Friday, August 28, 2020


 So, there is this deputy that married above her rank. She hangs out at the Executive Offices when I come with my complaints. She literally thinks she runs the Annex, and it seems now she's gotten out the Annex and is on patrol. There are so many deputies that get zero accolades, no matter what they do, and how hard they work. Pimps are always promoted over everyone else. That way they can keep making their money. When you go out on patrol, it becomes your job to bring the prostitutes into the jail. Biasee, I call her "The Skunk Lady". She dyes her hair platinum blonde and the back just at her nape black. Similar to Cruella DeVille. She's no more than a ten and a nice ten with some hips and some booty. The women that like other women, call her name when she would come in the pod. She was well acquainted with the ways of the jail. The women can get an inmate and take care of them, too. Leveski, Lesseski and who is now married and is someone else, liked Lisa ads would ask her if she, wanted bread sticks. Lisa would stop scream just long enough to say calmly, "Bread sticks? you have bread sticks?" Biasee came to my door with a roll of toilet paper. You see the women in OCJ are just as bad as the men. That was the time that I couldn't get a roll or a broom to clean my cell. Beane wagged his little hot dog penis at me, and Biasee comes wagging her tongue, with the "ass paper" in hand. I needed it, but instead of letting her in, I cussed her out! She was dumbfounded and "Nance" told her that's what I did and I didn't know how to cooperate. She went back to the Bubble and watched as I cussed out "Nance". Biasee is a ditsy broad. She's not a real cop, but a person that needed a good job and Oakland County is famous for giving White people good jobs. Whereas, a Black person can't work there with a degree. 

She thinks she's special, because who her husband is. Just like Deena Centafonti. In reality, she is no better than the Trustees living in the Trustee pod. They have sex with Sergeants ans Lieutenants, too. They just lie around all day watching television and waiting for "Hot Food" Biasee  works everyday. Due to her husbands position, she can move throughout the jail as she will. She probably makes her rounds in the Annex every so often. That way she can get the cat-calls and dog-whistles from the "regulars. We had a little misunderstanding once. She seemed to accept my explanation, but somehow she thought she was entitled to one, and she got one, before we got to the tunnels. She doesn't throw her weight around, it's just the facts and everybody just knows she's in control. I don't even know who her spouse is, but he is up there. zhe doesn't have to ever visit the Trustee pod with "Skunk Lady" around. If she is doing both men and women, she's a little freak. He probably can't keep up. This is what you deal with in OCJ, but I wasn't an employee ans didn't car who her husband is or was.

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