Friday, January 12, 2018


Image result for pervert face meme with a beard

I wondered why Dr. Z had lied on me. I hadn't done anything to him. I was friendly, courteous and cooperative. It took me two years to understand why he had lied on me, and it was simple. Community Network Services was also engaging in prostitution and sexual exploitation. Women were having sex for money, as well as having sex with drivers, case managers and security guards. I know now that mental institutions are breeding grounds for sexual activity. It's not just patients have sex with staff, but having sex with one another. Before Clinton Valley closed in Pontiac, patients claimed to have access to tunnels under the hospital where they would meet, have sex and use drugs. People who suffer from bi-polar disorder have a heightened sexual drive during a manic phase. Workers at the hospital took advantage of that and so did other patients.

Before I bought my car, I would get a ride to CNS. A man named Ken would come pick me up. He explained to me once that he had worked as a social worker for a mental institution, after leaving his job as a layman. He said he had started off as a volunteer and began working there after a while. He kept saying, "So, I know how it goes". I sat in the back seat, because he refused me the front seat and listened, while I pretended to look out the window. All I could think was that he was making a pass at me the way perverted people who like to to have sex with the mentally ill do. I didn't ask any questions or comment on anything he said. He kept driving and talking and I kept looking out the window at the cars as they went pass.

When my appointment was over, he was taking me and two other consumers home. There was a woman going with us, who seemed a little excited to see Ken. When she went to get in the back seat, he called her by her first name and told her to sit up front with him. I was insulted, he had told me to sit in the back. But then, he told her that he would be taking her home first. The look on her face, was disappointed, but red lights were going off in my mind. In less than a minute, he had pitted me and that woman against one another. I was angry, but I wasn't, that he let her sit in the front seat, after he told me that I couldn't sit there. If he and this woman had ever had sexual contact, which I'm convinced they had. He had taken her home last, and she was thinking that I was going home last and having some kind of sexual contact with him.

Reluctantly, she got out the car first. He told her that he might be back to take her to the clubhouse later, when she got on her porch. She turned around with a grin on her face and said, "Okay!" I knew the reason she was disappointed was that Ken probably gave her drugs for sexual favors. I once heard that it was rare to find a mental patient who was retarded, but I've found that not to be true. Many of the people I met in mental institutions had the mental capacity of an eight year old. Playing two of them against each other would be easy, because they think like children and jealousy is high on their list of personality flaws. Working with the mentally ill as long as he had, Ken seemed to be an expert. I got out the van and went in the house.

Image result for a neurotic  black woman
A guy from Pontiac, named Mike, works at CNS. Those van rides aren't regular van rides I suspect. I think that they drive patients to see sexual customers from CNS. There was a woman named Kim who used to come and pick me up. She would take me places other than straight home. Altronyse Cunningham, who they call Niecy and who I call "Pookie", was disenchanted with that. I thought it was because she had did it for me. But how would she know? Either we were being followed, or there was another reason she didn't like Kim. It wasn't impossible that we were being followed. But Kim was a strong personality, and wouldn't take Niecy's orders. On top of the idea that she was cool with me. Niecy and I have a past that includes her sleeping with four of my ex-boyfriends. When I told my case manager about it, she tried to down grade me and say she would never tell her business like that.

Well, I didn't do anything to be ashamed of. She was the one having sex with men, simply because I had sex with them. A few of them, I didn't have sex with at all. She would flirt with and act as if she was having sex with the security guards at CNS, too. Or call herself telling them about me, before I got there. Many women of my stature have had at least one, "Pookie" in their life time. A woman so obsessed, they lower their own standards to prove they are better or equal to you. She's mine, and I'm telling you she is still obsessed 25 years later. All I can say is, she works in the right place and has more in common with the clients than she thinks. When Mike began to show me some attention, she of course became anxious. It seemed that Mike wasn't interested in her.

Besides, it wouldn't suit her purpose to have sex with him herself. He worked at CNS, and it would serve her purpose more, if she got one of her "girls", a patient, to have sex with him. That had happened in between appointments. What she couldn't control with Kim, she had full control of with Mike. Men have a weakness for women and Mike is no different. Suddenly, Kim was doing everything wrong. Running off without clients, showing up late and forgetting appointments. If you control the patients, these things could be made up or over-exaggerated. My next visit, Kim was driving a big van, and doing something else and Mike had taken over as the new driver in Pontiac. He no longer spent 10 minutes talking about how my life was going, gave me a swift "hello', and kept it moving. A patient, a woman, walked away from the desk, where she had been talking to "Pookie" and yelled at him to get a move on. He quickened his step and "Pookie" snickered. I just shook my head.

Image result for Black woman yelling at someone"Pookie" called herself running the Pontiac Office with her deceitful ways. Hold back their mail and faxes. Forgetting important calls or transferring calls straight to voicemail and making the case managers job difficult. Taking care of the clients is their most important priority. A missed phone call, a missed placed fax or mail could be detrimental to their success. A case manager spoke to me one day, and the next time I came in she handed her a letter. The woman asked her when did the letter come. She said, "Oh, a couple of days ago. I forgot to give it to you." The woman took the letter and open it right then and began to read it. "Pookie..."

She also listens to all my sessions with the nurse practitioner, case manger and whomever. I discovered at the Forensic Center that they listen to everything. Even if they lie and say they only have cameras that show visual and not audio. They don't have to tell us the truth. Who cares anyway. It's easy for it to be "Pookie's" job to look after me, she's been obsessed for years. She does a good and thorough job, but she's not as good as I am. She's not smarter, either. People like her thrive in places like mental institutions, because for once they have access to people who are either their equal or beneath their intelligence level enough so they can control and manipulate the situation. She has them try and harass me, and creates scenarios to make me jealous and divert the focus from her to other people. She treats them really badly, too. Not just the way she manipulates them, but how she talks to them and degrades them in their conversations.

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