Saturday, January 20, 2018

Mr. Postman...

Image result for us postal truck
US Postal Truck
Well, my mailman hates me. I mean, we've had the same mailman for about 15 years now. He's a skinny little crackhead looking man that wears glasses and sorta pimps when he walks, but he don't like me. About two years ago, our landlord got a letter from the post office saying that we would have to put our mailboxes outside our covered porch. Mail carriers don't have to come on our porch to deliver our mail. We had lived here then about 29 years. Our landlord had been living here for about 50, and postal workers wo deelivered the mail, came on the porch and put it in the appropriate boxes. Sometimes, we would get a relief worker, who didn't subcribe to that, and would open the screen door and put it inside the door. My mother would be really pissed, but she would simply sort it, and put our landlord's mail in his box and bring ours on up the stairs.

I went out one day, while he was delivering our mail and asked why he's doing this. He claimed that we had been calling and complaining about his mail service, and he had to do something to even the score. If we were going to call and complain about him, he would no longer bring the mail on the porch. As a part of his job description, he doesn't have to come on any ones porch, and deliver mail. Just like he doesn't have to deliver mail when your walk isn't shoveled. Something about safety risks. I apologized and explained that no one from our house had complained about him. There is our landlord, but he would never do anything like that unless it was really serious. He said that he knew the complaints had come from us.

I didn't know how he knew that, when no one in our household had complained about him. My landlord got the new boxes and put them outside our door, and it was a great inconvience, but what could we do? Even if the situation had been that they came on the porch for 50 years, the post office said that he had the right to change that at any time. He did, and we've been living with it ever since. In the winter, I try to get the mail out the box, because you can't just open the screen door and reach out and retrive the mail. You have to step outside and get it, by going around the door. He is so nasty and beligirent to my mother. He never says a word to me, because we would probably get into a fist fight. He has said some horrible things to my mother or talks to her with a demeaning tone. So, even if he comes when I'm getting in my car, I never say a word. Even when he doesn't close the gate.

But I notice the way he deals with the drug dealer across the street and his children. They don't think I know that he's a drug dealer. Furthermore, I don't think they know that I know the mailman can deliver drugs through the mail. If that is what's going on, then I understand the turmoil completely. Not only with the US Postal Service, but UPS and FedEx, too. I guess he doesn't know that my brother and father were involved in drugs in Pontiac. You can't be involved with drug people all your life and not understand what's going on. The players may change, but the game stays the same. Sending drugs through the mail is risky, but 100% doable, if you have the postal service on both ends covered. Cause those people who work at the post office are suspect, too. A woman I know, who worked at Sears got a job at one, when she left Sears.
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UPS Truck

Carrying drugs as a mailman isn't hard, because you're a federal worker, and not subject to local, county or state rules. In fact, your almost untouchable. Except, where your supervisors and federal rules apply. I can recall, this same mail man having a supervisor coming to check on his delivery of the mail, and once being aided in physical delivering the mail by someone from the post office. As I rode past them, he looked into my car with the nastiest look imaginable. I thought to mysel, "This man thinks I have something to do with this!" But why would he think that? My mother and I don't call the post office about him. One day, I told him that he was putting the wrong mail in the boxes. He turned around and said, "Well, you can call the post office about that, too"!  I exclaimed with a chuckle, "What?" But he only repeated himself, "You can call and complain about that. I know you been calling the post office about me."

No matter what I said, this man would not believe me. Our relationship with our mail-carrier is the pits. Lately, he's been leaving the boxes open during the rain and snow. I got my Essence magazine and it was half soaked. I had to wait for it to dry, in order to read it. The post office would send other carriers to our area, when our regular mailman was off, and they did the same type of stuff. I guess he had told them about us. But we have never called the post office on him. We did call on a carrier that wasn't him, because our mail was left on the floor, wet and tore up. He felt he had to tell us about that too. He ended his smart remarks with, "And that wasn't even me!" I told him, I don't care who it was. We don't want our mail delivered like that, anymore. So, he's been thoroughly brainwashed against our address.

But I've witenessed him hand deliver mail to others, coming out of residents homes, like he had just been fed and had tea. Yet, he walks up to our door with an attitude, leaves the gate open and doesn't bother to put the lid down on the box. He's a drug pushing mailman, who has been turned against us by the police, in order to keep his drug dealing a secret. I don't know why they didn't think I'd figure it out. While working at Sears, a cess pool for illegal activities, FedEx guys worked there as a second job. Not for the paycheck, but to steal. There are no drug sniffing dogs or X-ray machines with any of these organizations, unless there is a problem. All you need is a person at point A and point B to send and recieve the package, and a carrier to make sure it gets where it needs to be. It's just that simple.

Besides, it could be shipped as anything. I just saw kilos of cocaine being shipped as pineapples. But Mr. Postman is a trip. He really could care less about us or our mail. He treats the dope dealers in the neighborhood with courtesy and respect. Yes, I do know who the drug dealers are, and I bearly leave my house. But it's not that hard when you know what to look out for. In Pontiac, since the OCSD has taken over the Pontiac Police has to hide their drugs, because OCSD may want a cut. Or the other scenario is that this is how the OCSD gets their drugs into more rural areas. Either way, the postal service drug dealing is old and tired. Nothing new to me. What we need is a new postal worker to take over his route. They'd probably be brainwashed, too.

Adding to the list of people trying to run me off the road, FedEx and UPS trucks. They know what I bought for Christmas and from whom. I bought three pairs of UGG's from Nordstram Rack, and when I walk into certain places like Walmart, the workers look at my feet. So, if you are into it with the police, and your mail is late. That happens to me all the time. I always sign up for email notifications, because there is a chance I won't get my mail. So, go paperless on everything. Your packages arrive late or not at all. The crookedness, also control the post office, FedEx and UPS. It only makes sense...

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FedEx truck

Lately, I've been seeing a number of these mini-trucks in Oakland County. What are they, because they aren't marked with any logo or company name.

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Mysterious mini white vans

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