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Trump's Gotcha Moment America has been had; Biggly |
Remember when Bill Clinton was lying about Monica Lewinsky? Everyone in America only knew that he had some questionable incidents in the past with various women. I just saw a picture of Clinton and his wife, Hillary ex-Secretary of State with a woman that I saw him flirt with at a dedication of some sort. When President William Jefferson Clinton said in a news conference, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." I didn't believe him, but it came out that they were never supposed to have had intercourse. She would give him oral sex and masturbate in front of him with objects. Namely, a cigar that took the place of his penis and therefore didn't count. She says that's not true, they had sex and she has the dress to prove it. "Ya-da-da-ya-da..." Well, it didn't count in his eyes, but Hillary has eyes of a different kind. She was pissed and rightly so. He got off the impeachment, Hillary forgave him and America forgave him and we moved on. But here's the thing, we knew Bill was a perv. He had all these other women telling tales about extra-marital affairs and sexual abuse. Paula Jones and Jennifer Flowers. It was really no real surprise when Billy got caught with pants down in the Oval Office, because we know that he didn't just sit there and watch.
You can see that they are more than friends. See the looks she gives?
Now, we have a man of the same type in the White House. Not really a sexual deviant in office, at least not yet. Trump is a con man of sorts. He makes people believe things that really aren't true. He can talk the "sweet off sugar". He gave a whole bunch of people in the trenches in America that needed hope, a whole sh*t load of hope. They were racist and felt that Obama was working for the Blacks and had left them dry. They were mostly people from rural cities that had lost income due to factories and plants closing in their towns. People that worked for General Motors (GM) that were disenfranchised by the greed of the company. GM closed plants all over the Midwest, I know cities in Michigan lost a lot of jobs and people were living on welfare for over 20-years. Pontiac lost about four. Mike Moore did a movie about it called "Roger and Me" in 1989. That was way before Obama. Started with the first Bush, into Clinton, it lasted through the other Bush, and then Obama. It really is being felt, today. Americans don't get the luxury of having a third grade education and making a whole bunch of money, anymore. People need to get educated. To a slickster like Trump, he can convince people they can go back to a place were technology was slim and we lived well. I think that's what he means by making America great again. We all know that you can't go back and unlearn what you've learned. Technology is here and it keeps moving us forward. People won't be needed to build machine, anymore. Machines will need people to build them, control them and repair them. That's the new union and that's the new America. There is no going back!
America has moved passed all the things that seemed virtually free. There was a time that Americans went West and squatted on a piece of land that would eventually become theirs. Blacks didn't go in my opinion, because they were free here, and why take a chance on being a slave again, when you were already free. Most of those states, weren't decided "free" or "slave" yet. You could go, get a piece of land and be a slave the next day! Who wants to take that kind of risk? So, States like Montana, Oregon, Washington State and Wyoming were settled by the poor Whites that were fleeing free states. They didn't want to deal with Black folks and fled to land that was free and plentiful and free! Those states are still predominantly White and prejudice. Boeing, the airplane company, are still facing class-action civil suits by African-Americans. They started in Seattle, Washington. They wouldn't allow the Black people running from Jim Crow to even work in their plants. When they did, they wouldn't allow them to join the union. America being great is based solely on racism. It was great when Black people were at a disadvantage. We are still at a disadvantage, but we can grow better, if we play by the rules. The same standards that Whites set for themselves, but make it harder for us to achieve. Redling is real, gentrification is real, the rent in my community is too high and people are living to die, and not dying to live. My sisters are selling themselves for car payments, rent and groceries. Drugs are still prevalent in my city, but my people have safeguards to survive, just like the roach they found in the Arctic. Trump don't care, however, he bought his wife. He invites a few pastors and HBCU Presidents for lunch and he thinks he got us.
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Trump and Black Pastors |
I'm not impressed, until I see a change in my surroundings. Money is being cut and he is cutting it. Playing that "hide and seek" game. He is hiding his hand, while America suffers. He can't even get involved with the UAW's strike against GM, because he's too busy dodging his own troubles. A con man will always mind his own business, because he don't want you minding his. He's going to let them settle that. The GM strike is causing a lot of families harm. They have no income and they have bills. Big bills, and hope they saved for a "rainy day", because it's about to rain, biggly. Many people feel the strikers are right, but right has never been the issue in a war. It's what your opponent feels is right that is the issue. If he is bigger and stronger than you, you could be fighting a losing battle. The President of the UAW asked the people to hold on. I wonder if he has enough money to feed their kids? I don't think anyone is even paying attention to the longest running strikes in decades. Everybody is looking at Trump. What he is doing? What he is saying? Who he is hanging out with? Somebody needs to take a look back at the unions and GM doing good by those people and those people doing right GM. That is money that is not being spent in our economy at this point. The wheel needs to keep on turning.
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Omarosa Manigault Newman From Trump's Shadow |
We know what Trump is. He is a racist. I saw it on the first season of "The Apprentice" in how he treated Kwame, and I wrote Mark Burnette and told him. That was 2002 and before he became President. Trump used Omarosa to sabotage Kwame's final project. Like Whites do a lot with Black people. Find a good "Tom" that is willing to do anything to bolster their own status. Kwame was a much better businessman than Bill Rancic. She was also used to rally the Black leaders to Trump's side. He used the same tactics that have been used forever. Omarosa got a taste of who she really is in Trump's world, when she was fired and kicked out of the White House. We don't want her back! She has quietly slipped out of the scene. Gary Owen can have her spot. He was already offered Stacey Dash's spot. I hope this one sticks! Trump put her in her place, most likely by a secret he got on her, and she had done so much that the Black Community wouldn't help her. She thought that she was going to turn on him and we would take her back. No, no, missy, you can take a seat over there with Stacy Dash. He has used so many people, and then they realize what they are involved in and walk away. Many of them probably say, "I didn't sign up for this." They were ruining their good name. Now, he is seen in a picture with the one of the two men indicted this week for ties with Giuliani. Remember, we know who we are dealing with. He is a womanizer, con man and crook. We know all this and a racist. He comes from a long line of them. What we have to do now, is get the nerve to stand up to his games. They stood up to Kwame Kilpatrick and gave him 38-years. Where Trump's at?
There are men that sit in a room and scour the internet all day. They are the people that find old racist tweets and Facebook post to prove that you didn't always feel the way you do now. We now know that there men are Giuliani's friends, but Trumps. Not only that, they think the world of him. What do you think landing the Presidency did for their admiration for him? Do you think they'll tell the story. We know that Trump is using the US as a bargaining chip to secure business deals overseas. That's why he wants the Biden's investigated. "You only see in others what you see in yourself". He sees America as a way to get richer. Those financial reports will show how rich he really is, and how he avoids paying taxes. He wants foreign business people to think Ivanka is in some big position in the US government, and that way, she can be in on deals concerning the Trump dynasty. If they people believe that she is close to him, they will believe that she can get things done in the US and provide them with favors. We know she can't, but "checks and balances" haven't been working lately. He is breaking all the rules and we have got to make it stop! I don't know if it's going to be an impeachment or a full-fledge look at his business deals, his sons business deals and those of his son-in-law, but the plan is clear. We know from the past that making it clear to his followers isn't enough. That's why Congress must act, now! He's going to pillage this country and have other gangsters like Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan a chance at influence the inner-workings of Americans way of life and politics.
It seems that the Turkish President is also a crook and has gone rogue. Men like Putin don't feel that peace is good for business. Trump is using the American military to help these men win over territories that do not belong to them and are helpless and torn by the fighting. Seeing those women with their children walking those dusty roads breaks my heart. The pictures from Syria are devastating to the heart. I've seen less off it over the year, thanks to American influence. Children are the worse casualties of war. Yes, we do have hungry and underprivileged children in America, but if we would just let someone know, those children would not go hungry or homeless long. We are America and we care. I pray for those women and their children as they walk alongside guns and death. I feel that America is suffering when we allow others to suffer. My people suffered enough. I want one America to open their hearts to these people like they did the Irish, Italians, Germans and Dutch before them. I pray that they do the Syrians better than they did them. Amen
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