Monday, September 23, 2013

Major Payne and Friends

I remember one morning going for my walk and looking in "The Bubble", and for the next month the same deputy sitting in "the chair".  I told you about that seat in the bubble where a deputy "watches the door".  Day in and day out Payne sat in the same place for days.  I was very interested to know that he did that.  I thought he was there for a special reason that included me.  I found out from Krystal, the truth.  From the bubble, a deputy can hear everything.  They had intercoms in every room.  All they had to do is turn on the intercom in the room near you and they could hear your entire conversation.  Remember, I was locked in a pod where I was locked down 23/7, and rarely got out for my "walk" when Alder was on duty in the afternoon.  The only time they could hear what me and the other women talked about was when I was let out for an hour of exercise.

Krystal had been convicted of robbery.  She told me that she had been caught with a stolen TV in her car.  I looked her up on OTIS, she actually stole the television.  She got 10 years in prison.  Her judge is Nichols, and she was so shocked when she was sentenced to prison.  She is a prostitute, but had befriended me.  The only women who didn't go to prison were the ones who hated me and kept me up all night.  If you didn't have a misdemeanor and we got along you went to prison.  Krystal actually had me write Nichols a letter, and that got her a full sentence of 10 years.  The other thing with Krystal is that she had taken a fall down the stairs on the "other side" of E-pod.  She had come to jail shortly after her income taxes.  Like Paula, she had money, but Krystal had a lot of money, because she had three small children and worked full-time at a job.

Everybody in her house had cell phones, and with Krystal over $3,000, she bought tons of minutes for their phones.  She also had food and hot food every week.  The thing that pissed off all the deputies is that Krystal wanted to share.  The object of a true pimp is control, and I told you they controlled these women with food, and the idea their families didn't want anything to do with them.  Many of their families had either stopped collect calls or had them stopped because of high bills when the inmates called too much.  Krystal had helped many inmates get word to their families through her mother.  This made made her the boss of the pod and not the deputies.  Beane, Chubb and Jenkinson put a stop to that and after her fall, woke her with a beating one morning.  I don't know if the fall was real, because she was facing 10 years.  Judge Nichols helped to set the tone for what would happen if you befriended the woman who asked too many questions; me.

After the fall, fake or not, she was taken to the infirmary where she was handcuffed to a bed for a month.  She was in a neck brace, had a fracture in her arm and physically and mentally abused by deputies.  When she moved next to me, she was defeated, but not too defeated to feed Jessica E.  But she knew all about Payne and Beane.  The two deputies that worked with me every morning.  When I stated out loud, "That bald headed deputy its in that same sit every day".  Krystal replied, "He's listening to everything".  That was around February of 2011.  Now, I understand why.  He was the ultimate pimp, and his name is Payne.  I don't know where he was the morning they woke her up with a beating, but more than likely, "working the door".

Payne, Kendall and Brown had the "freak nasty panty dropping parties" in the gym.  These parties were unlike the straight prostitution that went on in the Clinic.  That is where Tate had his domain.  We'll talk about Tate later.  These parties were like major events where deputies and their friends could unwind with freaky displays, open sex and strippers.  These parties usually took place the weekend after the last pay period, after the deputies paid all of their bills.  I'm serious, they were really timed in that way.  I was most wanted at these parties, because one afternoon Brown saw me exercising in my cell.  I'm very limber and can still "bust a move".  The same thing that made my last visit so full of turmoil.  They wanted me to dance; naked.  I was going to have no part of it!

I met Brown when he was forced to work with the women.  He is very use to getting what he wants, because he pouted his entire first day.  What he knew is that they wanted to introduce me to him, but the time I had no idea.  My ignorance helped me most of the time.  Brown is a big, Black gorilla looking man.  The women always said he was fine, but I think they were referring to the bulge in his pants.  I never thought he was a pimp, because he was Black.  But like in society, you always have you tokens.  Plus, Brown was their muscle.  His serious tone was enough to keep you in check.  He was the only deputy to ever write me a ticket, and I had cursed plenty of them out.  In order to stop that, I simply played the race card and stated the fact.  I told him one day, "You the only one that writes me tickets, because you the house niggah that does their dirty work."  He stopped writing me tickets; of course, the truth is the light.

Kendall is the DJ.  He can sing and dance, and can be seen and heard doing both while working.  The first time I met him, he was rapping Run DMC's "Hard Times".  You remember, "Hard times are spreading just like the flu."  I think he was subliminally justifying his illegal activities.  He would serenade us with all kinds of music, from all kinds of eras and know the words, runs and musical composition.  Kendall made prostitution fun.  Hell, he mad my time there fun, but his DJ abilities made the "freak nasty parties" go off with a bang.  The woman quizzed him on musical knowledge every time he entered the pod, and he got it right usually.  I think it was Kendall who brought the women curlers, make up and other toiletries that allowed them to get dressed up for the parties.  Krystal came in prepared and had given Jessica a studded bra to wear during one of her performances.  She wasn't the only one, many of the women wore their sexiest lingerie into the jail.  I did on accident.  I feel my clothes look better on me when I have on my good stuff!

I dubbed these three men the Three Stooges.  Payne of course was the brains of the operation.  So, he is Moe.  Brown is the serious one that isn't as dumb, but smart enough to know that he should be following Moe.  For that reason he gets the title of Larry.  Kendall, because he is so goofy and entertaining, but able to think on his feet, he is Shimp.  None of them are the bafoon that Curly is.  Nobody can put together a scene like these parties.  The only thing in my mind that I have to compare it to is a rap video.  But from the way the women talk, it is far more than a rap show.  Woman have sex with each other, sex with the male inmates and of course sex with the patrons.  One woman has a girl-on-girl freak show, where she wears a doo-rag and pretends to pick-up another inmate on the street.  I hear it is quite the show.  All of this is the collaborative efforts of Payne, Brown and Kendall.  Team OCJ

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Politics 101

It is a common notion that politicians don't do anything about anything, unless it benefits them.  If there isn't any positive press or substantial reward for their contributions, they don't "give a rat's ass" about you.  Let me give you an example, he's left the state now, and this is the least of his worries.  I hit Tim Melton up on Facebook, and asked him to help me start my non-profit for women prisoners.  We bantered on Yahoo for awhile and on Facebook now and then.  Suddenly, he wanted me to come and work for him.  I was elated, until I sat and thought about it.  My agenda was gone and his was in play.  I had called him for help and now I was helping him.  He wanted me to run his Pontiac office.  I hit him back and told him I would pass on his offer, because I had my own agenda.  That went on to other e-mails and conversations on Facebook, until I told him that my boyfriend was on my page and was reading our e-mails and talks.  He didn't mind that either, and he kept the conversations going.  It was not until his wife got a page and my boyfriend quickly became her friend, did it stop.

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Mattie Hatchett
Mattie Hatchett
As you know, I spent many months in Oakland County Jail (OCJ) that amounted to years, eventually.  While there, I took to writing my County Commissioner, Mattie Hatchett.  I've know of her since I was eight, and my bus to and from Webster let out at Bethune, while she was principal there.  I came to admire her boisterous and  bold way of handling the students.  Now, I know she is just a mouth, and her words have no substance.  Back then, her last name was McKinney.  That's the same last name of a female deputy who works in the jail.  She use to work the New Arrest and Trustee pods when I first went to jail in 2002.  Now, she walks inmates to and from court and pulls court duty.  I'm beginning to think that woman is either closely related to Hatchett or has married into her family.

I went to a County Meeting and told the group about what I had experienced in OCJ.  There was this older woman there by the name of Shelley Goodman Taub.  She tore up the hand-out I had for the Commission and called for Mattie. Mrs. Taub did this seconds after I had handed it to her, and didn't wait for me to walk away.  She split the paper in half, right in my face.  I bet she's thinking about me, today.  I guess it's Mattie's job to deal with the Black people problems at the County.  I don't have any words for Mattie, because after that meeting, she caught me in the vestibule and told me that she had gotten all my letters.  She could not read them, however, because the pencil had smeared.  I had written many people, and had never heard that one.  When I saw her at City Hall in Council Chamber's, she swore she would help me, but no help came.  She waited idly to see how her people would plummet me, and since that plummeting never came she is stuck with ignoring Jackson.  Even the Oakland Press isn't covering the story anymore.

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Leon Jukowski

Leon Jukowski
I used to really like Jukowski as our Mayor.  I thought a man with his high degree of education could do so much for our city.  Leon is a crook, just like every other Mayor before him.  He has no agenda, but his own agenda and he stinks as Mayor.  He sold out to Louis Schimmel (EM), and took a check for consulting what the citizens of Pontiac deemed the devil himself.  It has always been his job to protect and support us as a community.  Jukowski never did, and that's why he and Fred Leeb didn't get along.  Leon wanted the money, and therefore, needed to control the city funds.  Fred would never let that happen.  When Schimmel offered him the job, he saw a means to be able to control and have a bit of most city contracts and administrative decisions.  The only thing is Schimmel is a mean old man, and he runs his ship and Leon was just a lackey.  If Leon was smart, he would have never taken the job as an "adviser" to the EM.   All of the smart people saw him as a trader, and he succeeded to show the people that he was Mayor for a paycheck.  What Shimmel really did was show him as the snake he is.  That, which I give him cheers for.  The one thing he did accomplish for the city.

That makes me wonder about all the money he supposedly to have.  Why does Sam Scott collect a city check, instead of a Jukowski check.  If he doesn't have the money he father does, which makes me question their relationship.  That Porsche he drives is not a newer model.  It looks like something he purchased from one of the used car lots on Baldwin Avenue.  I don't see that as a car of an elites.  If he is indeed so highly educated from some of the finest schools in this country, why is he in Pontiac?  A man of his affluence should be living in a much more prestigious place and working for a much larger, and more superior company than Willie Payne.  Reminding me of Leon's relationship with Sam Scott, who is an "Uncle Tom" of epic scales.  Sam's niece, "Breeze" (tattooed across her neck) was in jail with me, one of the times I was there.  Her innate sexual preferences were similarly interesting. That brings me to my next point about Leon.  What does all that money go towards.  We all know what kind of person Willie was or is.  Leon was his Deputy Mayor.  So, what does that tell you about him?  He is very bright, obviously, but not smart enough to deter himself from the pitfalls of society and the lifestyle woes of the city of Pontiac.  I believe his family may have money, but I think Leon is broke.

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Tim Greimel
Tim Greimel
I like to call this man Tim Grimy.  He is the slimiest piece of dog doo I have ever met.  I met him for the first time at Welcome Missionary Baptist Church.  You know the one that is pastored by Douglas Jones.  A man who is in deep with the Oakland County racket.  Grimy Greimel is a civil lawyer.  He did what the other pervert Tim Melton did and moved up from his seat on the County Commission and is now the State Representative.  When I met him, we were at a meeting for a proposed meeting with Sheriff Michael Boucahrd about Pontiac's police department.  Of course, he was flirty and flattered me about my intelligence level.  That is one that they pull out of their bag of tricks very often.  Seeing that he looks like Beaker of the Muppets he needed much more than a slight compliment to get me.

I would see him about a week later at the Christmas Tree Lighting in front of the 50th District Courthouse.  He had obviously been drinking, the sign of a true politician.  One of the times I went to jail, Tim Melton left his seat on the capital and went to pursue greener pastures.  Who else but there old boy Grimy Greimel to take his place.  I knew then that I was in trouble with my situation.  Melton had ran from me at the parade.  I knew Grimy Greimel wouldn't be any better.  I learned that his administrative assistant was David Bowman.  David is the son of Leo Bowman, "Pimping Judge" of Oakland County Circuit Court.  I knew at that point I would have serious issue with Grimy Greimel.  I met David and thought he was truly his father's son, which envelops more than just his shy and quiet demeanor.  I met them down the street at the new diner at Paddock and Auburn.  Since the sex scandal at OCJ has broke, David has moved on.  Grimy Greimel can't look as if he is supporting prostitution.

Grimy Greimel kept saying that he was pregnant.  Then he went so far as to say that he thought he was pregnant, but he really isn't.  He was referring to a very dark time in my life over 20 years ago.  I thought he was funny, because I don't care what people think of me or what they think they know about me.  I am drug-free, alcohol-free and I've never had a homosexual experience in my life.  I here Grimy Greimel can't say the same.  I know, because I have people.  When I start telling him about the Forensic Center, a state ran facility, he got quiet.  Little David Bowman never has much to say and is as slick and underhanded as his father.  That's why a pat his head when I left.  Remember, "Birds of a feather flock together".  I left there knowing nothing would happen, just like all of the politicians I wrote in the past.  They are all afraid to die or lose their money grabbing public positions.

None of the people I wrote answered me.  Nobody cares about the people who are being used at the Oakland County Jail, or in the State of Michigan ran facility.  I wrote every Senator, Representative and even the Governor.  Nobody even answered my letters, but a few and none of them did a damn thing about it.  I have a list of people who I wrote and copies of the letters on my thumb drive.  Now that the "Chicken has come home to roost", they want to be public all of a sudden and none of them are worthy of their position.  I witness an exchange between Mattie and Leon during the Water Treatment Plant fiasco.  They were elated with their schemes.  I know both of them will be dead or debilitated by the time that rooster comes to nest.  Some other politician will be reaping the truth of those rewards.  I have a feeling things will be a lot different for us by then.

I'm so glad that I am smart, but smarter than Melton or Grimy could ever know.  I'm smart enough to keep records and places and times; because I am a writer and simply enjoy the task.  Some people will say that I'm foolish and playing Russian roulette with my life.  Life is a many splendid things, and God has placed me right where I am and this is my time.  I can't be afraid and neither shall I be moved from my position.  I'm as staunch and meaningful as any fighter who came before me, and I will fight until the bitter end.  "I might be Black, I might be poor... but I'm here"  Until I'm not here anymore this is my only job!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Benny Napoleon...You ain't no better!

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Benny Napoleon
I've held back on this post.  I'm kinda scared of Napoleon, but this must be said.  Wayne County Jail (WCJ) is no different than the Oakland County Jail (OCJ).  In fact, they trade inmates amongst themselves.  A woman could finish their time at OCJ and go right to WCJ on a warrant.  Now, if she has worked hard enough at OCJ, she might not be forced to go.  If not, Wayne County deputies come and pick her up and she is subject to the same treatment she had at OCJ.  That is she becomes a prostitute.  I've named the kind of things that made OCJ a prime reason for the women to have sex with deputies, county administrators and their friends.  Being brought up on a hefty charge is enough, but add hunger to the list and you have prostitution alley.

I watch as that once mayoral candidate spoke about her house being broken into, the man running with Duggan's name victim of a car theft and the shook my head.  Mike Degeon car got stolen just before the election.  As a person who has been harassed by the police for the last 16 years, I know the games they play.  I believe the man got it for running and trying to thrown Duggan's write-in run off was a farce.  He got it, because Napoleon was getting blamed for his run.  Napoleon's people are notorious for illegal activities.  Remember, he was the Chief in Detroit and has access to all kinds of criminals, and that's the reason I have put off this post.  I don't want to accidentally die or get beat beyond recognition or something.  

When it was thought that Lisa Howze would give Duggan her support and therefore, her voters, she had a real scary experience with home invaders.  I don't get how Napoleon is answering his critiques that he has nothing to do with it.  Anyone coming against him are probably scared.  I know how the police operates.  My credit is messed up.  I went to get a phone at Radio Shack and a crooked employee gave me bad information and sold me a phone I could not afford.  I walk down the street to the bus stop and I'm greeted by a man with glasses and a cap like the one worn when I was raped back in 1985.  Who else has access to that kind of information?

All the drug dealing, getting merchandise the wrong way Arabs who own stores don't want my business.  The police goes to every store I frequent telling the people (who are usually thieves) that I am a snitch.  My neighbors act like they don't know me.  My family doesn't want anything to do with me, because they don't want to be stuck in the same situation I'm in.  In 1998, my brother was arrested and indicted on a drug charge and I suddenly became a animal in a zoo with people marching in just to take a look at me in Sears.

The police can ruin your life.  Not to mention, along with dirty Prosecutors and Judges, put you in prison for something you didn't do.  Likewise, they can sell you in jail and make sure you don't do the time for real crimes that you really did that include murder.  So, Napoleon is a Godfather of these types of crimes of society.  As the Chief and then Sheriff, he has his hands in not only prostitution, but drugs, and stealing.  That which the Federal Government calls Racketeering, which is punishable with RICO.  That could take Napoleon and his brother side-kick back to their latter days of least prominence. 

If Napoleon is elected, Detroit goes back to days worse than Young and Kilpatrick.  As law enforcement, he is already in the pocket of most of the dealers in the cities and the racket of the tri-county area that probably expands to Saginaw and Flint to the left and Port Huron to the right of this state.  It probably goes as low as Ypsilant and Monroe.  I've been to both jail and prison and from what I hear from the women that's as far as it could go.  Plus, I know people who went as far as Muskegeon when the area was "hot". 

Mt father was a hustler, and all of his connections are either dead or retired.  I know what the game looks like, but never studied it, until my life took a turn for the very worse and the FBI didn't help me.  The man who was in charge when my situation began is now gone, and I think I have lost.  I don't understand how the suffering can have a positive outcome, because in so many ways I am broken.  That's exactly how men like Napoleon want you to feel.  They hope that you become so tired of existing and being degraded that you just give up hope.  I don't know how people will believe that he's not behind most of Duggans woes.  There is no one on this earth more powerful than the police.  To quote Val "the liar" Gross, they are the biggest fraternity in the world.

When you think of a fraternity, what do you think of?  Mostly people that groups either are loved or hated. Those who hate them are either like them in nature (other groups like firemen) or who want to be them.  Mostly people respect and admire them, and will do anything to please them and be a part of their group.  If it's the good ones or the bad ones, a friend who is a cop is coveted.  Look at me, I am a convicted felon, can't attend any school in this area, and can't get a job.  Let's not forget about the skunks.  Mike Duggan is lucky to make it to be in the election, because Napoleon runs with a seedy crowd criminals who are cops.

Stay tuned...

Too funny, I want to hear what she has to say if Napoleon is elected!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Action Jackson "I told you so!"

Garry "Action" Jackson
Well, well, well...
I hate to say it, but I told you so.  I remember Jackson, and we called him "Action Jackson".  He is the one that act as if he had the most class and that it was beneath him to ever sleep with a inmate.  As I have said, "Well, well, well..."  This guy is so cocky and arrogant, you wouldn't believe.  He has all the charisma of a snake, as you can see.  They are supposed to be starting procedures to fire him.  In the words of my girl Wendy, "Allegedly".  If he hasn't even been convicted, then why are they already trying to fire him?  I'm thoroughly confused, because I thought that we are all innocent, until proven guilty.  I didn't get that chance, but I forgot, I'm already a convicted felon.  Well, we'll see about that, too.

The Oakland County Administration is so corrupt.  Even the Commissioners are crooked and never wanted to hear or do anything about the prostitution at the jail.  Remember, I went to them and Pontiac's City Council about what I went through and they ignored me.  All I can sat is, "I told you so".  He has been charged, which means they have probable cause.  This has to be bond over, because it's suppose to be the tiniest bit of evidence that would lead a reasonable person to believe that a crime has been committed.  The idea that she said that she had sex with him wouldn't be enough.  The Prosecution has hard evidence that something happened in that broom closet.

Let me tell you about that broom closet.  That broom closet gets more action than the track at the Indy 500.  We go in there when they strip search, well we used to.  You line up near the station outside of New Arrest and the Trustee Pods.  Then you go into a room with no windows or doors with two deputies.  As you already know these women or men aren't very trustworthy.  I hated going in there, because they looked into your underwear.  I think they were looking for shit stains or other stains that would make sex with you undesirable.  It's also the place that you lost the wires out of your bra, because they can be fashioned into a weapon.

Moreover, it's the place where deputies had sex with inmates.  Both the men and the women had sex in this closet and it's legendary.  I remember that I scared the heck out of this woman named Samantha.  I told her that closet had a camera in it and the FBI could put cameras anywhere in that building they wanted, because of the Patriot Act.  She went ballistic and started screaming at me that I was a liar.  I don't know if that was true or not, but it's always fun to tell a whore her acts were caught on tape.  She was one to believe that nobody knew she was OCJ whore.  I always knew.  She would strut the pod like she owned it.  I would always tell her, "You f@#! somebody, because you think you run this place".

So, when you hear about this story, please take the time to read my blogs.  It's not just "Action Jackson", it's all of them.  The ones who didn't do it, knew about it and don't get a pass.  These people have been made rulers of the lowest class in society.  Nobody really cares if they hurt you, abuse you verbally, mentally or sexual.  This Prosecutor is brave and this isn't the first time, remember, that woman who told on a deputy just before my ordeal began.  None of the other women will come forth, because they got their lighter sentences and don't even want to look back.  I hope this forces a change!