I am literally afraid. I write about people on my blog all the time. I have consciously stay away from the President's handling of this country. Dick Gregory, God rest his soul, while on Roland Martin's BET news program was sure. Black people in America had no business in what is about to go on in America. He said that it is not our business. I beg to differ at this point. Everyone should have a voice in our country and I want to exercise mine, today! When I read the complaint filed by the whistleblower that is now all over the internet. I am reminiscent of one of my favorite movies, ever, "The Godfather". Robert Duvall's character was Don Corleone's adopted son. He was not Italian, but Irish. He was a friend of Sonny's that he had brought home at 12. I might not be getting those facts right, but he was very loyal to the family. It was just like Sonny, who broke the rules and so emotional that he would have a friend. A friend who he loved so much that he would cause his father to make him his son. Tom Hagen was a lawyer that worked for his "father" in cases that involved legalities. He went out first to test the waters and gather intelligence that would help his father conduct business effectively. Once, Sonny even tried to question his position in the family. Tom reminded Sonny that his position in the family was solid and his father loved him just like him. Tom was better than Sonny and Sonny was blood.
I read over the complaint by the whistleblower and it was amazing. It played out just like one of the first scene of the Godfather. Tom goes out to Hollywood and asks a favor of a Hollywood director that is refusing to cast this guy Johnny Fontane in a movie. Johnny had stole his lead actress and girlfriend. He had "Blackballed" Johnny. Vito Corleone was Johnny's Godfather. The director cussed Tom and told him to go back and tell Don Corleone that he wasn't weak. Evoke the name of some guy he had muscled before, "I ain't no f***ing band leader!" and said he wasn't afraid. He had taken the Tom out to see his thorobred. This horse was his pride and joy. When he refuses, Tom wipes his mouth, gives friendly salutations and explains his father likes to hear bad news as soon as possible. Cut to the next scene that will go down in cinematic history. The producer wakes in the morning to something wet, he rolls down the cover and there is the horse-head in the bed with him. The first time I saw Godfather, I thought it was the woman that Johnny Fontane and took from him. I was pleasantly surprised to see the horse's head. I thought he would somehow get him wrapped up in a murder.
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Rudy Giuliani Trump's Personal Lawyer |
This person has no secrets. He has done nothing wrong in his life. He has no mistresses. He didn't pay for his children to get into Yale and probably doesn't have children. Children would be a liability. He is clean. That's Trump's biggest hold he has on people. He digs out all your dirt and uses it to make you fall in line. Like I have said before, "Scandal" is just American politics set in a 60-minute timeframe. There are dirty pictures in envelopes, drugs use in the Capitol and interns being "done" in caustic closets. PT Barnum has a famous line that my friend liked to say when he wanted more money, "There is a sucker born everyday and I'm going to spend looking looking for every one of them." Trump is sure that everyone has a secret and every man can be bought. As I look at his rise to power that is evidently true. Men with promising futures just got out of the game, like Paul Ryan. Some men just don't want to play Trumps game. At any point and time, he can call you for a favor based on some negative intel that may or may not be true. He quickly got men on his side that had said they despised him. Men like Paul Ryan, Mit Romney and John McCain are too beloved or charismatic or handsome for him to ever want really close to him. He has a deep insecurity that blocks him having any sound likeness to any man he feels is better than him. That includes looks, business sense and likability. America is being ran by some of the ugliest people in America when you think about it.
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Joseph McGuire Director of National Intelligence |
So, there was no "The View". Trump was persecuted in a whole new forum that didn't include Whoopi and Joy Behar. This "really nice man" they kept calling Director McGuire. He hasn't had his job very long, only six weeks. As soon as he gets the job, in comes this Whistleblower complaint. I had a friend that took a top spot for six months. The leader took a sabbatical and they gave the job to him for awhile. There were things that were looming that the Leader did not think that he should touch. Thing that were either racial, political or both. My friend and I talk as we were driving to dinner. He told me that there was this kid that was making a whole lot of money dealing drugs. His father was a big deal on the political scene and he'd taken a stress leave. Not because he was stressed, but because he needed a reason to be off work and deal drugs. He said that he knew that his case would be on his desk, and sure enough, it had been brought to him that day. The young man that is Black, got word of his impending doom and showed up at my friend door the next day. He said he had looked him in his face and he understood. He had to report to work the next day, or he no longer had a job. Just like when these men get these phony Personal Protection Orders (PPO) on me. It's always a visiting judge that has nothing to lose for railroading someone. They are temporary. America, meet your temporary Intelligence Director. The man that is going to do his best to save Trump and eventually be gone with the wind.
We already know what happened. James Comey, ex-Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, told us that. Trump called McGuire into a meeting and expressed his need for loyalty and discretion. He was called to protect the President at all cost. In reality, if he gave his loyalty to his Office, he is a Patriot. The President is the highest office in the land. To be dedicated, to serving Trump is the least any American citizen can swear to. Only, like Comey said, not at the expense of his good name and reputation as a leader. A leader of truth, loyalty to our country and to the American Way. There is no man worthy of degrading his name. I don't blame him. "What does it profit a man that he gains the whole world, but loses his soul?" (Mark: 36) This McGuire person, Director of Intelligence has some uber secrets, is getting paid a whole lot of money or both. One thing he is not doing is turning on Trump. He is loyal and dedicated to both Trump and the party. We have to first accept that. The Republican have tried to paint him as an innocent man that just walked into a bad situation. He will tell you that his record as a Naval Officer and Navy Seal is impeccable. I will tell you that he is no better than that little snake Rudy Giuliani and he is going to impede this investigation and impeachment process, until the end.
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James Comey Ex-Director of the FBI |
Let's look at what he has done in the last six-weeks. First, he went to everyone involved to ask questions. A Senator from Texas, Senator Demings, who was once an investigator for a police department made it clear. When doing an investigation, you never go to the person that is being investigated for the answers. If you have the complaint, before you, you go everywhere, but to the supposed perpetrator. If they are guilty, they will point you in the wrong direction. They'll send you on a "wild goose chase". What you do is gather the information needed to convict and ask him questions that you already know the answers to. As intelligence, he needs to watch an episode of "The First: 48". Those detectives know all about you, before you get in that little room. They have their cell phone numbers, mother's address, grandma's address and all his buddies. They've built their entire case. They are just trying to get the person to confess. That was his first deceptive practice. You don't tell a person they are under investigation, especially if they have all the power in the world to make it go away!
Senator Schiff, who Trump is fighting with, now, tried to make that perfectly clear. He kept trying to hold McGuire to what is usually done. There is a protocol and the protocol is that whenever there is a complaint of this kind, it is sent to the Senate Intelligence Committee within seven (7) days. There has never been a case where the Intelligence Committee didn't get a complaint in those seven (7) days. Not until now, and McGuire claims that he was afraid that it might be "Executive Privilege", because it concerned a Presidential phone call. The only privilege the President received is that he got notice that there was a complaint! The President is not above the law. An investigation concerning him is no different than any other investigation in America. He has no wiggle room to get out of any situation that he has placed himself in. Giuliani had been over in Ukraine since February gathering leads, securing support and "fishing" things out. Back in July was the perfect time to get a handle on the Ukraine's President. Trump had some money that President, Volodymyr Zelensky, needed. He wasn't going to give him a dime, until he agreed to investigate Biden. Had even put a hold on the funds. I am not going to type Ukraine people names, it is too hard, but when all the players that needed to be on-board were there, Giuliani gave Trump the go-ahead and he reached out, or the Ukrainian President reach out, but the time was right. We all know that.
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US Rep. Adam Schiff , California (D) |
Everyone had their roles to play, even Barr who also hasn't been in his position long, either. What they did not know is that there was a Coup D'etat, among those that hate Trump to put an end to his "reign" as President. It was almost like they were waiting in the wings. If Mueller failed, we have this. This whole idea that the Democrats are seeking to destroy his presidency is absorbed. More than just the Dems want to end his reign. He has displace a lot of Republicans. He has taken them out, just like Justin Trudeau. No man, woman or child is safe from Trump's reign and that is clear. We must understand who we are dealing with. I know that Senator Schiff knows, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, too. We don't know half of Trump's antics. They have found an innocent. Someone that if he finds all his secrets, won't amount to a pile of beans. A good honest man and they are feeding him all the information his ears can carry and his written it all down. Trump says this is a "little thing", but not to Americans. You can't take their name and money and attempt to win an election on their back, using "Godfather" type tactics. No, no, no... American hold themselves to a higher-standard and higher than any country in the world. This is not 1945 Brooklyn, and this is not your country to exploit. He is remembering that he lost the popular vote. Biden is obviously a threat. I can't imagine that he didn't have a hand in Russia's interference in the 2016 election. It's like, he did it once and he's doing it, again. But then I have to negate ex-FBI Director, Robert Mueller's testimony. I trust him, but I do not trust Trump.
McGuire, at the beginning of his testimony gave his resume. He listed all of his service and accolades. His has a stellar record, until now. The Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IGIC), Michael Atkinson, got the complaint that the Whistleblower has written. He said that it was credible and urgent. McGuire didn't feel that he had properly defined "credible" and "urgent", because he sent it over to the White House for further scrutiny. With all of his service and accolades that he felt should cause us to believe him, he can't seem to apply the same courtesy to Atkinson. If he respected Atkinson's resume, as he wanted us to trust his that complaint should have been sent to the Intelligence Committee in seven (7) days. Schiff kept asking him about his resume and then Atkinson's resume. McGuire acted as if he had no idea what he was trying to get at. I knew, give honor where honor it is due? You should give the leader of the Intelligence Community the same honor that you want so badly. It was lost on McGuire. But when he was being questioned by the Republican Senators, you could see his entire demeanor change. They didn't put the names and political affiliation up quickly. I could always tell when the speaker was a Republican, he would relax, his shoulders became mush and he put a smile on his face. He stuttered over his words, especially when they spoke about what he talks with the President and his misinterpretation of the word "shall". Shall is a Biblical term that means, "will be done".
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Michael Atkinson Inspector General Intelligence Community (IGIC) |
Republicans said that he didn't break the law. He did do something that had never been done, before. It was "unprecedented". Schiff asked in all earnesty, "Did you ever think to call someone and ask them what to do?" He couldn't say, "Yes", because he feels that would make him unfit for the job. In all earnest thoughts of my own, I would rather you ask, than f***k things up the way you have. If someone hadn't leaked this whole thing to the press, he would still be trying to get the Whistleblower "clearance" to the Capitol for hearings. I have no idea how you can get someone clearance and not know their name, but we will believe him. Intelligence is all about secrets. Schiff also made a stellar point toward the end. This is going to ruin potential Whistleblowers from coming forward. The process being clear and concise is very important to trusting those handling the process. If people can't trust the process, then how can they possibly think that what they have to say will make a difference? The whole idea is to deter men like Trump from exploiting his Office. If people think that he will get the information first-hand, then they will never come forward with any information about him. The chance for retaliation is too great! Can you imagine the backlash that can come from the President of the United States. I'm getting it from a bunch of crackhead fags and it's too much at times. I got high-blood pressure and migraines. We all have our cross to bear, but some people can't stand the pressure.
One last point, I would have loved it if McGuire would have feigned ignorance. He did admit that he had just started, but he would not say, "I didn't know what to do". He refused it, because of meetings, after the meeting. If you say that you didn't know, then the President looks incompetent to pick members of the intelligences community. McGuire also looks incompetent, and I was in the Army. A Navy Seal is up there with an Airborne Ranger. Men that get dropped in rough terrain and have to get home with a M-16, field knife and whatever else he can carry on his back or belt and utility pockets. It is rough and these men are capable of surviving the toughest jungles of the world. You will never, ever get a Seal or a Ranger to admit they are incompetent. McGuire might look like a nerd, a Bill Gates look-a-like, but he is a well oiled machine that is capable of killing with his bare-hands. You might think that I am going to far, but that's what Navy Seal means. McGuire should scare you. He has been pushed physically and mentally beyond what any human can endure. I was just a medic and went through basic-training. I cried on our 15-mile march. We had marched all night, then I sat on my rucksack and fell asleep. I didn't awaken, until my head hit the ground. My steel pot crashing into sand. He demands that we listen to him and believe every word he says, just because, he is a Navy Seal. I would say, "You have to give respect to get it." He's not respecting the American public with his lies and half-truths.
Vito Corleone died at the end of the "Godfather". He was old, but powerful, and men never stopped coming after him. He left behind a whole lot of mess. You are as powerful as your circle is loyal and strong. An old man can run an empire strong with a loyal crew and people that look out for his best interest. When you watch the "Godfather" watch Tom Hagen. He was loyal to the Don Corleone, and later would be loyal to Michael. When things were rough, he would throw up his hands and bow out. "I can't help you..." Trump doesn't have any of that kind of loyalty. Not where is counts. Men like Rudy Giuliani are weak and not of sound mind to keep his kind of politics going. You have to also be sharp as a gangster. I've watched him in interviews and he ain't so bright, but then again neither is Trump. He's had failed businesses, illicit affairs and a horrible track record where his family is concerned. Republicans that support him, like Chris Christie, seem to just going through the motions. Then when he's in trouble has some derogatory statement to make about Trump. I hate to say this, but Michael Jackson said it best, "Cover me". Cover my weakness, cover my ignorance, cover my sins. Cover me.
Good Night Mr. President