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Gloria Miller District 5 |
It is with much regret that I have to write this. I would hope that someone would have told Councilperson Miller about my blog. Then she would not be the flunky for Kermit Williams and Randy Carter, anymore. She tells us every week who and what she is. I haven't heard her use the word "Flunky" or "Scapegoat", yet. Maybe she feels that she is actually making a difference. As usual she has done something that is completely wrong. She has asked the Council to go to court to define their position as Council. Their job as Councilmembers is mapped out in the US Constitution. I think she wants the courts to express their feelings about two specific issues that are happening in the city right now. Her proposed bike lanes on Perry. I believe that she shares Perry with Doris Taylor-Burks. The maps on the City's website isn't clear. They outline the areas in their district, but not down to the streets. You can't see where anyone's district ends and where it begins. She has taken on the situation of trying to get Perry back to two lanes. It's an issue that MDOT and not the Mayor has decided isn't happening at this point. I wonder whose money she will spend to get clarification on something she can read in a sixth-grade social studies book?
Also, the City Clerk's fight with the Mayor is also on her agenda. He needs employees to help with the upcoming election and the Mayor won't allow him that one employee; allegedly. Miller found it her business to go into a meeting that he had with the City Attorneys, Clark and Chubbs. She claims they did not allow her to tape the meeting. I advice her to come into every meeting with a tape recorder. If they ask if you have a recorder lie and say, "No!" If you feel that you are being abused so badly that you can't express what was said, let a recorder tell the tale. She called for both men to be disbarred last night, while the Clerk, Garland Doyle sat quiet. He didn't support her or deny what she said was true. He said nothing, and when the papers were passed out to go to court to decide what would be done on these matters, he didn't get one. He is supervised by the Council, but he is not a Council Member, even if he acts like one at times. Snatching his microphone and making comments at will. Unlike the Mayor who can not be recognized. She is seated on the dyas for a reason and not to be ignored every Tuesday.
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Randy Carter District 4 |
Now, here is the real mover and shaker right here. Randy "Stank-Ho" Carter. He's the one that wrote the ordinance that passed for the marijuana dispensaries in Pontiac. It's obvious that he has a dog in this fight. He has set his affections on Councilperson Miller. Every week they huddle together to get their minds on the same page. She touches him constantly to show their camaraderie and friendship. I don't believe it is sexual, they both have mates. I just think that it's a bit much for television. I get the impression that she feels that he is someone that she admires and can relate to, at least that's what she wants us to think. If she is who she says she is then Randy Carter is not your friend. He is "Knee Deep" in marijuana. He approached me a year ago claiming that he would be surprised if the State of Michigan would give six licenses to those wanting to have a dispensary in Michigan. At the time, his wife was not seated as the Representative of District #29, yet. He had a arm full of papers about the issue and other things. I didn't want to talk about, because my brother is doing 17 and a half years on a drug related case. I don't use drugs or deal them legally or illegally. That was a conversation that I was not interested in.
Now, his wife is the Representative for Pontiac. As her husband, he has an influence over the moves she makes in Lansing. He doesn't want to be the one pushing the Mayor to allow this whole thing to happen the way he wants it to go down. He has likely told people interested in a dispensary in Pontiac that his wife will be the conduit to get them their license, since the State is not handing them out so easily. If my first thought is correct, and I'm not saying this is true, but she has already targeted the person or persons that she will get to help her get these licenses. This way, she and her "Hubby", Randy Carter, will get a piece of the action in Pontiac. If she does it real well, she and her friends in Lansing can start helping others outside of Pontiac. That will help increase their cash flow at the Carter residence. His relationship with Miller, her and this silly lawsuit to get clarification and newly elected Rep. Brenda Carter puts it all into perspective for me. I have no idea what everyone else is thinking, but that's what I'm thinking. He or Kermit Williams can't act on this marijuana thing, they would start looking suspicious. Everyone already knows the situation is shady. The money has stop flowing and they need a cash flow ASAP, and the Mayor is holding out too long.
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Kermit Williams District 7 |
So, this time last year, a server came knocking at my door. He had a Personal Protection Order in his hand. A man that I barely know, but conversed with from time-to-time was saying I was harassing him on Facebook. Everyone knows that you can't harass anyone on Facebook. Sending things, posting and tagging people is all protected by the First Amendment. There are also protections that are put in place to stop anyone from posting about you, tagging you and sending messages on Messenger. You can simply "unfriend" someone or block them on Facebook or just on Messenger. When you block on Messenger, it will stop them from being able to send those awful chain-messages. You know "Send this to 10 friends in 10 minutes or you'll have 10 years bad-luck" kind of message. Well, this person, whom I will leave nameless, came into court and brought one that read, "I love you" to show the judge that I was in love with him. At first the judge told him, "You have blocked her?" I interrupted and stated, "I blocked him! I don't need to be friends with anyone that feels that I am being disrespectful". The judge, creating a case, gave him this protection order. I was really angry, because this would be the fourth time that I was wrongfully accused of harassing a man. But when the marijuana thing took off, he was at every meeting, with Kermit Williams calling on him to be at closed sessions meeting, because he had some "good points".
At the time, I had no idea how lucrative this thing would be for the Councilmembers, more specifically Williams and Carter. When I wrote Rep. Carter about the situation, I thought that she would help me. She had helped me in other situations and this was ideal to really help me. She replied back to me, when I followed-up on the situation, "If there is anything that I can do." A Representative has a clear and open line to all things dealing with the State, even litigation. Even if it's just to inquire about a situation. She didn't do anything, and when she found out that I had went to Senator Rosemary Bayer, she began to shadow her to see what we talked about. Suddenly Senator Bayer was her best friend. I told Sen. Bayor that I know that they are working the same districts, but she has other Reps in her district. Brenda Carter is the only one that shadows her so closely. It's that money that she and Williams are trying to get their hands on in my opinion. Well, the man that they had falsely accuse me of "harassing" him has caught a sexual harassment case of his own. Not only that, it's in the School District where Brenda Carter was on the Board. I wonder if she helped him get that job, in exchange for railroading me and getting me out of the Mayor's ear and away from Council Meetings and everything that the City was involved in.
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Brenda and Randy Carter |
I'm on Facebook yesterday and I get a notification that someone has commented on my post. I get to the page and it is Sarah Spicer. She has tagged Randy Carter in my blog about him walking through the park cussing and calling "Skanks and Ho's" She is irate, I know, because she has written in all caps and is seemingly protecting his honor. I have known Sarah Spicer for years. She has children by a man that I grew up with in the "Projects" and whose grandmother, God rest her soul, lives down the street. This woman that, I use that word loosely, is on the board at CNS with James Patton and former Board President Eric Hawkins. Hawkins left his job as Chief of Police in Southfield after I wrote a blog about prostitution and the Southfield Police Department. A woman like Sarah, who is more than likely mentally ill is nowhere near the kind of woman that should be seated on a board of any kind. Like I said I know Sarah, and her involvement with any man in politics would be suspect. When I saw who had come to his defense, I thought, "Now what's that about?" I don't know where she lives in his district, but I would be willing to bet it was on or near Baldwin. Yesterday, during the Council Meeting, I watched him pick up his phone and shut it off. I had just got finished with an exchange with Sarah and thought, "I wonder if that was her texting him to tell him about or exchange? They get text all through the meeting, Councilperson Pietlia will tell you one of her people have just texted her. Williams and Carter try to keep it secret. Spicer evokes the Oakland County Sheriff's Department and says that she's going to turn me in for threatening her. I said I know her, because she's an Oakland County Ho. That must be who Carter was talking about when he called "Skanks and Ho's", because
Sarah Spicer is a HO! She knows her friends at the Oakland County Sheriff's Department would do her a favor if she makes them some money!
Here is the exchange:
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Count backwards, I screenshot this at about 10 am. Count back and it will put you right in the middle of the Council Meeting. |
It seems that Carter had more important things to deal with this week. Not only is their money drying up, but the hold they have on their citizens. It seems that they can't get anything done. There is obviously a trick in the game and the Mayor isn't playing. Whatever is done in this city will be done above-board. Carter, Williams and the rest of them was so upset at her mentioning of Sheireka Hawkins. I don't know if she is related to ex-Chief Eric Hawkins, but she was indicted on Monday. She mishandled some papers in the last election. Funny, she used to work for the City of Pontiac. I'm sure they are all wondering how far this will go, because she is a vital piece in the corruption in Oakland County. I hope she doesn't do a "Tekashi 69" on the Council. She holds a lot of secrets that might be something the Attorney General might be interested in hearing. You should have heard the moans and groans from the Council when the Mayor mentioned her folly. They called it a "low-blow". Why low, because she is having a problem with the City Clerk in Pontiac, now. Kermit Williams who was a huge supporter of John Balint a year ago, shut him down last night. Kermit Williams only wants to hear from people that will make him some money. He was quick to allow, once Mayor and squanderer of city funds, Walter Moore speak. When he found out he was on the Mayor side, he hasn't been to the podium since. He should take notice, because the same people who will get him, have gotten to Moore. That's why the City Clerk can snatch up the mic and speak whenever her wants. Williams tries to stop him and he says, "NO, I need to say this." With a wave of a hand, permission is granted. As I said, the Council is over him, but those meetings are no more his than they are the Mayor's. The Mayor is shut down every time.
Finally, I have been cleared, once again of any wrong-doing. Since this sexual harassment case is going on in the schools, the information will be able to be acquired through a FOIA Request. I told the judge things that this man did to me that were inappropriate. I wonder if those are the same things he did to this woman. I might not have to, because that fool just might sing like a bird, too. What would be an ideal end for me in this marijuana business is indictments all around. All of these "elected officials" who planned my demise, will get their just deserves and begin to "reap what they sow." To quote NeNe Leakes, "You never win when you play dirty." When a person pretends to be my friend and is plotting against me, in order to deal in corruption and mess in the city, they need to lose. I have a feeling in the days to come I will see more vindication and people getting what they deserve in Pontiac. Stop following me to the grocery store, too. I am not joining a campaign against the Mayor. I don't jump on bandwagons.
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Garlan Doyle Pontiac City Clerk |
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