usually don't stay there that long.  A person who is IST, stays only about four months under normal circumstances.  When they begin having sex with a staff member, the psychologist and psychiatrist feel that they don't want to leave and keep them there longer.  They would just come to South 4 and stare at you.  That meant that they wanted you, and were willing to pay.

From my last blog, you could assume that they only give NGRI's to people they deem as harmless to society; like me.  They put hardcore murderers in prison, and they think they are helping to protect society.  They need women in South 4, in order to keep a job.  If there are no women, then there is no work and they have no job.  Most of the people who get NGRI's are people they really like, too, and who would be able to articulate The Center as a stellar place to receive treatment.  That only after they agree to have sex and use drugs while there.

Main Street is interesting.  When you go out there, any man you talk to thinks that you want to make him a "boyfriend".  You sit and talk for a while and they get excited and start insinuating that you want to have sex with them.  It's not just the male patients, but people who come there from the outside.  Students from the University of Michigan come to The Center, because it's part of their Psychology course.  Some of the young men were really angry with me, because they remember the year before they got to party with the women around the time they came for "Project Outreach".  I wasn't interested and therefore the women couldn't pick-up dates while I was out there.  I would be able to know exactly what they were doing. So, they never wanted me to go out there.  In fact, Mr. Barry Davis had a list made with all the women who could go out to Main Street for "Project Outreach".

Now, just like the prison system there are 10 times the number of men at The Center than women.  At the time of "Project Outreach" there was 250 men to barely 20 women.  What need would there be for a list of women who could attend the classes with the U of M students on Main Street?  There was none, except they wanted to control who was there.  Making sure that the women who would cooperate and have sex with the students were there, and people like me weren't.  This would insure that this month was a money making venue.

I know you wonder where all this sex takes place.  South 4 is stationed between South 2 and South 3, but South 3 is empty.  If you get a boyfriend, who you have sex with on a regular basis, then he will move to South 2, and you will meet in the middle, in South 3.  There is a whole floor with about 20 empty rooms.  If your just having sex to work off an NGRI, then the men travel across the building in the middle of the night to South 3.  They use the rooms that are upstairs for both male on male and female on male sex.  Amy and her boyfriend couldn't have sex with each other, but they could have sex with other people.  Both of them were NGRI, and I guess they didn't have money to pay to have sex with each other.  They were caught in the bathroom having sex.

When you move upstairs it is supposed to be a honor.  In fact, they called it the "honor floor".  When I was living upstairs I was afraid.  I woke up one night with strange men roaming the halls.  I don't know if one of the men was coming towards my room or not.  The man that was with him whispered loudly, "No, no Tom, not there!!!"  My heart seized and I thought I would have a heart attack.  I was so scared, and wished I could just go back to jail.  You know it was bad if I wanted to go back there.  The doors locked in jail, and they didn't lock at the Forensic Center.

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