Thursday, November 22, 2018

Ode to Sarah G.

Sarah F. Gaynor

This person was the hardest person to have to live with.  Sarah Gaynor is a slut. The worst kind of slut, because she used sex to get away with murder. Honestly, I just didn't like her. Game can peep game and she came to me and talked to me one night before bed.  I think she was actually hitting on me, but she tried to tell me about the peanut butter, too.  See, at the Forensic Center, it's beneficial for you to be crazy.  They were putting a bit of LSD in our food at times.  It made Sarah have bad dreams.  I don't know, but for some reason I had bad dreams that night.  I don't think Sarah mind the Adderal, it is similar to the feeling cocaine gives you.  She told me some stories that mirrored the true stories of me and another inmate I helped write an important letter to exit the Forensic Center. She was jealous, because she was ready to go. I heard she gave the best "blow jobs". This meant that Sarah had been informed thoroughly about me, before I got back there.  This was my second trip to the Forensic Center on a case that I beat. Probably by Matt, security personnel that had a quickie with a woman that burnt her two children alive, because her new boyfriend thought they were a nuisance.

Sarah knew I wasn't "insane" and that's what I meant by game peeping game.  Somewhere in my heart, I think she was trying to help me or find a friend in me.  Her case had her wanting to get close to a Black person, because her BFF Amy was leaving, soon. What she told me next would ruin our relationship, forever.  She said she was involved in a car crash while intoxicated.  I think intoxication includes drugs and alcohol.  She had been found with actual drugs and alcohol in her system.  A Black man had been killed in the crash and burned alive. His family was mad she got an NGRI.  Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity. I was mad, too, because Sarah is not mentally ill.  Like Amy, they had just given her a free ride.  Her psychiatrist, a man who she spends 45 minutes with in a conference room, is about to let her out. I don't know exactly what they do in the conference room, but knowing Sarah it was probably some kind of sex act.

She also told me that his family was upset she was at the Forensic Center and not doing time in prison. They say there is nothing wrong with her, and I agree.  As you know while in prison, they made me live amongst those who are mentally ill, in order to keep me out of trouble.  It wasn't that hard, because they were usually more involved with who they are not, to just leave you alone.  Unless they are worrisome, and there were a few of them.  I was very doped up and couldn't really tell the difference, anyway.  But I know the signs, especially those of a schizophrenic.  Of all the disorders in mental illness, it is the most tormenting.  Seeing things and hearing things that aren't there is horrible and you can't stand it.  Medication is usually not solace for schizophrenia.  The people I know still have signs and symptoms while on their medication.

Schizophrenics have no control of it.  A lying crooked psychiatrist would tell you there is, but I know there is not.  Sarah's medication couldn't help her act normally, and she act real normal, and not like any schizophrenic I know. They aren't social butterflies like Sarah and Amy, walking the gym holding hands and getting dates from men who live there. They are shamed usually and bothered by their illness and most of the time are solitary people.  They don't stand up in group and raise their hand and say, "I have bad dreams" But I think Sarah is ready to leave the Forensic Center, one way or the other.  Mostly she wants to go to a step-down like Amy, but it's only been a year.  Except,"Vehicular Homicide" doesn't carry as much time as "Open Murder".  So, a year versus Amy's two is just about right. When you talk on the scale of prostitution for a prison sentence...I guess.

So, one day when Sarah was going through our DVD Collection, and asked who wanted to watch "Men in Black" and Matt -the FSA that has sex with child killers- started laughing, I lost it.  I cursed her out, and called her and Amy sluts.  Told her that she was a murderer and deserved to go to prison.  She smiled, but two weeks later decided that she was terribly upset with me.  She used that an excuse not to go to groups that she wasn't attending, anyway.  Before I got there, and discovered that she was a fake, Sarah didn't do anything she didn't want to do.  All she had to do is have sex.

That's when she went to every White racist employee and told them that I was threatening her.  I was being watched and they told Sarah if there was ever a problem that they need to seek relief from staff.  Nothing was going on, and the staff started to get the picture.  Then Sarah was in trouble, but not much, he was quickly becoming their only money maker.  Amy was leaving soon.  When Amy did leave, she started blaming all her short comings on Amy.  "I wasn't a nice person, because Amy told me not to talk to you all."  She lied, she did what she wanted; don't blame Amy when she leaves.  When it was Amy in group, while she was there that said Sarah wasn't going to let go of our animosity.  Amy didn't understand why Sarah was so bitter and vindictive, because she was raised in a kind loving home and had all she wanted, love and materialistically.

Sarah admitted she suffered from what is known as hysteria.  It's a personality disorder that causes a person to seek attention.  I can believe that, because Sarah used our situation to get the entire staff against me and on her side.  I thought I was in a bad movie, like "Single White Female."  Then when Amy left, she came to everybody she had treated like the dork class in high school and made amends.  That included me, because we were all ready to treat her really bad.  If it wasn't for her fellow prostitute who hadn't left, she would have never won President.  Amy had the job before she left.  We had it set-up for another woman to get it, but a new woman split the vote.

Although, we all knew why Amy and Sarah were getting so much attention, we sorta could stomach Amy a little more.  She is a bit older and street wise, and understood that she had been given a gift and not to "rock the boat".  Sarah treated us all like we were in high school.  She was the Molly Ringwald of South 4.  Remember, in "The Breakfast Club", she was the elite and didn't have to treat people nicely or with respect.  There was a pecking order and she was at the top of the food chain.  Amy tried to teach her, but found the idea she was from privilege, to disregard her ignorance.  I really didn't blame.

When Amy left, they tried to lie and say she was in Kalamazoo.  The family of the man that she killed is out to get her, so they say.  Sarah kept up the charade and told us that Amy was talking to one of her boyfriends at Kalamazoo.  An old patient, however, wrote to a women still at the Forensic Center.  She told her that she heard that Amy was with her.  I hope this makes you understand how the White race in Oakland County truly knows how good they have it.  They don't care, they don't see and Sarah doesn't understand that she killed a man while drinking and on drugs.  I told her that my friend Chrissy got 13 years for doing what she did.  She stares into space, and I think and counts how many more men she has to sleep with before she can escape.  How many more Friday's she has to spend with Dr. Saragoza in a conference room.

To let you know how unaware Sarah is, or it could be that she is just too young.  She told me, "I'm sorry, I'm scared of Black people."  I reiterated her point and said, "There are some Black people that I'm afraid of.  There are also some Whites I am afraid of, too.  Fear has no color."  I believe that Sarah is prejudice, and that's why she underestimated me.  As a 21 year old woman, she believed she could out-fox me.  I'm a 42 year old Black woman from the hood.  That was very doubtful, but as I've said, Sarah is not that smart.  She uses her body to get what she wants, which is sad but gets her that all important attention she craves.  Just like shaking her leg and hand when she drinks her coffee.  Just another fake-out.

I once watched her simulate oral sex on a candy cane, when a staff member showed me some attention.  He was alright, but Sarah and Amy had been trying to get him for months.  For some reason he found me interesting.  Sarah sat at a table and did a imitation of deep throat.  I was so shocked.  See, now Amy put her up to that!

This is what her local paper had to say about Sarah:

I recently messaged Sarah on Facebook. She replied, "What do you want from me?" I answered, "did I ask you for anything" Then I blocked her. The woman in the article said that she suffered from mental illness. Sarah has histrionics. She'll do and say anything to get attention. That's why she is so promiscuous. You can get a lot of attention having sex with a lot of men. She was world renowned in the State run Forensic Center and a pro at the Saginaw Valley Hospital where she had weekly appointments with the staff. I was with her twice when Chuck took her; allegedly! 

The scene of the fiery crash where Terence Dyer died!

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