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Mary Pietila |
Well, last week "Messy Mary" got herself in a mess. When the Deputy Mayor opted to play the tape, where Randy Carter called her names that I can't repeat. She allowed the tape to be played in Council Chambers. Once the tape began to play, Randy Carter stated that the meeting was over and hit the gavel. Something that I felt should not have happened, because it was his folly in question. While it was all questionable, I don't believe that Kermit Williams didn't know what was about to happen. His leaving was strategic. His absence was on purpose, and Carter leading that meeting when he did was ideal. He shut it down and on cue, the Council stood together and left. Carter had the gavel and even if public comments weren't over, he closed the meeting. Some people did not get a chance to speak. She allowed the Deputy Mayor and DPW workers to yield their time and show the tape. Five of them were there and yielded their time for citizens to watch the entire video. Carter walked through a park cussing and calling names, because his park wasn't cleaned. The DPW workers were upset, because he called them lazy. That's why they yielded their time. Pietila kept the meeting going out of respect for those people that had come to speak. City Council should not be able to stop meetings, because they don't like what is said. What she did was for the greater good of the people. The President says that she gave the city a black-eye. No, Randy Carter gave the city a black-eye, when he walked through a park and said the things he did.
They voted to censor "Messy Mary" and voted to not censor Randy Carter. Mary got three (3) months from presiding over different committees. They think that I don't like Mary and would agree. The idea that none of this would have happened if Carter hadn't made that tape, let's me know they hate women. If I could speak candidly, I would say "they were playing for the other team". Calling women names and Kermit Williams sat at that meeting and beat the gavel through the Mayors comments and got upset when she and the the Deputy left. I would never step foot in another one of his meetings. I would not grace his presence with my class and intelligence. He sat in that meeting and made faces at someone in the audience when they left. "Um, Mayor, you and the Deputy Mayor are leaving. One of you have to stay and close the meeting." The people of this city then watched him make funny derogatory faces at his friend. More than likely Renee Beckley. Who I believe suffers from a neurological disorder. She was thrown out of the meeting last week by Pietila, because she was on one of her loud and graceless rants. Williams was doing her a favor by censoring Pietila. He has to keep all his players happy to run and sound cluster f**k. Those meeting are the worst show of hypocrisy and ignorance I ever heard. While "Messy Mary" was wrong, it was the strongest and realest thing that anyone has ever did in this Council so far.
Disrespecting women is going on in our City Council and I wonder why? Who is this Attorney Monique Sharp. I don't see anything she does for City Council. I'm going to write FOIA for her resume. The most she does, that is smart, is refer everything back to Attorney Anthony Chubb. Chubb is the City's Attorney. He is who he says works for the Mayor. He is good at it, because the Mayor never is counseled to create a resolution right there in Council Chambers. What they should do is stop being lazy and come to a meeting, after having a meeting. This would help them be more prepared to serve the citizens. They come into meetings not prepared to deal with the business at hand. Every week, before the Council Meeting they should sit to discuss how they feel on all the city business they will handle on Tuesday. When the meetings were held on Thursday, they had all week to prepare. On Tuesday the week has just begun. You can't create anything, when the President wants the meeting to be over by eight. He plows through those meetings at such a high-rate of speed that he doesn't know what's next on the agenda.
A woman came to the meeting to talk about what happened last week. The entire time, I could see the God all in her. She addressed the Council with dignity. She asked that they have standards and that they respect the office. They can't respect their own. They came at Mary Pietila for being real and transparent. Something Gloria Miller always claims to be. Again, she's so ignorant that I can't. She obviously hasn't got the memo on citizens rights to access to public figures on Facebook. She blocked me from her page, which a Federal court has deemed unlawful for public officials. Trump and AOC are fighting that fight about their Twitter. Both have blocked several people that AOC deems to be harassing her. A Federal judge deemed blocking citizens illegal. Miller doesn't know her job, anyway, and wouldn't understand that Federal law supercedes all State and Local laws. So, she needs to unblock me. I just asked her for papers that she claimed she had about the settlement on the Phoenix Center, and papers that obviously don't exist. I never called her out her name or a liar. As soon as she said that she doesn't dislike the Mayor, I now knew she does.
If I were the Mayor, I would never go back to one of those meetings. I would never be involved with anarchy. She is Mayor and the City Council President has such disdain and disrespect for her that she should never ever go back. Self-love should dictate that. She told Williams not to call her quick. he said, "Okay, I'll call you slow then." What is that? Jealousy maybe, he did run for Mayor and State Representative and lost both time. To women I might add. The faces he made were reason enough to know that he is trying to agitate and irritate her. He's broke and I bet she waits him out. I'm going to put a little pressure on him and try to push my recall through. There has to be someone that saw his expressions that understand that he must be removed. He is a leech on the back of our city. All he wants is the money. After what Randy Carter did, he should be recalled for MALEFICENCE. He acted in a way that he did harm to the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor. As President, Kermit Williams supported and was a catalyst to that maleficence. We all saw it, today. The way he beat that gavel and stopped the public from hearing what she had to say was ridiculous. I can't believe she comes back to a place that she is clearly not welcomed or respected. If I could just get one person. Just one human that is able to stand up for our city to apply for the recall petition, we can stop Kermit Williams and save our city.
As it stands we have nothing to lose, but a degenerate leader. So full of his own rhetoric that he can't even fake it. He got so caught up in his own games, he let the camera catch him in his games. This is a game that is poorly played. He forgets that he can be recalled. I have a box of flyers I plan to distribute on tomorrow. I will be stopping at every business and dropping them off. Hopefully, this time I will get a response. I know with the tapes from the last three months, Oakland County would have no problem allowing the signatures to be obtained. This man is a monster that wants to break our city by creating chaos. This meeting is a prime example. Join me in recalling City Council President, Kermit Williams, before it's too late!
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