Thursday, December 28, 2017

The Police II: Fast Food

Image result for Fast Food collage

I like fast food. My favorite fast food is McDonald's. There is a McDonald's at the corner of Woodward and South Blvd. It's been there for over 20 years now, but I never really liked going there. It's kinda nasty and in the beginning, they would run out of filet-o-fish and hash browns. I knew it was from one of three things. They were either giving so many away that the computer couldn't count or they were being stolen or they were eating it. Either way the computer they use to ship food orders didn't have an accurate account of what had been sold. Everything is run by computers these days. It's a system that runs through what is rung through the register. If it's not rung in the register at the point of sale, it can't be counted. If it's not counted, the distribution center can't send the right amount to replace what was sold. 

You start with 10 patties, you sell 3 and you give 5 away. You only have two in the store, but the distribution center thinks you have seven, and only send three, and replace the three that were sold. The five you gave away haven't been counted, because they never went through the system. Inventory, is high tech now, and owners know when they are losing money quicker today, then "back in the day." I used to work fast food 30 years ago, when I was 15. My first job was at Burger King. The one that sat at Telegraph and Square Lake Road in Bloomfield Hills. We stole anything that wasn't nailed down. It seemed normal, but it was wrong. That store closed many years ago. There is a drive-thru scam that still goes on, even today. That scam can close a new business quick.

People come up to the drive-thru and order their food. Only the person ringing the order doesn't ring the order, but tallies it in their head. In fact, my friends back 30 years ago knew the prices for every item on the menu. They could add them, with tax, in their head. Whoever said that we were dumb? Cashiers, would get as close to their real total, as they could get, without using the register. One day, they actually had a competition, about who could get an order to the nearest dollar. I won't tell you who won. It's an old game, and owners have gotten hip to the scam. First, they added a second window. That broke up the transaction. It worked, but they got around that. Then they bought these tallying machines that hung outside the first drive thru window. It told you your total. You would pick-up your order at the next window, where no money is exchanged and only food is passed through the window. It's actually a good idea, because it puts several people involved in one transaction. Lowering the chance for corruption.

It didn't work, because everyone has to be involved in it anyway. See, in fast-food restaurants, there are these little TV's sets over the food boards, where your sandwiches are made. When the food goes through the register, it comes up on the these little screens. If the people at the drive-thru aren't ringing up the food, because they are stealing the money, nothing comes up on the screen and no food will be made. It's the job of the people expediting the order to listen to know what is being said over the speaker and get the right food. Those making the food need to listen too, in order to know what sandwiches to make. This is especially true at Burger King, where you can "Have it the way you want it." If the person running drive-thru pisses off the person making the sandwiches, then they can go home broke for the night, because the only thing needed to be said is, "I'm not making nothing that don't pop up on that screen!"

You don't get a receipt, because they haven't rang the order. Everything is synchronized with those who are working the drive through and boards. All the person getting the order, the expediter, has to remember is what drinks and fries to gather up and put in the bag. So, it a four man team. Five, if there is two people working boards. Now, you know why the drive-thru speaker is so loud when you go into the store and they repeat your order several times.. Everyone has to hear the order, so they know what food to make and get your order right. Plus, drive-thru has time restrictions. They have to move quickly. I know we had three minutes to get an order out.That's why you can go to a fast food joint and your order is all wrong, because somebody couldn't keep everything straight in their head. That person doesn't get more than a few chances, before they start working cleaning the dining room or working the dine-in register.

At the McDonald's on Woodward and South Blvd., they broke the little machine that tallies your order on the outside. It's broken, and can't be used anymore. So, your total no longer shows up there, and you get your total from the cashier. Drink are supposed be made automatically through the register. Your not supposed to be able to make a drink, without it going through the register, and that includes water. That is broken, too. It's either broken or they ring the drinks and nothing else, because their is always a way around everything. And it's not just the Black folk, it goes on all around Oakland County, and in the White neighborhoods, with White folk, too. I'm just concentrating on this store for several reasons. One they serve me nasty food, the store is usually nasty and that girl who got killed in that Facebook murder was there, before she got killed.

It's a den for the ex-Pontiac Police and now Oakland County Sheriff's Department. I can't go to any fast food place around here without being targeted. I have no idea how they know who I am. I know that I'm followed, everywhere I go. They are obsessed, and that is probably the reason why. My brother claims it's my smart phone that lets them know exactly where I am, because it has GPS. I don't know, but I'm known, and they always make sure they give me my receipt. It not only that I get my receipt, but my food can be old and stale, cold and tasteless and at that ghetto ass McDonald's down the street, half-done, inedible and just plain bad. That place is Pontiac Police Central.

Believe it or not, unless he has sold it, I know the man that owns it. He bought a treadmill from me at Sears. He is a Black man. When I would go in there and there was no fish, no hash browns and the dining room looked like a tornado went through it, I felt so sorry for him. African-Americans in our community always talk about what the White man does to them. Hold them back and make it so hard for them. They make it hard for themselves. Here a Black man has bought a franchise, gave them a job and they are robbing him blind. Smoking crack in the backroom and allowing their friends to eat for free. The police tell them that I think I'm so much better, and that I like White people. They are simple  minded, but know nothing but jealousy and greed. If they weren't messing with my food, I wouldn't care one bit.They see me as a way to end their "good thing", because I'm uppity and think I'm White. But they know they are Black and still can't do better?

Truth is I was them. I was a low-down thief that would take anything that wasn't nailed to the floor. These young people don't even know that they aren't going anywhere, yet. They have no idea that life isn't going to take them  anywhere, but either to an early grave or jail. We know what happens in jail. They think I'm their enemy, but in reality, I wished that I could help. Beat them in the head and tell them to go to school, get an education and make a way for themselves. They think it's too hard. It's just that they never were taught the mind-set that leads them to success. They were always taught to "get over" and not work hard to succeed. The White man this and the White man that. They were never taught self-responsibility and self-actualization. Just "take, take, take, take," as much as you can. It don't work, but it's all they know. I fight for their health and ability. The ability to not be sold and treated like less than a person.

But the police, the sick and sorry police that are going to use them and turn them out, block their blessings. They tell them how many pairs of shoes I have in my closet, that I'm in college and that I like White people and it sets off a mindset that puts rocks in my food. I always go to the McDonald's on Telegraph and they're no better. None of them have an ounce of class or decorum. I wished these people were more like me. That they knew that living your life stealing and participating in organized crime with the police won't work. Obviously if the police need free food, they have problems of their own.  Because I still believe, somebody at that restaurant, let Paul McDougall know that girl was at that McDonald's. It was a set up, to make him look good. That's why he rode behind them without turning on a siren or honking a horn or doing something to stop that high speed chase. That could have saved that girl's life. But he did nothing...Sad, just sad!

Below is a piece of nasty chicken I got from the Kentucky Fried Chicken on Opdyke in Pontiac. Oh yeah, this is what comes in my boxes:

Of course, I don't go there to eat anymore. Things might happen to my food that I can't see. If your in to it with the police, this might happen to you, too. Know when stuff like this happens, it could be them. McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Popeye's, Church's/White Castle in Pontiac, Bloomfield Hills, Waterford, Keego, or Auburn Hills it's the same old thing.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The Police II: Influences

Image result for Genisys credit union logo

Since I began my blogs, I've talked about places that I've worked, and things I know about the police. People believe that the police are so great. If the police are my friends, then I'm good. This usually comes from their snitches. Snitches that they set-up at different jobs, in order to steal and cause conflict. I remember, when I was working for Girl Scouts. Before, any of this even started. My boss wanted me to stop coming to work. She was a thief that tried to convince me that I had stolen $1,000 in Girl Scout cookie money. Like all rackets in Pontiac, the police had a hand in it. Nothing went on in Pontiac that the police didn't know. And she had wanted them to prevent me from going to work.

So, when I challenged her, suddenly the children down the street, started throwing rocks at my car and breaking my windows out. When they got older, they came to work at Sears. I have also, written in my blog that Sears and the Summit Place Mall was their own private mall. Where they shopped, their momma's worked, their wives and snitches, too. It was a free for all. They have Great Lakes Crossing that way, now. As a cop that uses drugs, spending money on clothes and groceries, is a grave misfortune. Employing these kids to knock out my windows was just another job. And they did a good job.  Both side windows were gone, and they tried to knock out the front window, but it was hard. They were only seven and eight years old and couldn't throw that hard. Thankfully, my brother gave me another car, and they weren't going to dare touch his car.

So, we know that they have a prostitution ring that spans Oakland and Wayne Counties. What I haven't told you is the influence they have on your everyday life. Things that you would never imagine they could have an affect on in your life. I never knew the extent of the reach of those involved with the corruption in Oakland County. At first, I concentrated on the city of Pontiac, and our police department. Since Michael Bouchard muscled his way into being the sheriff of our city, I see the full extent of his hold on things and the influence the police have on the dark side of things. I'm going to name names, of course. If I didn't, my blog wouldn't be worth reading. You have to know, and I have to make you understand that this is serious and very real.

I joined Genisys Credit Union in 1995, when it was Truck and Coach Credit Union (T&C). As a little girl, I would ride pass there, and see the cylinder shaped window and hoped to one day, be able to go in there and do my business. I was very proud of my beige card and later my debit card. I knew the girls who worked there, on Friday's it was packed and they still got you out in a reasonable time. These days, it's a ghost town, and you wait longer in line with three people in line than you did with 23. My mother went in there with my little beige card and the woman behind the counter took a pair of scissors and tore it up. Told my mother it was nothing.

One of the big things with these "men" is that I run in their circles. I mean, I'm banking at the same institution as they do. There should be a great divide between them and me. Even if they are one step from the cheese line themselves. It helps them if I'm walking, jobless and ignorant. So, they keep me from getting a job. They interfere with my education any chance they get. What they've done to my "new" car is senseless. Broken tail lights, scratches in my interior, nicks, scratches and tried to pull my bumper right off the frame.They go in my car, steal things one day and put them back the next. I have an alarm on my car, but the police who are targeting me are criminals and work closely with criminals. I saw on television where crooks can steal cars with special fobs that can unlock doors and disarm security systems. Like my credit union debacles, they've always wanted me to believe that it was Steve Wittebort doing these things.

On Saturday, September 16, 2017. I wrote a check to the State of Michigan for my tab on my car. Monday morning, September 18, I looked in my account to check that money I had transferred to my Genysis account had arrived. It was money that would cover that check. It hadn't, but the check that I wrote on Saturday, had cleared and I had a bounce check fee. How that could have happened is a miracle. Checks don't clear in 24-hours, and Sunday is a non-working day. That check wasn't even supposed to have made it to clear the State's system. To have reached my financial institution was impossible, but the credit union insisted it was a good transaction. I can recall a few years back, a man was at the credit union. This is after it changed from T&C to Genisys. I'm sure there was corruption back then, but there was so many people that it was consumed in the may-lay of a day. Anyway, I overheard a man talking to a product specialist. That's what they call customer service tellers there. He was very upset, explaining how they had made a mistake and all of his bills weren't paid on time.

He said, "My check goes into this account, every time I get paid, but this month, it went into this account." He reach across the desk and showed the woman the paper. He pointed to his statement and showed the money had been going into the account for five or six years. Suddenly, it's going into this other account. He was livid, because he was late with his car payment. That is a negative on your credit report, plus he had to pay all his bills that month manually. Lights, gas, credit cards; everything. It was a great inconvenience. He was really upset. I was in there, because several checks had bounced. I was stressed out, because I had been checking my account and when I checked I had the money, but checks were clearing late. Checks that I had written weeks before hadn't cleared. Checks for department stores and grocery store, were being held up. It was very disheartening.

Last spring, they held my mother's account up for four days. My cousin who works for the Federal Reserve told me that they have to release your funds. I had deposited the money that day, at the credit union's main branch. When I went to make the purchase on-line it said non-sufficient funds. But Genisys, held her account, because it was a favor for the police, and they make their own rules. And when the woman Terri Volmer, head of some department, called our home, she told me that she had a problem with me. Because it was my mother's account and I was speaking for her. I had a problem with them, because my mother thought I had pocketed her cash. She was very nasty. Moriah, at the main branch in Auburn Hills, expressed herself as if I was beneath her. The tellers who blocked my mothers account were laughing at me and felt they were somehow superior to me, because they were working with the police.

I'm quite sure they talked about me to them, and told them I was a stalker and went around telling people I was pregnant when I wasn't. Just like they did with Hersh-Beattie, the orthodontics. They love to try to make people believe that I'm this miserable character that is nobody and nothing, because that's who they wish I was and who they are. If I was nothing, if these women were smart, they would ask them: "Why are you trying to give her such a hard time?" If I don't matter, and I'm nothing, plus crazy. There has to be something about her that is special, because you just spent a portion of your day, to disrupting her life and try to make her miserable.

But these women are stupid and looking for a husband. For some reason people like to hear bad things about other people. These "men" thrive on that and use people's jealousy and own self-loathing to manipulate and connive. It's amazing how people so quickly run to folly and their willingness to do bad things. And if the police need you or you are a threat. They will find something about you and blackmail you or contrive a situation that puts you in a bad light and then blackmail you. Who better than a cop, because most people trust them and believe the things that they say.. I had a woman spend five hours telling me what a great catch Steve is. No, I'm a catch and he's an arrogant asshole. Who lies when it's convenient. Anyway, it's just a shame, how these people get stuck on titles and badges and being able to say they know a cop or that he's their "boy"friend.

The police's influence spans all across this county. Financial institution, like the credit union, can help further their cause. When you are able to show your influence to you snitches, through loans and new accounts at a credit union, you can build their confidence in your ability to do things for them. And then, they will be more willing to help you get the things done that you need done. I see there are plenty of Hispanics that go in the credit unions for loans, and accounts. They could be legal or illegal. I remember that woman at the Secretary of State who used to get illegals State identification cards. She was on probation for stealing the money bag three times from the State. I was talking to product specialist that has been there for years. Since I could remember, and I'm sure she holds a lot of secrets.

I was telling her I was having trouble with the police, and she started to name them by name. Asking me, "Which one is it?" I told her that she wouldn't know him. The next time I came in, she was distant and aloof. I was shocked, because she was always so talkative in the past. I just figured she asked her "friends" at OCSD about me and why I had problems with them and they gave her an ear full. They love to run people down, no matter who you are, because that lifts these "men" up. In their own eyes. I can just imagine what they do at the credit union with other people's money. Because I somehow lost $500 in 2016, right around Christmas time. All those old men that come in there, confused and needing help with their accounts. I can just imagine they leave out with their accounts just a little lighter.

The manager, is well dressed and seems to be oblivious to anything, except if her shoes match her blouse. She leaves the work up to "the girls", and she just "dress and rest". If you don't believe me, just go in there and watch. She's the tall lady with the heels and spiked asymmetrical cut. Her conceit is just ripe for these "men" who want to assert their power to people who are influenced by their position. I'm keeping my membership, and even if they refuse to aid me in my dilemmas and try to talk to me like I'm nothing. I'm not leaving until I'm ready. The FDIC needs to get involved and make them do right, instead of letting the police ruin people's experience and run the business in the ground. Because nobody deals with them anymore, due to poor service, lack of professionalism and corruption.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Messy Mary Pietila

Image result for mary pietila pontiac city council Syrian  2017
Messy Mary

Well, well, well...Mary Pietila. She is a Pontiac City Councilperson. I met her for the first time at Sears. She worked in the Dental Center, where all those involved in the racket got their kids braces. Back then, I had braces myself. I would go back there and the place would be empty. I thought, "She must not be a thief, or involved in the racket, or this place would be filled." So, when she ran for City Council in Pontiac, I was happy. Finally, there would be someone who would help straighten out the city. She caught me one day saying bad things about White people. Things about the White people, I had just encountered. But, I was embarrassed, because even when you're right, some things shouldn't be said and kept to yourself.

Last summer, a guy I know, got a job working for the city. Pietila made a snide post, being sarcastic. It was then followed by posts about the man that could or could not be true. The truth is, he was never convicted of a crime. Unless your convicted of a crime, no one can call you a criminal. Believe me... I saw the post and told the man to keep his head up. People always come after you when you're trying to make a change and do something positive. He messaged me, off the post and asked me not to listen to the things on the post. That Mary Pietila was just being nasty. After he had called her on her post she replied, "...I was just congratulating you". Lies and garbage.

Now, I don't know about this man. Like most people in Pontiac, I have known him a long time. I also had lost touch with him over the years. He was trying to build a base of constituents. She started a dialouge, meant to start a chain reaction that would air his dirty laundry, embarrass him and cause people who support him to question his motives. Now, that's fine, if your were on the side of his opposition. It seems that Councilperson Pietila was. I've seen this kind of dragging, before. People post a comment and all of their shady friends join in to destroy their enemy. Facebook 101, and the reason that my page consists of family and people I barley know or see anymore. "Friend" on Facebook is subject to who you're talking about.

There are people that I talk to and are friends in life, who aren't my friend on Facebook, because I'm real. I know how you're living and I will mess-up and leave a real post. So many people, pretend on Facebook that somebody like me will mess up your game, and I don't want to have to watch my back when I leave my house. I already got the OCSD on my tail. As a public official, Pietila is messy. I mean real messy. I don't think she realizes that she is human and able to be voted out. She also acts like she is untouchable. Her "There ain't no shame in my game..." rant the other night at the City Council Meeting was hilarious. That judge in Detroit, Wade McCree, used that phrase, and he was disbarred. Wade McCree had no shame either, and is out of a job. She should use her words wisely... Don't you think?

So, when she told me that she had helped me with the police detective that was harassing me, I went blank. The only police detective that I could think of was, Steve Wittebort. Now, why would she lie about that? Nobody helped me with Steve. I was hung out to dry, and no one would lift a finger to help me. Not her or any other member of the City Council. In fact, I wrote tons of letters to Senators, Representatives and even the Governor Rick Synder. I wrote Bill Schuette and the Judicial Tenure committee, and so on and so forth. I NEVER WROTE A MEMBER OF PONTIAC'S CITY COUNCIL! Especially, the then mayor, Leon Juckowski, about my problems. He knew more than he led on and never said a word.

When it first started in 2002, Willie Payne was mayor and so you know how that went. He was a cop, and just as dirty as the ones that railroaded me. So, Pietila's claims of "helping" me was puzzling to say the least. But these days, people are harassing me, and trying to make me believe that it's Steve. She somehow predicted my situation, before it actually began. If your familiar with my blogs, you know that I have a long history with Pontiac Police and the Oakland County Sheriff's Department. I've written numerous blogs about their prostitution and harassing me. It's no big secret. So, why is Pietila lying about her involvement with me, and trying to convince me she is helping me?

I looked up her district, and she's in district three (3). Her district runs straight up Baldwin. If you didn't know, Baldwin is the home for prostitution in Pontiac. I wrote a blog called "Sweeps". It tells that those sweeps down Baldwin that are supposed to get the prostitutes off the streets are fake. What they are really designed to do is get prostitutes in the jail for their big holidays that include Christmas and the Fourth of July. That's when they buy expensive gifts for their family and head "up north"   with their RV's, cabins, jet skis and boats. All of which aren't in their pay-grade. They  make the July sweeps around late March, and early April and Christmas sweeps late August and early September.

Their are other crimes that are heavily sought after at that time, too, like retail fraud and simple assault. Crimes that usually get you about 90-days. Those women come from "Petty Pietila" district. I bet she has an agreement with those dirty deputies and turn the other way when it comes to the prostitutes that work her streets. When there are no prostitutes on the street, who can deputies pick-up? What can they "sweep"? Nothing. She no longer gives long speeches about ridding the streets of prostitutes, because she works for "them", now. I know she knew that they would be harassing me and trying to make me believe that it's Steve. They just do their best to keep me hyped, and expect me to blame it all on Steve. Thanks to her foreshadow conclusion, it helps me understand a little bit more.

I wonder if she is gay, and a drug abuser. You know to be selling people on the side, you got to have some kind of addiction you're trying to support. My "friend", who isn't my friend on Facebook either, calls them "Benny and the Jets". You know that Elton John song about he and his friends going to see the drag-queen? My friend is so silly, and I think it's quite fitting. The way I see it is, who wants to work around a bunch of men who like booty, if you don't like booty, too? Not me...

My friend and I are in love. My friend never leaves me. He tells me that in order to love him, I have to ignore all the things they do, and try to make me believe Steve is doing it. The game was, I would go to City Council, and "Messy Mary" would come after Steve and make him lose his job. As a member of City Council, she could do that. Steve, no longer works for OCSD, because when I thought he was harassing me, I wrote them and complained. He doesn't work at OCSD, anymore. It would be expected that he would harass me. He and Joe Marogi got caught lying on the witness stand in my last case. He regretted calling me back when I called him. They got their little minds together and created a lie, but like the Gross case. I got the phone records! It proved they lied! That could also be the reason he doesn't work there.

I hear Marogi don't work there anymore, either. But I see how they treat their co-workers at OCSD. They were probably harassing both men, because they think Steve's my "man" and not my victim. That's funny... Like I would create a scenario, go back to jail after five months, and be tortured all over, again, and I was tortured! My friend says , more than likely, Steve must have gotten tired of them trying to make him lose his job. I would, too, because what went on between us was traumatic for me! I don't know what he went through, but he's not my "man". So, it's kinda sad, if they came after him. They coming after me, him and are really ruthless. Mary got the jump on it first, though. Thanks Mary...

Oh, she don't want to plow the streets, because we don't move our cars. I had moved my car on Tuesday, but it took them too long to clear our street. I just parked on the street Friday. Now, I have to park down the street. The plow came this morning, Saturday? Four days, later!!! Told the lady who she kept nameless that maybe she shouldn't have her street plowed. What public official says that? One who is connected to the racket, and feels untouchable. She can say whatever she wants, because in the end, her "friends" will protect her. Maybe even harass "nameless", like they do me and TRY to make me suffer. I've suffered enough, so ain't no shame in my game either. "Petty Pietila" is as crooked as they come and is using prostitution money for her benefit. The video link on Facebook is below:

Friday, December 8, 2017

The Best Little Whorehouse in Dearborn

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Shawna Thomas, Stevenson-Reynolds

I've been so busy with school. About three weeks ago, I saw a special report by Taryn Asher on Fox 2 News. Shawna Thomas, Stevenson and now Reynolds of the Oakland County Sheriff's Department has opened a home for "at risk" women in Dearborn. I have written a blog about Shawna in 2013. She was one of the deputies that harassed me relentlessly. Everyday, when she came to work, I knew there would be an attack on me. She would bring women from other parts of the jail, to yell obscenities at me from there cell. "Lesley...Lesley...You stalker bitch". I would get out my bed and ask who is that calling me name. "You know who this is bitch!" I would yell back, "No bitch, if I knew who you were, I wouldn't be asking!"

This deputy was obsessed with me. I never got involved with women at the jail. Shawna likes women, and that's fine. I don't hate her for that. I try not to hate, but she makes it really hard. The women with the sanction of the deputies harassed me constantly. My peace was disturbed, daily. It was stressful, but I held my own. It was hard most days and Shawna was the biggest stressor, she and Beane made my misery their goal; every day. Now, she claims to be a nurturing, by taking in women who are at risk. She says, she sees mothers, daughters, aunts, cousins and other family members come into the jail and she wants to find a way to break the cycle.

The truth is, she's seen and has pimped mothers, daughters, aunts, cousins and other family members in the jail for years. That "home" that she has in Dearborn is most likely a whorehouse. She says she puts up her own money to run it. No, I bet she has help from deputies she works with who are benefiting from the prostitution that goes on in that house. Dearborn police and Wayne County Sheriff's Department are also involved in prostituting inmates. I already wrote about the Detroit police and their hand in their own jail's prostitution. I went to a Detroit City Council Meeting to talk about it. James Tate and Andre Spivey passed a piece of paper around, looked at me and acted shocked. Intimidated, I didn't speak about the prostitution, but instead warned them about selling their water plant.

I regret that, today. Because now, Shawna, has opened a house for prostitution in Wayne County. How could that happen? That means no one is listening to me. That place is a house of illrepute. A whorehouse. Those women are prostitutes and Taryn Asher and Fox 2, may have allowed her to benefit from their newscast. I was literally sick watching the young woman, who claimed to be getting help, but had the tell-tale signs of abuse. She had lovely red hair and fair-skin, and it was riddled with bumps. She is stressed out and in need of relief. She probably is constantly pulled 100 ways. She doesn't get much sleep and has to deal with the turmoil of Shawna's constant fear tactics. When she said she had to leave all her friends behind, red-flags went up for me. She's an addict, true, but isolation is also a tactic of pimps.

All of these things typical with pimps. I could tell she was still using, but clean using. That's where you eat and rest in sessions. The goal is to keep you right on the edge of a full breakdown, without pushing them completely over the edge. I suspect that she is also having sex with Shawna. All the women were so happy, productive and getting their act together. The same bullcrap they give their families when they lie and tell them they're getting their stuff together. Watching them, all I could think about is what a crock of shit they were feeding Taryn. They were old whores and crackheads and their lying game is so tight, a woman like Taryn Asher couldn't tell the bullshit from the mess.

Don't get so involved in their appearance and say to yourself, "Those women are too old to prostitute". First, they aren't always used to prostitute, but snitch and keep the other girls mind stayed on hooking. Feeding them mess about how they had to do it, and they know where they are and how they feel. But are mean to them and force them to perform oral sex on them. Besides, men mostly close their eyes when they are being satisfied orally. Those old women are experts and have been doing it for a long time. A good blow is a good blow, and if you screw a monkey long enough, you start to love that monkey. Some of the ugliest, funny-looking, and weird acting women were called out their cells and down to the clinic...I'm just saying.

Lastly, they had a layout of food that could beat any all-you-can-eat buffet at the casino. They had pork, mac 'n cheese and bread. They made sure they showed pictures of them sitting down for a hefty meal. A woman, the ultimate snitch and Shawna's "Mother" does all the cooking and serving. The woman were washing and folding clothes. That was a show, because in jail they starve you to make you sell yourself for food. Meals are minuscule and inedible. You get a uniform, once a week and are forced to either go without underwear, or buy them. Of course, the women don't have money to buy them. Even when they prostitute for them they don't get free essentials, just chips and candy. Unless you have a "Boyfriend", a deputy, sergeant, lieutenant or captain. They bring you take-out, coke-a-cola (the jail serves Pepsi) and drugs.

For Shawna, this did two things. It showed other women that there was an alternative that they could work towards the next time they go to jail. Maybe then, the State will start providing funds for her whorehouses all across the state. Second, it showed those that doubt her motives that she truly takes care of the woman and she really cares. Seeing that the judges, probation, administrators and law enforcement are involved the chances of her growing is quite possible. During the entire interview, however, she never cracked a smile. She was so serious. That was a warning to the whores that she has pimped that she still ain't nice and don't mess with her. Too bad, I'm not one of her whores!

Image result for shawna reynolds about face
Does she look happy?

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Image result for Oakland County Sheriff's Depa

So, the last time I was in Oakland County Jail was this past April. Yes, I also feel it's like a bad vacation place I have to return to regularly. They were still pimping women out of the clinic, but Beane wasn't in charge of the entire Maximum security. He was only responsible for the disciplinary side. So, to avoid me, they allowed me to live on the regualr side. I was put in a yellow uniform. That meant that I was Med-Max, and not Max. The deputies didn't like that, because I was two steps from being the most dangerous inmate in the jail. So, in usual form and fashion, they did what they wanted and put me in a Max uniform. Then I was one-step from being the most danferous inmate in the jail. They are all White men, with no oversight, or punishment. They can do whatever they want and they do.

Quisenberry, a member of the Quisenberry clan that has about 20 family members who work for Oakland County, got this deputy to shake me down real nasty. She felt me up, pulled my pants up my butt and handled me real rough. He is the one who tip-toes around the jail and doesn't like noise. When an inmate is out of control in what we call bam-bam, he goes to the clinic, get a pill, sets it on their food slot and orders them to take it. He not only sells women, but has sex with as many of them as he likes. His uncle, a captain, or something high-fluential position, was helping Bouchard with the war on opiod addiction. That, while his nephew's sexual needs were helped along by it's influence on young women in the local suburbs, and who came to jail.

I came home seven days later. My lawyer got me off probation four months later and I bought a car in between. It's nice, it's a foreign car and very reliable. Someone has a key to my car, however, and enters it whenever they want. I saw a news report where people are cloning keyfobs and stealing cars. They damaged it in various ways, and did something to the tires, so the air goes out and I need new ones. I frequent the Walmart in Rochester Hills, and the man who gathers carts rammed my new car with a row of carts. When I called to ask i I should make a police report, I was asked, "You don't think they did on purpose, do you?" The police frequents that store,however, and of course steals from it. Just like Summit Place Mall, they've taken that store and Meijer as their own. I don't care.

My beef is and always will be with crooked cops. And crooked cops know that, but spend their time telling everybody else that I'm after them. That allows them to gather minions to help them harass me. So, my entering any store, fast-food joint or whatever, I am greeted with mean looks and attitude. My food is always wrong, messed up or miniscule. As usual, I've taken to fighting back and will continue to complain as long as my service s poor. The police in Oakland County are the worst breed of security in the world. They use criminals, like in the case of my car, to cause havoc to otherwise peaceful people. People are scared of them, too.

But I'm back in school, and have not been in any trouble in almost three years. This is the longest I've been home since 2002. But that's not good for them, because they've done their best to convince the world I'm insane. That doesn't really work, when you don't spend your time doing things that are crazy, but instead live a healthy and productive life. My case manager at CNS, a OCJ operative, wrote in my chart that I had the goal, of not wanting to argue with my family and others. She is a whole other story  I'll tell you about later.

I went to the movies to see "It", but my movie going pleasure was interrupted by children of the corn. Running up and down the aisle bumping the back of my seat. I left the theater singing "Hotel California" and this fat lady talked so loud that I was drowned out. I ducked in the entrance of a movie theater, and waited for them to walk by. When they passed, I continued my singing. I'm a pretty good singer and usually pretty loud. Their "Gas-lighting" tactics weren't working. I don't believe that all their harassment is the work of one person. They wanted to scare me out of writing about Overall, who I then knew was a pimp and not the great deputy they made him out to be.

They steal stuff out of my car and put it back. They cause trucks to act like they are going to run me off the road or run me down. They ride behind me and put their lights in my morrors and blind me at night. I bought various gifts for myself from online stores that haven't arrived and some have arrived already opened and repackaged. My mail is wet and several days late and all my teachers in school are trying to flunk me. I'm surrounded by OCSD patrol cars on my way to wherever I'm going. I went to get braces, and they told the orthodontist that I was insane and that I believed I was pregnant. And it goes on and on and on. Therefore this will never end for me. I'm notscared, a little perturbed, but they're not giving up and we both don't care. I still don't believe it's who they want me to believe it is.

Going to the Feds doesn't work, because how do you get the police to police the police? You don't, because you see how deep corruption can run. Look at Trump and his boys. The only reason they are being targeted, is because they aren't the police. You can't make this stuff up. Seriously..? Corruption in Michigan is evident, look at the Flint Water Crisis. Those citizens haven't had clean water in almost four years. Schuette is only prosecuting those people, because they aren't the police. Detroit Police are shooting at each other, and State Police are killing their kids in the street and nobody really cares. Black, White nothing but blue.

Law enforcement is a racket in Pontiac, and OCSD taking over hasn't changed that one bit. They only thing that changed is the color of their uniform from blue to brown. Now, it's just not Black folk, but White folk running the drugs, stealing and prostituting the addicted and homeless. You need to know what your tax dollars pay for. It pays for criminals to be set free to commit more crimes against society. Thieves, drug dealers, robbers and assaultive offenders. I've worked, shopped and lived amongst them for years, and have paid the price for not participating.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

I Waited...Was Overall a Pimp?

Image result for Eric Overall
Eric Overall
I have waited. I wanted to give this man's wife time to mourn. I didn't want to seem like a person that was inhumane, and who didn't care about the life of a man. I watched all the news reports, and the things that eveyone had to say about this man. I wondered everyday, however, " is he another pimp?" I know, sometimes, I can be really cynical and say things about people that are just unthinkable. I do that, because people do unthinkable things. 

I read the story about the young man that killed him and wondered if he had ever spent time in the Oakland County Jail. Maybe, Overall, had taken him there. It wouldn't be so far-fetched. Then I heard that he patroled around Pontiac. If you ever read my blogs in the past, you know that it starts in the streets. Somebody has got to bring the prostitutes into the jail. Was Overall one of those men? I know he had hardships with his own child that committed suicide. This could make him sensative to others.

Except, people who do cruel and unlawful things to people tend to dehumanize them. They don't see them as humans, but sub-humans, and a means to accomplish a specific goal. In this case, women and men from the streets, usually drug addicted and homeless, are used to make money for drug addicted deputies that wish to live beyond their means. I remember the last time I was there, Mr. Beane, one of the biggest culprits of the game, brought up a picture of his two daughters as I went out to visit with my lawyer. He felt that their well-being and ability to live a comfortable life, was cause for his illegal selling of people as sex slaves. Because these people they sell are drug abusers and have sex for money to buy those drugs. What difference does it make; right? Distorted thinking, at the least. 

It bring to mind two things when I think of reprorations. Somehow, God is watching and wants to bring right, all the wrong that has been done, and equalize the situation. Upon hearing of the death of John F. Kennedy, Malcom Little, known as Malcolm X, made a prolific statemnt about "chickens coming home to roost." It was used by Robert Southey, when explaining curses on a group of people. The idea that evil men's acts upon others, will cause evil to come upon them. I first spoke of this analogy, when Garry Jackson, a deputy at OCJ, was arrest, tried and sentenced for rape in the jail. He was Black, however, and subject to different laws. Another White deputy was caught having sex with an inmate and was allowed to retire.

That brings me to the second thought that Overall brings to mind. The idea that these people that they sell aren't human, and the words of Thomas Jefferson, slave owner and founding father. He wrote in him memoirs that Black people weren't human, didn't require as much food, sleep and didn't feel like White men, and therefore not human. He said this, to justify the fact that he gravely mistreated them, used them for free labor, raped their women and sold their children, seperating mothers from children and disrupting the lives of those who they thought of as chattle. Not seeing them as anything more than animals.

If you believe these things, as a scholar, philanthropist and businessman you can feel justified in the genocide of an entire race of people. It's a type of reasoning that allows evil men to do evil things, and flourish. But I believe in God, and I know he is the ultimate equalizer and his wrath is mightier than any man-made lie that can be told. The woman that caught that White man having sex with an inmate was deemed insane. They can do that to you, because they did it to me. But that Black man was sentenced to prison for his acts. There is an answer to that, and Overall is just the beginning.

Now, I'm not saying that Overall was a pimp. I don't know that, and none of the women have gotten back to me on that. As a child of God, I can tell you that prostitution is still an issue in the clinic at Oakland County Jail. Michael Bouchard can't stop it, Alder and Beane won't stop it. Hospitals, McClaren and General are involved in it, bails bondsmen, lawyers, prosecutors, judges and the State of Michigan is involved in it. When it all comes to a head, it will all play out for the world to see. I hope to be there. We know Overall won't be...