Sunday, September 24, 2017

Michael Bouchard: Pimp and Dopeman

Image result for Michael Bouchard
Sheriff Michael Boucahrd

There is a picture of a corvette that is circulating on Facebook. It's a corvette that Oakland County Sheriff's Department (OCSD) confiscated from a drug dealer. Michael Bouchard has taken it and put gold/yellow strips on it and his name embedded on the side. He brags that he took it from a drug dealer. Well, if you're a fan of my blog you know what's coming next. He has his nerves to talk about drug dealers when his jail is a whorehouse!

It is September, and I promise you the jail is full of prostitutes and thieves. These are the men and women willing to sell themselves while in jail. Understand that these people have been in jail probably more than 10 times for their crimes. At this point, they should be doing time for those crimes in prison. Instead, they go to jail and prostitute themselves for lighter sentences. Oh, I forget traffic violations and other minor offenses. Driving While License Suspended has become a major crime. It serves a stepping stone to breed prostitution by being added to those other minor offenses.

I told you other tactics. Shoplifting, becoming Unarmed Robbery when the pseudo law enforcement tackles you and wrestles you to the ground and you fight back. Going to someones home to fight, without guns, turns into Home Invasion and Assault with Attempt to do Great Bodily Harm. Then spending the next five to six months "sexxing" it down to a charge that warrants those five or six months. 

Judges are in on it, administrators, bail bondsmen and of course prosecutors and attorneys. It's a racket, just like the Summit Place Mall and just like the drug trade in Pontiac. I haven't heard of a big drug bust in Pontiac, since that one million dollars in heroine they found in a wall in Pontiac. The big lie they told to make it seem like OCSD was coming into Pontiac to do some real damage. Ain't a million dollars worth of drugs be in the wall of no house. Well, not without the Pontiac Police knowing about it Most of the big drug dealers in Pontiac don't even live in Pontiac no more. They live in Auburn Hills and Bloomfield. 

They send their kids to private schools and colleges and they live in luxury and have the latest fashions. Nobody drives flashy cars with sound systems that wake the neighbors anymore. They live private stellar lives. That is, until they get with the police and hold "back to school" rallies.  Their women have jobs and put everything in their name, and nobody touches them, because the police make sure nobody touches them. It's that simple and OCSD ain't no different.

Bouchard said that he was going to come in here and fight crime. He was going to clean up our streets and make Pontiac a better place. All he did was take the dope money out the hands of the Black police and put in the hands of the OCSD. They either demoted or fired the Black cops that worked their and got rid of some White ones, too. OCSD is the White Mafia, involved in stealing, running ho's and dealing dope. That is just that simple, too. Taking a car from a dope dealer and putting in his hands, just shows how he is a legitimate crook. A car coming from one criminal to the next one. Only this time the other criminal gets to put his name on it, "Michael Bouchard". This is my good deed for the day!

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Deena Centofanti: The Trouble at Fox2

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Deena Centofanti

May of 2016 brought a huge change to Fox 2 News. Three major players on the show were let go. Murray Feldman, an older newscaster, was forced to retire. Lee Thomas, an African-American with a skin disease, and Jason Carr. Jason Carr is the husband of Taryn Asher, who is also a newscaster/anchor at Fox 2. She works at night with Huel Perkins on The Edge. Jason worked in the day, and Taryn at night, I hoped to have someone home with their daughter, Gia. I like this couple if you can't tell. He is handsom, she is beautiful and their daughter is precious


But this story isn't about Jason Carr and Taryn Asher. This story is about Deena Centofanti. I used to argue with my mother about her. I used to say that she was a "go-getter". Someone who knew what she wanted in life, and went for it. My mother said that she "thought she was the stuff". I saw her confidence and self-assurance refreshing, because many women don't succeed in a male driven work enviroment, and it seemed that Deena had conquered the communications industry. Boy, was I naiive.

While driving with my niece to Wal-Mart, we began talking about a man who was hit by a car in Pontiac. My cousin had went out on the scene and said Fox 2 was there. My niece and I began to talk about our favorites. Roop Raj and Mariel Lue were at the top of our list. I found it great that Jessica Starr was losing her baby weight and looking fabulous and Ryan Ermanni was funny as heck. Then I told her about a conversation that Lee Thomas and Ryan Ermanni had about kids kneeling at football games. But then I said, "...Deena Centafonti agreed with him [Lee Thomas]. "

My niece face went to a frown and she said, "I don't like her. She thinks she runs everything. The only reason why she's still on there, is because her husband is the vice-president." I was stunned! First, my mother was right, again. Second, she is running the show. It all came to me in my mind. She is on day and night, because they usually run her morning health reports in the evening, she was the health reporter and she had taken Jason Carr's seat on The Nine.

OMG...It was too much for me. I was driving and almost ran off the road. I started questioning my niece like a mother whose  teenaged daughter stayed out all night with her 40 year old boyfriend. I kept saying, "Are you serious?" All I could think about is how The Nine had turned into a mother's talk show. They talk about food, wine and more talk about cancer, colon screenings and heart attacks. There is little or no interaction with the viewing audience, and nobody likes Deena. Nobody wants to work with her, because she is running the show and a pain in the ass.

It was the 21st of Septemeber. What we African-Americans have dubbed Earth, Wind and Fire Day. I could just see Jason Carr sitting on the Big Brown Couch bobbing his head singing along to all the words of "Dancing in September". He was GREAT! I mean he didn't just know R&B, but he knew all the pop and classic rock they played. He was so funny and everybody liked him! He had Bowl of Bacon. Who would think of something like that? But now we have a string of host that can't seem to get along with Deena. You can see the tension through the TV screen.

She seems to be one of those bosses wives that comes to your dressing room and ask, "You really didn't like when [blank] said that; did you?" In other words, she didn't like it when you disagreed with her. People are afraid to click with others in fear that Deena will see it and they'll get fired, too. I always wondered why Charles Pugh left the mornng show. The pedophile that he is. How do you go from being on television every day to wanting to just be a city council member? That's a huge step down. I bet he was tired of Deena controling the course of the show. Not to mention her insults on the air. I remember one morning, she called his eyewear, "Harry Potter" glasses. I've never seen a co-anchor make fun of their co-anchor without them being in on the joke. He just got a disgusted look on his face and continued with his story. She didn't even feel uncomfortable about him being uncomfortable.

People don't like her. Not only do they not like her, but they don't want to work with her. There is a game of musical chairs going on on the morning show, and she's the only constant in the game. Her husband is the worse kind of boss, because he can't see that she's destroying the network. Jason Carr is still great, but I never watch Local 4 News. I'm sure he's doing a good job. Fox 2 needs to ask him back and give him back the morning show. Deena Centofanti works her way into everything good and popular. Butting in and trying to steal other people's limelight. This week it will be Erica Erickson's opiod addiction story. She is racking up enemies fast these days. I think it's because a lot of people are upset about Murray, Lee and Jason losing their jobs.

Lee got his job back, and given his own show. He had once had his on special on vetilago, the skin disease he is afflicted with. They brought him back and gave him his own movie critque's show, CriticLee Speaking. He was a part of a group of people who were kicked out of Fox 2, because they didn't fit the image of the network. Jackie Page a beautiful woman who was over weight was a part of that gang. I don't know if Deena had anything to do with all for their exiting from Fox 2, but I wouldn't be surprised. She's a sorrority girl, whose boyfriend is the quarterback. She also was born in Detroit and I can believe that, too.