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Christopher Berak |
At this point, I just want to know where our government is. I mean, I am censored on Facebook. I can not post my blog on any post on that social media network. If my blog appears, they have people that immediately report it. Then Facebook claims that it goes against their "Community Standards". They claim that I'm making erroneous claims about someone. Namely doctors that have sex with their patients and Chief of Police that launder money and pimp inmates. Let me say that I have never been sued. I've been asked by Walsh College to take down my blog about their fake PhD's and professors that lack the credentials to teach. I am no longer a student at Walsh, and I reverted that post back to the internet. I make various judgements that I use the terms, "In my opinion". It seems that my opinion is pretty spot on. I've created over 250 blogs over the last 10-years, and I have never been told that I was lying. These are my experiences, and I have a right to tell my story the way I see it. This is based on my life and the things that I have been through and things that have been done to me. I have every right to voice my opinion and more importantly, tell my story.
Oakland County Jail is a great big whorehouse. I have said this over and over, again, since 2013. I was released from there, after being acquitted of an "Aggravated Stalking" case. The then Chief of Police, said that I was stalking him, because I took him some soup. We had been friends in the past and had dinner and he had brought me flowers. The 30th anniversary of that was this weekend, Sweetest Day. He denied all that and brought me up on a charge and I went to jail. After not being able to secure a tether. The tether people, who are also pimps, took my mother last $100 on an old bill. While in jail, I discovered that the deputies were running a prostitution ring out the jail's clinic. They also had sex parties in the jails gym. Women also left the jail for days and were sold out of various establishments. I have no idea where these establishment are. I have never been to one. I have rather large lips, and the men and women choose you based on your mugshot. I obviously had a popular mugshot, because they came down on me hard with their "Brides of Dracula". I was sleep deprived, cursed out by people I did not know, deprived of a decent meal and targeted in general. I couldn't get a break. It was literally torture.
When Mr. Beane opened the cell doors of those "Brides" and they all came out to play, I laid on my bunk and slept. There was nothing about those women I admired or coveted. My body is a temple and not a tool, but it was frustrating as hell. To be targeted, denied the pleasure to take a shower, use the phone or get exercise was worse. To see the women that kept you up all night with their antics, get up and stay out all morning. When you have been denied your time, because you didn't just sit back and take their abuse, is so hard. It's enough to make you hate them and your captures. As drug addicts they stayed up all night, anyway. Remember, I was acquitted and it was found out that I really hadn't did anything wrong. So, I'm in jail for something I didn't do, plus I'm being tortured by men and women that just want to use me. When I first got there, Christmas time was over. That starts from late-August and early-September, and that's to get up the deputies Christmas money. Around late-March and early-April, begins the summer money. These people have extensive social lives, children that demand name brand clothing and new cars. Plus, college tuition, their drug habits and their children's habit. Now, they sell women all the time, don't get me wrong, but these are the times that the police drag all their "regulars" and more popular inmates into the jail. For those regulars it's cool, because in September, it's getting cold. Their little charges larceny, shoplifting and prostitution are petty crimes. Some of them have 50 misdemeanors that get them 90 days. You only do 75 days on a 90-day sentence. So when you count that two and a half months, that takes you right into Christmas.
This can be frustrating to an inmate. It was frustrating to me, and I wasn't even prostituting. By the time I found out, it was summertime cycle. I guess they wanted me to know, because they wanted me to join in. I had been there for over four months and I'm sure that they needed my participation. I had probably been chosen as a "date" several times by then. One of their "frustrated" and "regulars" called me to her door one day and said, "Alder wants you so bad...!" I walked away and said something like, "And people in hell want ice water." That's how it works people, the women involved recruit the new women. They sit around you and tell you that you will get a million years in prison. Your court-appointed-lawyer does t0o, because they are also in on the game. Then there is the mental torture that includes sleep deprivation. They sat someone I know next to a man that let out the stinkiest farts you can imagine. A taser was put in my face, after the deputies lied and said that I was the highest security level in the entire jail. Pulled me out of my cell with 15 other deputies around me, while I was in handcuffs. It's enough to drive you crazy, but I have a strong mind. The State has declared me Insane" three times. They even gave me a "Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity" pleas once. The way the jail treated me, they don't think I'm crazy, because if they did, why do they put so much emphasis on me and what I have to say? The whole world should be able to see it. You're reading this, do you think I'm crazy? If so stop reading now!!!
Christopher Berak is just a child in my eyes. Kids grow up in the burbs, or rural parts of the State and get hooked on drugs. To feed their addiction, they start stealing. They steal and get caught and end up in the Oakland County Jail. Sure, you know that you have to have some homosexual sex, but even that is sketchy, because the deputies force you into that. You are put in a cell with a man that harasses you for sex and they walk pass and act like they don't see or hear a thing. They are demented homosexual themselves and want no part of you and uncooperative self. Do it, and life will get easier for you. You do and it does and you learn to like it. But then they want you to have sex with other people for money. So, you either give or receive, and this boy has a baby-face, and I'm sure he received. That is a torture of a whole other kind. On your knees or from behind, it gets to be too much. It's enough to make you hate them. I know I hated them, and they will tell stories of me yelling at them out my door for six-hours. My girl, Jess, came to my door to say she timed me, and it was about six and a half hours. When I got home, to relieve my stress, I wrote all those blogs under 2013. That's all about my stay at the Oakland County Jail. Not everyone can channel their energy that way. Some people just get mad and frustrated. When you have a bunch of deputies chasing you, it's all you can do is think about the last time you let a man put his penis in your mouth. Sure, you got a lighter sentence, but what about the stink of the jail, your treatment and everyone you gotta face when you get out. How deeply you have changed and hearing your mother saying, "he doesn't seem the same". And you knowing in your heart she's right. It's not the drugs or the crimes, it's the shame.
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Tucker Cipriano |
Judge Bowman is one of the judges they have blackmailed or threatened into assisting in their scheme. Any judge worth their weight doesn't become a judge to set guilty people free, because things like this can happen. I have a list of people that are dead, because Oakland County Jail set them free. That includes my brother's ex-girlfriend and the parents of Tucker Cipriano that was released early from OCJ. Berak looks similar to Cipriano. The men that frequent the jail's clinic has a particular type. Alder did, fair skin, dark hair and light eyes, blue or green. Cipriano got out and went to his family home and killed his mother and brother. His father is still recovering from his wounds. Now, this young man is facing life in prison. It is clear to me that he is a victim. It doesn't matter if it was Macomb or Oakland County, they both sell inmates. The attorney in my first case that railroaded me. Had me have bench trial, William Cataldo, was so good he is now lead prosecutor for Homicide in Macomb County. Disgraced Prosecutor, Eric Smith is now his boss. This syndicate covers the Tri-County Area, Macomb, Oakland and Wayne. You better believe it and they are putting all of us at risk, by allowing these people to go free. First, by letting them go without proper rehabilitation, then disgruntled and lastly thinking they can get away with murder. They have even put their own at risk, because there was another deputy injured, before Overall that is still recovering. I bet anything that young man had been in trouble before, too.
So, Facebook has decided to promote the GOP, regardless of their truthfulness or not. They censor me from telling about this. Two things that can put the public at large at risk, but I have no power to break apart Facebook, and therefore I'm censored. People are dying and families are being irreparably harmed by the actions of these law enforcement men and women. If you have anyone that is affected by crime or drugs in your family and/or friend think about it. Has there ever been a time that you thought, "I thought he/she was going to prison. Ain't this the gazillionth time they been to jail?" You know what I'm talking about. That family member that keeps getting out, doing something else and back at home in a couple of month? It is real and they are using our kids and the high school girls are already being targeted. Grown men that chase them and harass them, and I'm talking about men in police cars. It's all of them, too. I had a woman tell me that the suburban girls don't go to jail. Yes they do! These men have no sense of colorism, socialism, racism, classism or any other "ism". It's all about money and Troy, with all their office buildings is one of Oakland County's biggest culprits. White women are Trustees more than the Black women, but it is just different degrees of Whoredom. Believe me, no woman is exempt. My girl Lisa, was their only Asian for a long time. Sure you can point at Detroit, Pontiac and Warren, but you must not forget the Bloomfields, Troy and Novi. St. Clair Shore, Romeo, Sterling Heights, Livonia and East Pointe in Macomb. Wayne County includes so many that I can't signify them with just a few, but Dearborn, is number one, along with Inkster, Highland Park and Westland. But they all are involved, I'm trying to figure out why they are trying to get rid of Fout. He might be holding something up or a little too greedy. I don't know, but it's never about social standards and it's all about money!
This young man is mentally ill and his life is worth saving. That can only happen by reforming the mental health system in Michigan. I don't know if his mind broke, due to the drugs or mental torture or both. One thing I believe is true, he is a victim of a corrupt system. They gave me a "Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity". I have never said I am God! Sonja Overall wants to lock this child up and throw away the key? The police don't like the police and will try to destroy the life of another cop, easily. Those that live through the torture of the crooked cops are a special kind of cop. Eric Overall is a victim of their lackluster love for one another, and I hope that one day the law enforcement of America has the courage to bring these men down. Men and women that have vowed to "Serve and Protect", but are a part of the erosion of America's society. Selah...
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