Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Judges: Rae Lee Chabot

Rae Lee Chabot

Let 'em go Chabot

This woman was my first judge.  The first time I was in her court, I went in with a wife and mother who was guilty of writing bad checks.  She coincidentally lived in the Trustee POD, which is the sluttiest POD in the entire jail.  She raved about the fairness of Rae Lee Chabot and how she helped her, because she had to get back to her children and husband.  In reality, this woman was a prostitute and had exchanged her sentence for sex.  That's why she let's them go.  If not for his hypocrisy and Bowman's slander of Waterman and Brown, Chabot would have been first in my series of judges.

She has the worst track record of all the pimping judges, thus her name...Let 'em go Chabot.  I think people wondered why she did such foolish things.  When I sat in her courtroom month after month I heard the lighter sentences of both men and women, including the woman on my first visit.  It was meant for me to see how easy it was for me to go home.  I would have had my charge dropped, if I would have just co-operated and gave up my body.  I would never do anything like that, especially when I know I didn't do anything to anyone.  That lady with the bad checks defiled her marriage and her entire life for the sake of a lighter sentence.  God forgave her and maybe I should, too, but it won't be easy.

Chabot gave a man who had already been to prison a 4 month sentence with the majority of those months completed.  The Prosecutor pleaded with her to send him back to prison, due to his 11 prior larceny cases.  Chabot ignored his pleas and gave him PA-511 and Zero Tolerance.  That means he'll be back to sell his booty another day, because nobody finishes either of those things that pretty much sum up to the same things.  NO DRUGS...NO ALCOHOL...NO FUN!  At least to a drug addict that all those things sum up to.  They probably don't make it home before stopping off at "the set" and buying a big rock.

Chabot and the others know, but could care less.  It's the money that truly matters and no one can get beyond that.  People can get a break in the courtroom, but not with their probation officer.  That's due to the need for more bodies to sell.  Women almost in tears telling how they just couldn't pay the money, and had lost their apartments and home.  These women would also come in with their nails done and fresh clothes.  They will be mad at me for telling these tales, but the unemployment rate is up and the cities are running ramped with crime.  Nobody should be getting away with even multiple petty crimes.  It puts are families and property at risk.

When I discovered a woman who set a man up to be robbed, but he was killed in the process was being sentenced by Chabot, I wrote the Prosecutor.  That got me a stay at the State run Forensic Center.  You see, I was suddenly insane.  No, I was sent there to be evaluated for a mental illness.  I do not have a mental illness, but the Forensic Center is in on the prostitution.  They are no better when it comes to making money from patients, who were once inmates.  My going there is not a testament of a mental illness, but a testament that I am fine and could be sold easily.  I went, but aesthetics will never relieve me of my precious body.  I keeps mine "tight".

On my return, she set this huge scenario up where I saw a young man go to prison to save his family.  The people she is use to dealing with are dumb.  I'm glad she don't deal with me, because I don't fall for the okie doke.  That eleven year sentence he got wasn't for me, but his dumb ass.  I wrote the Judicial Tenure Commission on her for sending me to the Forensic Center and she recused herself, and Fieger should have been so lucky.  The Channel 7 Action News coverage was dead on.  This woman abuses her position by setting real criminal free for sex.  Why would she respect the seat she holds and get back to the bench on time.  She pleases those who could change it, and they will never call her on it.  She's "Let 'em go", Queen of 1200 North Telegraph prostitution racket.  You let 'em go, Girl!

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