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Mike Duggan Mayor, City of Detroit |
I can't tell you the feelings that I had the day after my last post. Mike Duggan and the Governor of Michigan sat on a stage, while people cheered. Wayne State had announced that students that graduated in 2020 would get free tuition. I never knew exactly what it meant, because the young people in the class of 2020 had already paid for their tuition for the Fall semester and the only semester left was the Winter. It is still so confusing, because now, the President of Wayne State has been fired; I think. Instead of looking like a liar, cheater, money launderer and bid-rigger, looked more like a stellar example of what a Mayor should be and look like in this country. Seated, I might add, on the dias with our Governor, Gretchen Whitmer. Remember, Dan Gilbert of Quicken Loans gave Kilpatrick $240K when he was in jail. So, Dan Gilbert has had his hands in Detroit's business for a long time. He was patient and waited for a man, if not the man, Mike Duggan to take office. Now, he is getting incentives to build all kinds of stuff in Detroit that includes the new Wayne County Jail. This is what I'm telling you. It is obvious that Kilpatrick and Gilbert were working to get things done. He wanted this take over, back then, back during Kilpatrick R.I.C.O. Investigation. Roger Penske and John Nicholson chipped in, too. All of these men had a hand in making sure that Kilpatrick was on their side.
Why? Why are all these highly recognized men of Detroit giving away money to a common thug and ex-con? My mother gives me money, because she loves me. Just like when I was a little girl and whined about wanting a candy bar in the store. She bought that piece of candy, because she loved me and did not want to see me unhappy. Even if Kilpatrick had just been released from prison, I doubt if any of these men loved Kilpatrick so much that they wanted him to live in luxury. He took a portion of that money and bought a mini-mansion in an upscale neighborhood in Detroit. We clearly know that he got the loan from that home from Quicken Loan. It was all over the news when it happened. Everyone speculated, but we know why. Kilpatrick knew their secrets and they had did some real dirty business, while he was in office and they didn't want him to tell their "wrong-doings". Duggan, a more likable Mayor, stellar speaker and a great big phony, can get more done. Those in charge, including Gary Brown, a Detroit Police Officer that hated Kilpatrick in more comfortable with Duggan, too. He is a part of Duggan's administration. In 2015, Brown was made the Director of the Water and Sewage Department in Detroit. As you recall, Christine Beatty, Kilpatrick's mistress and a far cry from a OBGYN, and Kilpatrick joked about Brown. He was pressing Kilpatrick for help with the Police Department lawsuit he'd filed against the city.
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Gary Brown Ex-Detroit Police & City Council Member Detroit Water & Sewage, Director |
Now, there is two things that Brown's obnoxious ways were about. One, he might be a snitch trying to pull Kilpatrick in some sort of set-up. Remember, Kilpatrick didn't want anything to do with Brown. Beatty and Kilpatrick, dodged his every advance. If someone calls you, after you fire them, they got something on you. I always say this, but it's true, cops know everything about you. Even if there is nothing they can do to you, they still know and can use that information to get what they want. That brings me to number two, extortion. We can't rule out "snitch" and Gary Brown, because he ended up testifying against Kilpatrick in his trials. Now, we have an ex-cop that has been working in the system and knows what's going on. He needs money, because he probably had his hands in dirty deals in Detroit and now, he doesn't have that money coming in anymore. He was awarded $8.4M. Why does he even need a job, anymore? Why is still working for the City of Detroit? That is another question that needs to be answered. He was hated by cops, because he was Internal Affairs. Like I said, he knew everybody's business in the Detroit Police Department, and no one was going to let him in and give him a chance to make a dime. What does he do, try to shakedown Kilpatrick. Kilpatrick wasn't having it and wasn't willing to "play ball".
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Christine Beatty (left), Kwame Kilpatrick (right) |
The reason that Duggan is so hard to get is his passive nature. He hired a man to work for Detroit that sued the city and won money. Something that the city needs so badly. The people even elected him to City Council. So, we know that Detroiters are special kind of people. They had faith in Kilpatrick, even if he couldn't make a positive move, while in office. Just like Obama, and for different reasons, he couldn't get anything done. People like Duggan, he's "The Great White Hope". He can get things done, where Kilpatrick failed, due to his "ghetto" image. He dodged Brown, told his administration to avoid him and don't give him one penny of city money. What does Mike Duggan do, he hires Brown, and gives him charge of the biggest Public Works Department in the city. It's been 10-years, but I can just imagine that people wanted to be blessed with a better more qualified criminal than Kilpatrick. He just didn't seem to be able to "play ball" with "The People". Mike Duggan, he did not make that mistake. The real people of Detroit, the citizens, they have yet to be compensated. They do not hold a position that he feel warrants an answer expediently and lack barter power. They have nothing to give in exchange for housing, lead removal or combatting blight So, they are forced to live in a run-down Detroit, while men like Gilbert get rich. We know what Gilbert wanted, because he got it. Penske and the Detroit Grand Prix and Nicholson, waste protection. He probably wanted city contracts for chemical cleaning and disposal of his waste. I am purely guessing. Now, there is Roy Wilson, President Wayne State University.
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Roy Wilson, Wayne State University, President |
Wilson is Japanese, but if you close your eyes when he talks, you can swear he is a Black man. You might ask what that has to do with anything. We know that Gilbert, Penske and Nicholson are business men. That consists of all kinds of dirty business. But when a man gets fired and says he's not going anywhere. That's a "n*gga move". After a summer romance and a Black man moves in. Try and tell him that he's leaving in the middle of the winter. He will reply just like Roy Wilson, "I ain't going nowhere!" Duggan called Wilson with a "Quid pro Quo". That's not lost on me. My favorite movie is "Silence of the Lamb". I had to look it up, when Hannibal Lecter was playing a game with Starling for information. "NO, 'quid pro quo'". He told her, "You tell me things and I'll tell you thing". With that phrase, he entered her mind. I wondered what got Duggan in Wilson's mind? A new dorm, a theater or some project meant for the city to share. How'd they get the Governor there, because the members of the board said it was a "last minute" thing. We know how Duggan works, and he is strictly "Quid pro Quo". He exchanged favor with Dr. Hasan, sex for grant money. He took Alexis Wiley from Huel Perkins and Fox 2 News, for the jobs of Charlie LeDuff and Jason Carr. Huel Perkins that has ties to Wayne State himself. He graduated top of the class, from Wayne State Law School. His protege, Erica Erickson, honored him at a program there a few years back. I used to follow her on Facebook, but she has blacked me. If I were Jason Carr, I would question my wife's relationship with Perkins. He is obviously a womanizer and philanderer that "befriends" the women at Fox 2. Last week, a woman claimed that both Matt Lauer and a producer was harassing her for sex. I wonder if that's the culture at Fox 2 News, Detroit. Both Erickson and Asher are beautiful women. What did he offer Wilson? We'll find out shortly, or not, because the Board Members are getting the new Attorney General, Dana Nessel on the job. She rivals Kym Worthy when it comes to dogging people and situations.
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Dana Nessel Michigan Attorney General |
Unlike Clarice Starling, I don't have the answers in my possession. There is no friend that will help me sort through the pieces. We just have to "watch, wait and pray". Who Mike Duggan is I don't know. He could be the "The Great White Hope" and I just can't see it. Maybe Kwame Kilpatrick was just a great big thug that wore $3K suits and had parties at the Manoogian Mansion and murdered a stripper that performed there. Maybe Donald Trump is innocent. I really don't know, but now a man's livelihood is at stake. A Harvard graduate's career is being threatened by Duggans fake and phony games. He is "playing ball", but not well. I could say that he is losing. That means that he's going to pull out all the stops to stop the bleeding. He can't help himself. He's a psycho-path, and things are falling out of his control. Everyone doesn't think he's the best person for the job, anymore. He's going to fight to tell everyone that they have it all wrong and he's really a nice guy. People will believe him, but people like me will see it for what it is. He really doesn't do everything he does for the money. He does it, because he wants people to like him. He's a fair man and he is willing to always give a man something for his trouble. That's the sign of a positive man, but it more of a karma thing. When you take and never give, you disrupt the universe and can tilt the scale towards injustice...
Thanks to Mike Duggan, the City Of Detroit has another casualty.
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