Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Charles Pugh...Not a Victim

Charles Pugh
Charles Pugh
I have heard for the last two days that Charles Pugh was about to get fired.  He had disappeared from the City/County Building and had left his car.  He had deleted his social media pages, Facebook and Twitter and asked Kevin Orr for a medical leave.  I also heard that Gary Brown would be Deputy Emergency Manger, under Kevin Orr.  Nobody has linked these situations together, until now.  One thing I suspect is that this is a witch hunt, but it has nothing to do with Pugh's sexual orientation.  It has to do with Gary Brown getting that job.  Gary Brown is an ex-cop and you know how I feel about cops.

And why are people so easy to forgive Brown and allow him to run the city?  Just because Kwame Kilpatrick did him wrong, does not necessarily mean that Gary Brown is a good person.  I think that this is all an attempt to drag Pugh through the mud and get rid of him once and for all.  He has a lot of influence over the people of Detroit.  He dethroned the mighty Kenneth Crockrel, by getting more votes than the veteran Councilman in his first run for office.  Not to say that Pugh is a saint, but follow me, I'm trying to tell a story.

Pugh had more enemies than he could ever fathom.  He should have never done anything that would be misconstrued as favorable to a young man.  He is a gay man, in a very powerful position and if he was to deal with young men, he should have been more careful than he was.  He has created a huge hole for himself that they will not let him dig himself out of.  He will be fired today, if he don't show up.  If he does show up, then he will have to face the affects of the article Channel 7 Action News has posted on their website.  So, either way he loses.

This political homicide and with the help of Pugh, political suicide.  He ain't gonna make through this.  They are hitting him from both sides.  If he can stand this type of scrutiny, which it seems he can not, he will go down in history.  He will pull a Bill Clinton on the people of South Eastern Michigan.  I watched on Fox 2 News today, and it seems that he won't be going back there.  His Public Relation skills are horrible.  He has a loyal following and that is obvious, because the people allowed him to be a City Councilperson, when he wasn't even paying his rent!

That means he had the ear of the same fools who voted for Kilpatrick, and walked around talking about they would vote for him again.  They have some very "special" people in Detroit.  They somehow believe that when the media goes after a person, they are doing it, because they know that this person will make a change to their condition.  They actually believe that the media is trying to stop their savoir.  Those are the ideas that Coleman Young put in their minds long ago.  These ideas have been passed down to their children and their children's children.  They could never believe that Pugh, just didn't pay his mortgage.  They gave him every benefit and never had any doubt, because of the two percent of Detroit that vote, the majority of them voted for him.

That's what's scary to a man like Snyder.  A man's ability to rally a bunch of people who aren't that smart.  What Pugh did was the equivalence of a bank lending money to Bernie Madoff.  You already know he's a crook, so why bother.  The same with Pugh, he dressed to the 9's, but he couldn't pay a mortgage?  So that meant that Detroit would look good, but would no longer own what they lived in?  They let a man like that run their council?  Like I said, "Not so smart".

Honestly, I always thought there was something fishy about Pugh.  Who leaves a high-profiled job at Fox 2 News and run for an office your not sure you will get?  Plus, he only makes $79,000 a year for headaches!  A man who is so superficial, had to do it, because he wants people to believe he is self-less.  Not only that, but a radio career with one of the largest radio stations in Detroit.  No one ever dug deep enough into that.  At least he never satisfied me with an answer.  Now to hear that he is buying Piston tickets and $300 briefcases.  Giving a young man over $500 to go to his prom.  Where is he getting all of that money?  Even if he didn't pay his mortgage that's a lot of money!  Either way you look at it, there is something about Pugh that never added up.  NEVER!

I don't think he got along with the staff at Fox 2.  He was too arrogant and lacked cohesiveness.  I believe that he was a person all to himself and no one could relate to his way of thinking.  Because who buys the clothes he wore and fail to pay his rent?  It's all a show and the need to impress people.  He wants to be the star of the show, without the work by throwing around lots of money.  Money he doesn't have and I would hate to see what his bills look like these days.  Yeah, they are going to get rid of him and it's not because he can make a difference, but because he is a shell of a man.  A phony who will use his platform and his notoriety to further his agenda, and not that of the city's.

My mother thinks that he has AIDS, and I don't know.  With a person like him, I think he wants us to believe that he has AIDS.  It would help him get out the ditch he's pitched for himself.  I know he has lost lots of weight that make people speculate, but I would like to see the medical report if he says he does.  It all would fit in too well in the present circumstances, and maybe he is sick.  If he is, I would say what William Garrison said about Oswald when captured outside the movie theater the day Kennedy was killed, "I don't buy it."  If he does, however, it does not get him off the hook for any of the things he's done.  I believe that he will resign, anyway, because he has no power as a councilman.  All he could do is cause a bunch of trouble!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Snowden and me

Edward Snowden
There is one person in this world that I can relate to at this point and that's Edward Snowden. He  is now being charged with espionage.  I looked up the word espionage, because I thought I knew what it means, but wasn't sure.  In short, espionage is spying.  He took private information about the NSA and made it public information without their consent.  Although the NSA is a governmental agency, Snowden felt what they were doing was wrong, and it probably is.  The agency is saying all kinds of things about him now, including that they missed some things on his background check.  That is not his fault.

Unlike Snowden, I wasn't hired by our government to do a job I needed a security clearance for.  I was lied on by a man and forced to go to jail.  While in jail, I discovered that the deputies were running a whorehouse out of the clinic.  I feel a sort of kinship with Edward, because we both had that moment when we said, "They are doing what?"  After I found out and started telling people, I couldn't leave and seek asylum.  I was stuck in a cell and tortured.  Ironically, I just heard a man say that Snowden will be tortured, put in jail, tried and found guilty.  Then he would be thrown back in jail and tortured some more.  Then he ended his remarks with, "...if not executed."  That I explained is the reason I contacted Huel Perkins and others in the media.

Another glaring difference between Snowden and me, is that he left the country and now seek asylum in Ecuador, after residing in Hong Kong for a period of time.  He must have been getting paid really well by the Federal Government, because I can barely make rent on an apartment.  At this point, however, Snowden is stuck awaiting asylum.  The people at Wikileaks will get him safely out of Russia and to South America.  The American government revoked his passport, but China let him go, anyway.  I think Snowden will get more help than we want to believe, because there are too many people around the world who hate America.  It's similar to when the stuck-up cheerleader gets pregnant in high school.  Self-righteous and sanctimonious America is getting caught spying on their own citizens and doing something they degraded other countries for in the past.  It's simply too much control of a person's life.

I can't move that freely and was denied an apartment in Kalamazoo.  I was told I needed a co-signer to rent.  I have a few hits on my credit, based on being in jail and all my stuff slipping, while in there.  But that's not it, I'm being targeted and made to live here, and I don't know why.  In 2010, I made an attempt to move on the campus of Oakland University and those plans were throttled.  Three months after that I was charged with stalking for the second time in my life.  So, I think it may be another jail or prison stay in my future.  I could possibly be forced to go back to the Forensic Center, because you don;t have to be incarcerated in order to go there.  You can be probated by a State judge to go there.  For whatever reason, I can't leave the city.  I want to go, because I don't like the way people can just lie and send you to jail to be tortured and maliciously prosecuted without real cause.

So, like I was, Snowden is charged with a crime and like me, he will be tortured before he is found guilty.  The best part for him, I think, is that he has a chance to get away.  To see what life is like in another place.  To live free of scrutiny and people who keep secrets and aren't loyal, because their loyalty is to the government and not you.  Neither of us have a chance and neither of us will ever be able to make decisions on their own, forever.  I don't think I will, and I don't think Snowden will live for very long.  Not unless they drop the charge, because he's not a spy.  He's a Hornblower, only you can't blow the whistle on our Federal Government, when you do, it's spying.

Now I understand why the deputies who looked out for me treated me worse than those that hated me.  Treason is punishable by death.  If the man on the panel was telling the truth, which I have no reason to believe he was, torture is part of that death.  The way it sounds they inflict great mental and physical pain on you, before they relieve the pain by the final blow that is death.  For a simple person like me that is being stuck in a city that is dying and where no one wants to even admit they know you.  Where your home in itself a type of prison that won't allow you to breath free.  I acquired about four or five different apartments in Kalamazoo and on;y one answered, and that one won't let me in.

I wished I was Snowden.  My secret compared to his is small.  A county selling people is different from our government listening and rifling through our phone records, but it's the same outcome.  I've been called insane, ostracized and left to live an unproductive life.  Snowden will probably be hailed as a hero, and a few years from now they will make a movie about his life.  Since nobody wants to even acknowledge my release from jail after being found not guilty, I doubt if I will have that kind of flare.  I've just been trying to get a hold of my own life for the last 14 years, and even with a "not guilty" verdict, I still can't get retribution.  They still keep my progress on hold to suit their wants and needs.   Never mind that I can't sleep at night, because I have so much on my mind.  Never mind that this house is a hot box and I haven't a place to sleep that is comfortable.  I could live all on my own if allowed and that's why I'm not like Snowden at all.  People know about his folly and he gets help to move.  My life is a secret and I'm constantly held back and my neck step on, because no one cares.  That's what I get for being the under-rated class of our society.

If I were a White man, I could make a difference.  When I call to speak to a newscaster my calls would not be ignored.  I would have the ability to be free to move around the world.  Yet, no one puts any stock to the idea that there are members of law enforcement who interfere with my life, everyday.  When I'm alone they don't bother me.  When I'm with friends they do.  It's like they want a witness to prove that I am crazy.  I know that I am not insane, but these people are much bigger than me.  They want to control my every waking moment and I'm tired of it.  I wonder if Ecuador will take a half educated Black woman, with braces and bad credit!  Who possibly has an unbeknownst to her sex tape out there somewhere!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Paula Deen: So what?

A tired Paula Deen

I heard that Paula Deen has said the "N" word at some point in her life.  They say that she is a racist who doesn't belong on television.  In fact, The Food Network has already stopped running her show.  This is hilarious to me.  This means that she has to beg Black folk and folk in general in this country about being a racist.  That which is even more ludicrous than a person admitting in a deposition that she used the "N" word before.  I think she was doing her best to be honest.  I respect a person who does that, because she could have lied and said she never had done it.  When people step forward and called her a liar, all she had to do is lie.  Men do it all the time, and never admit to their adultery or sneaky ways.  Society has learned to except it and their women unequivocally add it as a part of their marriage.

Just last week a man was on a train bragging about extra-marital affairs he had.  A woman took his picture, because it annoyed her and posted it on Facebook.  I saw it, before it was featured on any talk or gossip show.  The interesting thing is that women said that it was not a good idea.  Sheri Shepard on The View, said  "What about the children?"  There is so much more to the story, he could be lying or what if the marriage ended over it?  A woman on Wendy Williams felt the woman who took the picture, didn't understand what it all engulfed.  Well, we don't know the whole story behind Paula Deen, either.  Maybe she didn't mean any harm.  What if she has changed her mind about African-Americans in America.  She's a White woman from Georgia, and I know that no one would ever believe that she never has a racist moment in her life.

Where is her understanding, and moreover, what about the other racist out there we don't know about?  I'll explain.  When I was in my early 20's I worked for Snelling.  It is a temporary job company, and I worked out of the office in Auburn Hills.  In fact, it is still there.  I went on short assignments to area businesses, mostly in the suburbs of Rochester Hills and Auburn Hills.  I would get assignments with small companies that area of expertise was based on some need of the Big Three.  They didn't have one Black person working in their office, and several of them changed their mind about wanting a temp once I arrived.  A prime and insulting company was Sylvan Piping that sat on the corner of Auburn and Eastway.  They fired me when I got back from my lunch break and they sat in Pontiac a predominantly Black city.  Ironically, I had a job interview at the airport where those people were killed in a the plane crash the other day.  My name is kinda decieving, but when the woman walked out and saw I was Black she asked me a few questions and sent me on my way.

There were entire Tech-Parks that stretched that block of M-59, from Auburn Hills past Troy and hardly any Blacks worked for those companies.  These day, however, those companies are long gone.  Victims of the recession that plagued the Big Three and they won't be coming back anytime soon.  Their great little secret is debunked.  I call it a great secret, because when I learned about it, I was shocked because I never knew about it.  Lear that did seat belts, Mannsman and Rexroth who sold and service sliders, hydraulics and robotic machinery in the plants or a company I worked for a day that made manifolds...Whatever those are. There were no Blacks in any of those companies.   These were smaller privately owned companies who didn't have to hire anybody they didn't want to.  There was a place I went to that built test cars for Chrysler that told me the interviewer wasn't coming to work that day.  A woman explained to me their specialty and sent me back to Snelling.  I was never called back for the interview.

I could go on forever.  It's the way of the world.  Nobody cares that the only people who employ African-Americans in a large quantity are low-level public companies.  Even in those companies we hold very few high-level position, such as CEO or CFO.  When they are allowed those position they have integrated their way of life into a acceptable lifestyle that includes living in a suburban area.  You have to be more "White" to be right with the company.  Shemar Moore's character on Criminal Minds is as close as I've seen to a brother being allowed to be a brother.  He still has a loving a caring relationship with his colleagues that envelopes his ability to except everyone as equals.  Showing Blacks that is what it takes to become a part of the working class in America who have jobs that actually pay the bills.

Last week, I had a long argument with some Whites who had left Pontiac.  The post on Facebook actually read, "You know your from Pontiac, when you can't wait to leave."  about 20 people chimed in and all of them were White.  They went to cities that were mostly White and that enveloped their money making ability and lifestyle.  My father always told me that was just White trash that were equal to Blacks, but wanted to move someplace where they can pretend they are better.  A woman that was living in Troy, however, told me that she would come to Pontiac and drag me out of my home and beat me up.  This enlightened me to the idea that if she left, because of crime, she should come back.  It also, could have made my father's argument correct.  I don't believe that, but believe that she was touched, instead of blaming her ignorance on all White people.  But you are reading the blog of a woman who went to prison for four years, on a three month charge, for writing a White man love letters.

I don't see color, but that doesn't mean that I believe that other people do not.  I still have my eyes wide open, and know that after my arrest and conviction that he became a super star of law enforcement.  I still have yet to re-establish myself in society.  I don't have a job or a car or a place to live for that matter.  I live with my mother after my last tiff with the police, where that same man came and testified against me after nine years.  I even hear from a long time friend that he has moved to a place where he can be White, he's married a White woman and left my Black ass and this city behind him.  I'm sure that Paula Deen's moments had something to do with getting along with her "own kind".  Just like those people in those Tech-Parks of long ago.  When I sat down with a Puerto Rican woman at Baker College, the first thing that came out of her mouth was, "I don't have any problems with the teacher's here.  They all treat me good."  She was obviously use to Blacks cornering her, to try to get support about a teacher who was slighting them.  They obviously believed it was because of their race.  She looked White and we all know those minorities are treated better in society than those of a darker persuasion.

I never watched Paula Deen.  Although I think her son Jamie is very handsome.  I don't like them and rarely watch her show.  I'm not surprised that she has said some racist remarks or contrived a racist themed party.  So, I don't care, because most people don't change their point of view until it is vital to their existence.  With her great success and notoriety, she had a huge reason to change her mind about Black people and cook with the Neelys or have Oprah over to dinner.  It served for good relations and even better for her career.  Those people who owned those businesses off 59 had no reason to change their ways, and I believe closed down with very few African-Americans employed.  I don't believe that Paul Deen still holds the same exact views, because she can't afford to and couldn't afford to.

Finally, I am sure that this is a joke.  I have so much on my mind these days that no one cares about.  There are murderers who are getting away with it in exchange for prostitution.  Our economy is in the dumps, and crackheads are consuming my city, while the Emergency Manager is having a fire sale.  Nobody is airing that stuff on the television everyday.  Paula Deen is the least of our problem just in my small county.  I need a newscast that will encompass those issues for me.  I could care less if Paula Deen said the "N" word, it's the tiniest need for race relations in America.  If The Food Network really wants to seem as if they care, they would ask Bobby Flay to be nicer to people.  Racist or not, Paula Deen was the sweetest old White woman on TV.  Betty White has nothing on her southern hospitality.  This is crazy and The Food Network is cutting off their nose to spite their face.  If I was Paula Deen, I would do what Imus did.  Lay low for a couple of years and come back with a bigger and better deal than the one you had.  He actually called young Black women "...nappy head hos".

Oh, and somebody needs to get Michael Bouchard to stop his deputies from selling women, and the FBI should do something about it.  They should also get rid of those heathens who are sexually abusing mentally ill people at the Forensic Center for Psychiatry.  In remove all those men and women there who aren't insane.  Then I will pay attention to the a woman who admits her flaws.  A person who came clean about her life and wanted to move forward.  Just because no one knows, doesn't mean no one cares!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Skunk ALERT!!!

Look Pontiac, the Pontiac Police (Now Oakland County Sheriff Department) use skunks to harass the people they don't like.  Before I went to prison, there was a skunk that made it's home beneath our house.  Our house is so old, they just dug under our porch.  She actually had her babies under there.  My landlord closed it off and didn't care if her babies were under there or not.  Sadly, two weeks later they died and there was the hint of skunk fart in the air.  I was sick with the smell that came over our house every morning that damn skunk left the porch and the morning when she came back.

When I got back, it started again.  Once I went to school smelling like straight up skunk.  I had to go to Hollywood Market between classes, buy some tomato juice and take a bath.  I was fed up with the skunks in my neighborhood and searched the web for an answer.  I discovered that coyote pee will get rid of them.  I ordered some from this company on-line called Lexington outdoors.  I figured it was the work of the Pontiac Police and Animal Control.  I would see "Money" riding around in his truck quite often.  They would scare the hell out of those skunks to and set them free.  First, though, they would drop food in our yard when we weren't looking.

After coming out of my house at dawn and sprinkling pee around the neighborhood in my car, I came up with an idea.  I made some flyers and passed them around our neighborhood, and discovered that I wasn't the only person having this problem.  I walked my street from Osmun to Judson and Paddock to Center.  I wrote Lexington Outdoor's website on it.  The coyote pee was $21.99 with free shipping.  The lady I talked to told me that once you used it a few days the skunk would go away.  They are creatures of habit, and if they found food they would come back to the same place every night.  But once they think a predator is there that will eat them, they will go in a new direction every night.

Well, skunks came back to our neighborhood every night.  That's when I knew it was the police.  Then when we were in court Val Gross made a statement that he had made flyers and put them all over his neighborhood of me.  He said the was warning his neighbors about me.  What he was reminiscing on was the flyers I put up at Coles, the gas stations and the doughnut shop.  Those were all laminated copies.  I stuck one in everyone of my neighbors mail boxes.  So, if I didn't talk to them I left them a note.

I was told by my neighbor while on one of my strolls that we hadn't had a skunk problem in about six years.  That was just about as long as I had been away.  One man said they get in his backyard, and he thinks that they were finding grubs and stuff, because they dug holes all in his yard.  Everyone wanted to know if it would help rid them of the gophers.  I told them it should, but it hasn't.  I think those damn things have been domesticated.  They still roam the streets over here.  Gladly the skunks have left, and I'm sure my neighbors still have their flyers or a bit of that coyote pee left to do the job.

It was guilt that made me make those flyers, but I found out that I wasn't the only one hated by the police on this side of town.  I was just the one who took action to stop the torture.  There is always an answer, you just have to find it.  Patients works, too.  Skunk are horrible, funky creatures.  It is a wonderful technique to harass a person you want to annihilate.  Only I have sense and a laptop that works!  Here's a link to the website!!!


Other Possible Oakland County Victims

Mitchell Young

I'm not sure what Mitchell Young believes.  I think that he believes that if he tells everybody that he is afraid of Tucker, then he can go home.  I can't believe that he is taking the family through this after all they've been through.  He thinks that Tucker owes him something, because this was all his idea.  Poor Mitch, he just has no idea what he did.  Maybe he does and just doesn't want to face the truth.  The real truth is that they were running from the Oakland County Sheriff's Deputies who would sell him in jail.  It would be easy to convince him.  Did you see how he shook when he was brought into the courtroom in the early days of his arrest.  With the tricks and manipulations of the Oakland County Deputies, he would have broke in a second.  The things I went through he would have been more than willing to go to the Clinic to be sold.  Any man who can be talked into murder, would surely find prostitution a breeze.  With that boyish and baby face, he brought them a pretty penny, too.

See, I told you before that probation is a set-up.  I can estimate that about 97% of the inmates who are released on probation never make it off.  It's like they have a radar that allows them to find their participants. If not that, they actually show up and are sent back by pimping probation officers and judges.  The worse part is that the conditions are Zero Tolerance, which means there is no drugs, no alcohol and no fun.  I bet that more than half of the probationers don't even make it home without a hit.  In Pontiac, you pass three sets, before you get to the Eastside of town, just three miles from the jail.  Actually, most inmates live on the strip, Baldwin encompasses a huge chunk of the drugs in the city.

It's pretty sad about Rhonda Ransom, but she was going out at the wrong time and on the wrong side of town at three o'clock in the morning.  The people placed on probation can't change their locale and therefore don't change their friends.  Look at Tucker and Mitchell as an example, and the fact they may have even hung out with the Layne kid.  It's a fact that kid was on probation, too.  What if he had told his grandmother that he could kill her and get away with it.  Amy did it, and Sarah did it, too.  How do we know that Oakland County Jail didn't create another killing in our county.  Grandma was touched, and I lived with her for nine days.  She has very different views on life, and the judicial system.  Somehow, she thought she would go home.  It was more likely that if her grandson was sitting where she sat, however, he would have a greater chance of going home.  Since he had been through the system, and was on probation.  I just have no idea if he ever spent time in Oakland County Jail.  If he had, I bet he had some involvement with the illegal activities.  Even if he didn't go to jail, hanging out with people like Tucker would expose him to the scam.  Most of the men and women involved are drug addicted who have committed their crime for some type of drug related offense.  They more than likely have either been involve in homosexual activities in the past or prostitution, anyway.

Jonathan Hoffman

I don't think Mitchell thinks he will go home, but I think he believes that he will be given less time than Tucker.  I believe that he looked up to Tucker as his leader, and probably was afraid of him.  That does not change what he planned with him.  He's a prostitute, too, and more than likely has a reason to help the deputies paint Tucker as a stone cold killer.  Honestly, I think he is scared of his own shadow and would do anything to save himself.  The reach of the judges at the Oakland County Jail is far.  When I was in prison trying to be re-sentenced, my lawyer that he had never come into so much adversity in an appeal.  I have no idea why they wanted me to stay in prison, but I did.  I was only suppose do three months.

I can tell you that Oakland County has caused a lot of pain selling people.  Just think of all the cases that happened before I got there to see what they were doing.  I can think of three murder cases just thinking about the last three years.  I also wonder if the man who murdered poor Rhonda Ransom was ever in Oakland County Jail and released early or got a lighter sentence for a greater crime.  If so, Starr Jones' job is not over, and she needs to focus on the illegal activities as the Oakland County Jail.  My mind is steady on poor Mitchell Young and his poor family that no one ever talks about, but then there are the people who are out on the street now.  It should scare Oakland County that murder is becoming synonymous with prostitution and early releases.  At some point somebody has to take a look and see that murderers are walking away from punishment, walking free to commit more crime.  That putting everyone in serious danger.

Roseline Ransom

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Why I'm Being Targeted

Gregory Cipriano

Well, I must confess.  Last week, I saw Greg Cipriano on TV.  He was begging people to try to convince the Oakland County Prosecutor's Office to stop the trial of his nephew, Tucker Cipriano.  He wanted to spare the family all the torture of a trial.  The family was thoroughly exhausted from the ordeal.  Recovery and the media was just too much, and they just wanted to get on with their lives.  It was even the Prosecutor's wish to put the nine year old daughter on the stand. So, I wrote Mr. Cipriano a letter and told him that I think Tucker was a prostitute in the Oakland County Jail.  I think that he was released early last year,because he was a prostitute.  The only reason that the Prosecutors wanted to go ahead with a trial is because of that, and that I had told everybody I could about the prostitution.

I explained that I had been tortured and called insane.  I was sent to the Forensic Center in an attempt to make me crazy so that no one would listen to what I had to say.  When I got there found more prostitution.  I went on to tell him about my abuse in jail and that his brother was probably murdered, because Tucker what let out early.  Now, Oakland County was exploiting his family in an attempt to seem hard on criminals.  They had never been hard before and was letting murderers free for prostituting.  I gave him my blog's web address so he could read for himself.  I guess he went to the Prosecutor with the information, because Tucker isn't going to trial now.  He took a plea and will spend the rest of his life in prison.

That's when the young man told me that I had a video on the internet.  That's when they started wanting to scare me into going away, by saying they have a video of me.  I had stopped the Oakland County Prosecutor's Office from sensationalizing a murder, that Oakland County Jail could possibly be responsible for.  They wanted a long drawn out trial with all the glitz and glamour of the Weekley trial, to show they are tough on crime and not pimps.  I would love to think that I helped the Ciprianos have a bit of peace.  That other kid is going to try to hold out, in order to convince the jury that he was a victim of Tucker.  When someone dies in the commission of a felony, you are guilty no matter why you were there. 

I think about my brothers and sisters and how much I love them.  I think about the times we spent together when we were young.  Even if life has taken us to different areas of the world and professions and lifestyles, they are still a big part of who I am.  I will never forget the love we shared as children.  I think about Greg Cipriano and his brother and their love.  How it all ended by a young man who was in jail, but set free two months early.  I believe for prostituting in the Oakland County Jail and I believe his entire family deserves more than not having a trial.  I'm sure Greg is just glad he can go home with the peace that his brother's family doesn't have to go through anymore pain.

This is the saddest story that has come out of the illegal activities at the Oakland County Jail.  This is the kind of thing that if truly told could cause a lot of harm to Bouchards reign as Sheriff.  People are dying, due to the  prostitution ring that is going on in his jails and the FBI wants to scare me into not talking about it.  Now, I have look a likes on my Facebook homepage that are meant to make me stop.  Like I said, if you got it, post it, but pay me for it!

Is that Supposed to Be Me???

The other day, I was commenting on one of my Facebook friends statuses and was told by a young man that there was a video of me on the internet.  I was told that I should enter my name into a search engine and it will appear.  Now I look on my Homepage on Facebook and there is a woman lying on a floor of pillows with a man doing "stuff" to her face.  I'm like, "Is that supposed to be me?"  She looks like me, but it's not me.  When I saw it, however, my heart dropped to my stomach!

Then it got me thinking about my home and the Patriot Act.  I have a lot of opinions and I might be watched by my government.  I lie on my floor every night just like the woman in that X-rated video on my homepage and if it wasn't for a blink of an eye, I would think it was me.  Except, I don't do anything like that every night, and just like to fall asleep in front of the television like most people.  My bed is in a room without a cable outlet, and so I lie on the floor.  I lie there with pillows and comforters around me, just like freak with the facial issues.  It looks just like me, but I'm not afraid, because I have never done anything like that in my mother's house.  I've done other things, but not that! *wink*

Is this a warning from the FBI?  Are they telling me to leave Michael Bouchard and his pimping deputies alone?  For that matter,I need to leave them alone, or they will expose me for being a freak and a woman who indulges in any kind of sex act!  Well, in the words of my girl Madonna, "I've done nothing I'm ashamed of!"  If they have footage of me doing my thing, I'm wondering how they will explain to the country how they got that video.  I've never made a sex tape in my entire life.  In fact, any sex I've had all my life has been private unless the men I knew pulled a Stevie J and tucked a camera in a teddy bear.

I'm not surprised they would stoop so low.  That makes me believe that Bouchard has always known about the prostitution in his jail.  When I use to try and scare them and tell them that the FBI was after them, they dismissed me.  They knew they weren't, because they had FBI who told them everything that was going on in their office.  But I now wonder if the watchers are being watched.

If they have a tape of me having sex, then they are more than welcome to show it to the world.  Farah Abraham is now rich off her sex tape and we all know the story of new mom Kim Kardashian.  I need something else to help boost my income.  Shoot, I'm broke.  If my Federal Government want to put a video of me on the internet having sex, go right ahead.  If it is a video of me in my home, then I wonder where you got it from? I guess they really are spying on the citizens of America.

I've become who I am, mainly because I don't care what I do.  I may be a prude when it comes to sex, but if you want to hide cameras in my home and get a glimpse of me, then feel free.  I just want to know why?  Why do you want to make me afraid of you?  Is it because you are dirty, filthy, crooked Law Enforcement agency who sees me as a threat to your existence.  I don't know why if what I say is so absurd do you even care.

Shoot, I'm grown.  If you post it, plan to pay me for it!

Weak Weekley...Guilty of Manslaughter

Joseph Weekley

I was watching the news, as always, and saw that that Weekley man had a hung jury.  Weekley is the cop that shot and killed a seven year old child in Detroit.  As I watched the newscast, it seemed to me that he was glad about the ruling.  The judge also seemed to be pleased.  I was thinking, "What a couple of dirty dogs".  A child is dead.  Dead at the hands of a police officer who pulled the trigger and ended her life.  Who will be accountable for her life.  If it would have been a regular citizen they would have to pay.  Due to the fact that Weekly is a cop, everyone should be made to look the other way?  Why?  He discharged his weapon and killed a child out of fear.  He says it was an accident, but he shot that child on purpose, because rather he wants to believe it or not, he was afraid.

I'm a Honorable Discharged member of the US Army Reserve.  I've seen and heard grenades go off in my ear, blinding me and confusing my senses.  It's not easy when things like that happen.  Put on top pf that the fact that he was going to find a murderer and it all adds up to severe caution to me.  I think that child moved or made a sudden move and he shot her.  I have to say that he didn't know that she was a seven year old child, but nothing can tell me that he didn't pull that trigger on purpose.  Sure, it may have been a mistake, but we have to pay for our mistakes.  As a matter of fact, he should be held to a higher standard than the average person, because of his specialized training.

I also believe that the grandmother was no where near him.  He made up that lie in all the lies and confusion. You know I don't believe in cops when their livelihood is at stake.  He is lying on that woman, because he knows that the public is going to lean towards her with sympathy and love she had for her grand-daughter.  He's going to make it her fault to add insult to injury.  This family has lost a light in their lives.  A child can bring so much joy, especially one as lovely as Aiyana.  I have cousins who live in Pontiac and asked if she is my family member, and she is not.  There is another group of Stanley's out there.

I know Weekly doesn't believe that even if he doesn't go to prison that God is watching.  In this country so many people put faith in the police, I wished they knew what I know.  Weekly will pay one way or the other, and being sorry doesn't make up for the lies he is telling.  He thinks that this is a victory and that all will be well.  He will be able to go home to his children, while a woman cries for her baby.  God doesn't work that way and any lie has to be punished.  Any act has to be punished, if not by the court system that is bias anyway, but by the Spirit of Truth.
Aiyana Stanley-Jones
Aiyana Stanley-Jones... RIP

Hoffa Smoffa

Jimmy Hoffa

Look, Michael Bouchard is a joke.  Now, he and his friend in the FBI are looking for the body of Teamster Leader, Jimmy Hoffa.  My mother remembers this story from when it happened when I was a toddler.  Jimmy Hoffa was a mobster his damn self.  The way I hear it, he was trying to dance with people that he had no business dancing with.  He was said to be a tough union boss, but he had lots of trouble.  You can't mess with the mob and think your going to get away with it.  I can just imagine that he was probably beat up, before they killed him.  I don't know about you, but I don't mess with the police in my city.  I barely leave my house.  I don't hardly move in this city, because these people are so dirty.  I wonder what was going through Hoffa's mind.

Maybe unlike me, he hadn't been tortured and falsely imprisoned by the Oakland County Circuit Court judges.  I sorta watched the movie about his life and it was pretty fierce.  Hoffa was a strong man, with a strong voice and mighty following.  Like myself, he also had a big mouth with all of that.  I've been beat down, and have had a beating that can't be compared to anything I've ever experienced in my life.  Those Oakland County Sheriffs are just as bullheaded as Bouchard and refused to give up on "turning me out".  Like Hoffa, I refuse to go away either.  Not until the Oakland County Sheriff's Department pays for the pain they've cost me and all those women that they are abusing.

I'm sure they haven't stopped and are gearing up for the summer sweeps.  That's when they pick up all the prostitutes from Baldwin and bring them to the jails to sell.  Bouchard is posed with his "fly" cop shades giving the people a show.  Trying to make them believe that he and the FBI are friends.  Just in case they have stumbled upon my blog.  He wants to put up a front to show that he cares about something that happened when he was barely a teenager himself.  Bringing closure to the Hoffas isn't as important as his deputies making money by holding freak shows in his jail's gym or feeding them what amounts to dog food to keep the sex acts coming.

I fail to see his worth in this county, at all.  He's a glorified pimp who is attaching himself to every little thing to try to bring some importance to his mud wrecked term as Sheriff. He lives as a liar and a man who can't keep a firm hand on his responsibility.  When it finally comes out, he will have to say one of two things, "I didn't know" or "I heard, but couldn't prove it."  It's all the end of his reign.  He is a sorry excuse for a Sheriff and Benny Napoleon isn't any better.  They should both retire to a island off the coast of Mexico.  Detroit is the most foolish city I've ever heard of.  I hear that Napoleon is the leading in the polls.  His deputies aren't any better and should join Oakland County's at the bottom of the Law Enforcement food chain.

If I hear of one more FBI link to Bouchard, I'm going to scream.  This man is a derelict who should be forced to resign.  I hope someone is going to do something about him.  His morale is low and those deputies obviously have no respect for him or his office.  He just keeps getting air-time from that ultra Conservative Fox News.  They air stories about Black men who rob and kill, but deputies that pimp are off their agenda.  I wonder what is more news worthy people doing what they do, or a group meant to uphold the law breaking it?

If Hoffa was alive he would tell Bouchard to stay the f@#! away from him and go get his deputies in line.  To put into place rules, people and circumstances that would help them stop sexually abusing the inmates in Oakland County Jail.  Hoffa would be insulted by Bouchard hanging on his coat tails, because he's part of a police corruption scandal.  I wished I had the Hoffa's address, I would write and tell them.  It would mean that I would have to stay in more, but it would help expose a man who has no validity in our society.  A man who is involved in lies, conspiracy and cover-ups...Michael Bouchard, Republican.
Michael Bouchard

Monday, June 10, 2013

Kumar and the Ciprianos

Today, Judge Kumar put a gag order on the Cipriano family.  I would like to tell you that I wrote to the Ciprianos last year and told them that Tucker was most likely a prostitute.  The Prosecutor refuses to give Tucker a plea deal.  Charlie Langton just said that the Prosecutor wanted the public to know you can't kill your family and get away with it.  Tucker Cipriano is going to prison for LIFE, because they want t
 sensationalize his case, because the Oakland County Jail let him out before they should, because he is a prostitute.

Moreover, the last time I was in jail, I was told that Kumar also gave lighter sentences to those who prostitute in jail.  It's amazing to me how they just get away with this kind of stuff.  They have the worst thing that could ever go on in a judicial system going on in Oakland County.  Criminals are actually getting away with murder and suddenly they want to get a conscience.

This blog had a virus at one time, and I think that was because they want me to stop telling people about the prostitution and to stop.  I might have one right now, and maybe you have one now for reading this.  It's not because I'm lying. They want me to stop, after all I've been through.  Maybe I will be forced to move to Japan or China to be safe from my own government.  I know that I don't want to die over a bunch of money hungry people who can't seem to respect the position that the people put them in.

Kumar stopped the conversation about them for about two weeks, but not forever.  That family will be more angry and victimized after the trial.  What do you do, when you have unethical people who are in charge?  Where do you go to find the answers.  Obviously, from the news reports not your government.  I wrote and called the FBI, complained to the US Department of Justice and all I get is a virus.  Who can win in America, but the ones with all the money and all the power.  Shaking my head!