Today, Judge Kumar put a gag order on the Cipriano family. I would like to tell you that I wrote to the Ciprianos last year and told them that Tucker was most likely a prostitute. The Prosecutor refuses to give Tucker a plea deal. Charlie Langton just said that the Prosecutor wanted the public to know you can't kill your family and get away with it. Tucker Cipriano is going to prison for LIFE, because they want t
sensationalize his case, because the Oakland County Jail let him out before they should, because he is a prostitute.
Moreover, the last time I was in jail, I was told that Kumar also gave lighter sentences to those who prostitute in jail. It's amazing to me how they just get away with this kind of stuff. They have the worst thing that could ever go on in a judicial system going on in Oakland County. Criminals are actually getting away with murder and suddenly they want to get a conscience.
This blog had a virus at one time, and I think that was because they want me to stop telling people about the prostitution and to stop. I might have one right now, and maybe you have one now for reading this. It's not because I'm lying. They want me to stop, after all I've been through. Maybe I will be forced to move to Japan or China to be safe from my own government. I know that I don't want to die over a bunch of money hungry people who can't seem to respect the position that the people put them in.
Kumar stopped the conversation about them for about two weeks, but not forever. That family will be more angry and victimized after the trial. What do you do, when you have unethical people who are in charge? Where do you go to find the answers. Obviously, from the news reports not your government. I wrote and called the FBI, complained to the US Department of Justice and all I get is a virus. Who can win in America, but the ones with all the money and all the power. Shaking my head!
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