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Cameo |
I have to start with Pontiac's Concert Series last weekend. It was amazing! Some of the seats were left empty, but I think that is for a lack of motivation than anything. The people in Pontiac, have lacked a place to go and have fun for so long. They didn't get up to get out. Usually, this would be far from a my mind. The Puerto Rican Club, Mill Street, 4Brothers and even Griff's Griller, are all gone! Quincy Stewart got up tonight and gave a stellar review of the happenings in Pontiac. We have lost all of our places to hang-out. Have a drink, meet up with friends from our past. We all have lived here together all our lives. We need a place to reminisce and be friends. When people have left come back, we need a place to go and know that we will see people from old, because they are there, every Friday night. It is crucial to a city like Pontiac.
His buddy and like-partner Kenny Anderson got up and blessed us with a word about changing how we think. If we change our minds, we can change our lives. That is what the children and adults in Pontiac need to hear. Our minds are powerful and if we could just look at things a differently way, maybe we could grow out of obscurity and into a better life. It was powerful. I've seen Kenny at CNS and I know he knows what he is talking about. Mental illness is a chemical imbalance. People with schizophrenia or bi-polar disorder will always have that disease. A person with a personality-disorder or histrionics does not have to keep in that steed. With therapy and medication, they can move out of that way of thinking. It is something to think about, because if we change our focus, life could be so much better. I thought that I would never say this, but, good talk gentlemen.
There was talk about allocating money from money rolled-over from the council's budget. Attorney Sharp, speaking for the Council want to build a memorial for Don Woodward, the Councilman that died a couple of weeks ago. He was a good man, but no Christopher Brown. People who aren't from here, shouldn't be able to express sentiment on things like that...I think. He worked in the district he lived in, but was really too sick to make a difference. I don't want to discount his life, just effect he had on the city as a whole. Gloria Miller, Councilperson of District #5, does not like the idea of giving the Mayor and her administration a dime. She wants a $24K pavillion in one of her parks. She claims that the Mayor won't give it to her, because she doesn't like her. I wonder if she did a report to show the Mayor why a pavillon is a good idea. How the costs compares to other cities that have done the same. She said her people came to Mayor Waterman, but did they bring a thorough proposal. I can recall going to the late-great Pastor Solomon Smith for a few hundred dollars for Girl Scouts. He said that he needed some paperwork, because he needed to show the people of his congregation where their money was going. It's the same with the city. Plus, you have to be willing and able to work with the city. She keeps trying to make it seem that the Mayor is so hard to work with, but Councilman Pro-Tem Carter is not her friend.
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The Carters |
He and his wife Representative Brenda Carter play dirty. I went to one of their events this summer in Keego Harbor. There was a woman there who did not like Miller's politics. In fact, she said that she wasn't against the bicycle lanes on Perry. I asked her, "Tell me how you feel about the bike lanes?" She ignored me, and towards the end of the discussion I asked again. She told me, "I can't say that I'm against the bike lanes. People ride their bikes in the street and people can get hurt. I don't see a problem [paraphrasing]" I looked at her and was astonished. Why would a woman that was against Miller's politics be at a Randy Carter meeting? When I can see that Miller trust him, completely. People usually don't show up at an event if they are against a person's politics. This woman did not like Gloria Miller at all. So, like I said, she's getting played by Carter and President Kermit Williams. I have to say that, because my cousin says this is all my opinion. "In order to get something good, you have to be good". Coming into the Council Meetings every week and attacking the Mayor will get you nothing. Then you sit up there with Randy Carter and hold his hand? That man is a snake. He is stabbing you in your back every day. You won't listen to me, but he think he got me. It's playing out just as plan. Gloria Miller, if you want anything for your people, you need to let go of Carter's hand, because he's leading you into deep water. When your out far enough to drown, he's going to let go. Trust me...
Doris Taylor-Burks opened her mouth and should have closed it, quickly. She is also complaining about her parks. She actually sat at a council meeting and said she has crackheads and drunks in her park. The difference between her and Mary Petilia is that Mary, as messy as she is, would call the police and stop people from smoking crack and drinking in her parks. She has a relationship with the police to try and get things done. The way she got on the Council was that she tried to get prostitutes off her street. One who was having sex with a Pontiac Police Officer, while he was on patrol. I know now that is true. What is Doris Taylor-Burks doing about her parks. Does she think she can just regulate people to do the work, while she leads. City Council Members work for the people. She is another one that doesn't like the Mayor. How will she ever get things done for her people. When you have a judge that wants a Defendant to go to jail, there is nothing you can do. She will give negative action every time. Over-rule every one of your objections. You can't get any where, but your client in jail. We saw it with Geoffrey Fieger and that guy that killed the cop that was doing him a favor and taking him home. Fox2 did a montage of the dozens of times Rae Lee Chabot said, "Move on Mr. Fieger". That young man went to prison for LIFE, the letters not the numbers. Nothing Fieger could say or do, would change Rae Lee Chabot's mind. Judges love cops and you are hard press to find one that doesn't. That's our Mayor, she's the judge Miller and Taylor-Burks can't get anything if she don't want it!
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Councilperson Doris Taylor-Burks |
If Taylor-Burks and Miller can't get anything done in their districts, their people should elect someone that can work with the Mayor to get things done. Kermit Williams in all his glory, gave a speech about the crime in Pontiac. I feel that the police is the biggest instigators of murder and mayhem in this city. I can recall an argument with a cop I had on Facebook. This man was dogging the people of Pontiac. He said they were just no good. They didn't value anything, not their property, children or their own lives in general. We didn't have any murders in the city, none! A few weeks later we had our first. Then there was violence in the streets. Look it up, it all started happening all at once. As soon as he slammed the city on Facebook. Believe me, I know how the police and Kermit Williams work. They have done everything to ruin my reputation. I have people coming up to me, giving me hugs and telling me, "I know you..." I was just shocked, because they are really going around spreading rumors about me. They obviously don't know who they are talking in front of, because people do know me and I am far from a stalker, thief or reveller. For an entire year of my life, I have stayed in my house and minded my own business on a lie. When I came home and found out that Eric Teasley was dead, I knew it was the police. They have tricks that they do and get people to be jealous of other people. Make them believe that someone is "on" more than they are. Mind games, and it is tricks they play with weak minds.
I remember going to McDonalds, and hearing the girl in the back making the sandwiches saying, "Watch me show this 'b-i-t...'" I wondered if she was talking about me. I knew she was when I got home and all my food was half-done. I don't feel comfortable eating fast-food at all. They know my car. The police have gone around and shown my picture to people. I am "Public Enemy Number One". That's why I stay in my house. People have been told things about me that just aren't true. People have this opinion of me that has been contrived by Oakland County Sheriff's Department that makes me some kind of "Big Shot" that like White men and don't like Black people. Then there are people that just think that I am low. Too low to have anything special. People can feed off other people's insecurities and create some horrible situation. The devil lives in chaos. He breeds his nymphs in chaos and infighting. If you can just keep the people apart that you are trying to manipulate. They can't find out that you've been lying to both parties. Everything to get them fighting. That way, you can have your way. I've lived with the two masters of that all my life. Our house was always in turmoil, because that's the way they kept control of everyone. C.S. Lewis, one of the great theological minds there ever was, wrote about it. He wrote about the devil and his tactics in the "Screwtape Letters". It is very similar to Willie Lynch's rules about slaves. Remember, before White people enslaved us, they kept each other down. Same games, just different people. The rich do it to poor Blacks and Whites, today. Even the working-class is divided. As soon as the White people got a job at GM they moved to Waterford and Auburn Hills and other suburbs. They wanted to be different from us, when in reality, they all just worked in the plant. Somehow, they had to be better than us. So, they moved..."Divide and Conquer" that's always been the game!
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Kone Bowman |
Then they read the names of the people looking to replace Councilman Woodward. Of course, Kone Bowman was on the list. I told y'all that's why his wife was at my mental health session trying to get dirt on me. I am a preacher and a real one. Every single thing that I have been through, I will share, because I know that there is a lesson in it for me and others. I remember when I was on my way to prison. I had no idea that when I left there that I would come out, Chief Val Gross would lie on me and I would spend another four-years in jail. I had no idea. They all knew what was coming my way. I stood in a City Council Meeting and spewed like fire, "I will not be afraid of my destiny, Paul spent most of his ministry in prison!" I hadn't been there, but that was a prophetic word. The look on Kone Bowman was shock, amazement and fright. He claimed to be a preacher and the preacher in him saw the Spirit move in that place when I said those words. Now, he wants to get into the marijuana game, I assume, because Council is going to pick Woodwards replacement. Is it too late to put it on the ballot as a "Special Election"? The people of District #2, should have complete control of the matter. Woodward was elected and not appointed. Councilperson Petilia suggested they did it the way they always did it, but that didn't give Council full control. Williams and Carter want Bowman, because they want that marijuana money. The heck with what the people want. With Bowman on the Council, there will nearly unanimous vote. Petilia is mad at all of them, and they won't get her vote, but they don't need it.
The people can only act on Election Day. We can't change a thing at this point, unless the State of Federal government steps into the situation. The Mayor has done everything she can to stop them from robbing the city blind. With the Clerk's help, I don't think that they can stop any of them from being re-elected. Especially, with everyone being able to vote absentee. If Southfield's City Clerk is any example of corruption, the dirt is in those absentee votes that the elections are won and lost. I know Councilperson Patrice Waterman won her election by only 45-votes. So, 198 can go a long way in a city like Pontiac.District #2, if you are listening, put it to a vote. Don't let City Council pick you Councilperson, there is a trick in the game!
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Garlin Doyle Pontiac City Clerk |
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