Monday, June 24, 2013

Snowden and me

Edward Snowden
There is one person in this world that I can relate to at this point and that's Edward Snowden. He  is now being charged with espionage.  I looked up the word espionage, because I thought I knew what it means, but wasn't sure.  In short, espionage is spying.  He took private information about the NSA and made it public information without their consent.  Although the NSA is a governmental agency, Snowden felt what they were doing was wrong, and it probably is.  The agency is saying all kinds of things about him now, including that they missed some things on his background check.  That is not his fault.

Unlike Snowden, I wasn't hired by our government to do a job I needed a security clearance for.  I was lied on by a man and forced to go to jail.  While in jail, I discovered that the deputies were running a whorehouse out of the clinic.  I feel a sort of kinship with Edward, because we both had that moment when we said, "They are doing what?"  After I found out and started telling people, I couldn't leave and seek asylum.  I was stuck in a cell and tortured.  Ironically, I just heard a man say that Snowden will be tortured, put in jail, tried and found guilty.  Then he would be thrown back in jail and tortured some more.  Then he ended his remarks with, "...if not executed."  That I explained is the reason I contacted Huel Perkins and others in the media.

Another glaring difference between Snowden and me, is that he left the country and now seek asylum in Ecuador, after residing in Hong Kong for a period of time.  He must have been getting paid really well by the Federal Government, because I can barely make rent on an apartment.  At this point, however, Snowden is stuck awaiting asylum.  The people at Wikileaks will get him safely out of Russia and to South America.  The American government revoked his passport, but China let him go, anyway.  I think Snowden will get more help than we want to believe, because there are too many people around the world who hate America.  It's similar to when the stuck-up cheerleader gets pregnant in high school.  Self-righteous and sanctimonious America is getting caught spying on their own citizens and doing something they degraded other countries for in the past.  It's simply too much control of a person's life.

I can't move that freely and was denied an apartment in Kalamazoo.  I was told I needed a co-signer to rent.  I have a few hits on my credit, based on being in jail and all my stuff slipping, while in there.  But that's not it, I'm being targeted and made to live here, and I don't know why.  In 2010, I made an attempt to move on the campus of Oakland University and those plans were throttled.  Three months after that I was charged with stalking for the second time in my life.  So, I think it may be another jail or prison stay in my future.  I could possibly be forced to go back to the Forensic Center, because you don;t have to be incarcerated in order to go there.  You can be probated by a State judge to go there.  For whatever reason, I can't leave the city.  I want to go, because I don't like the way people can just lie and send you to jail to be tortured and maliciously prosecuted without real cause.

So, like I was, Snowden is charged with a crime and like me, he will be tortured before he is found guilty.  The best part for him, I think, is that he has a chance to get away.  To see what life is like in another place.  To live free of scrutiny and people who keep secrets and aren't loyal, because their loyalty is to the government and not you.  Neither of us have a chance and neither of us will ever be able to make decisions on their own, forever.  I don't think I will, and I don't think Snowden will live for very long.  Not unless they drop the charge, because he's not a spy.  He's a Hornblower, only you can't blow the whistle on our Federal Government, when you do, it's spying.

Now I understand why the deputies who looked out for me treated me worse than those that hated me.  Treason is punishable by death.  If the man on the panel was telling the truth, which I have no reason to believe he was, torture is part of that death.  The way it sounds they inflict great mental and physical pain on you, before they relieve the pain by the final blow that is death.  For a simple person like me that is being stuck in a city that is dying and where no one wants to even admit they know you.  Where your home in itself a type of prison that won't allow you to breath free.  I acquired about four or five different apartments in Kalamazoo and on;y one answered, and that one won't let me in.

I wished I was Snowden.  My secret compared to his is small.  A county selling people is different from our government listening and rifling through our phone records, but it's the same outcome.  I've been called insane, ostracized and left to live an unproductive life.  Snowden will probably be hailed as a hero, and a few years from now they will make a movie about his life.  Since nobody wants to even acknowledge my release from jail after being found not guilty, I doubt if I will have that kind of flare.  I've just been trying to get a hold of my own life for the last 14 years, and even with a "not guilty" verdict, I still can't get retribution.  They still keep my progress on hold to suit their wants and needs.   Never mind that I can't sleep at night, because I have so much on my mind.  Never mind that this house is a hot box and I haven't a place to sleep that is comfortable.  I could live all on my own if allowed and that's why I'm not like Snowden at all.  People know about his folly and he gets help to move.  My life is a secret and I'm constantly held back and my neck step on, because no one cares.  That's what I get for being the under-rated class of our society.

If I were a White man, I could make a difference.  When I call to speak to a newscaster my calls would not be ignored.  I would have the ability to be free to move around the world.  Yet, no one puts any stock to the idea that there are members of law enforcement who interfere with my life, everyday.  When I'm alone they don't bother me.  When I'm with friends they do.  It's like they want a witness to prove that I am crazy.  I know that I am not insane, but these people are much bigger than me.  They want to control my every waking moment and I'm tired of it.  I wonder if Ecuador will take a half educated Black woman, with braces and bad credit!  Who possibly has an unbeknownst to her sex tape out there somewhere!

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