Thursday, February 28, 2019
Yaktownlaisly and other stuff: Caro...Real Cray-Cray
Yaktownlaisly and other stuff: Caro...Real Cray-Cray: I arrived at Caro in October of 2014. It was my fourth charge and I was tired. This place would be my greatest challenge. I would be su...
Caro...Real Cray-Cray
I arrived at Caro in October of 2014. It was my fourth charge and I was tired. This place would be my greatest challenge. I would be subject to abuse that I had never experienced, and hear some of the most horrific stories I have heard. When I got there, I made quick friends and became part of a little clique. We sat together, watched television and played cards together. We were kind of coupled up, which was a bad thing, because my partner was having sex with two of the security personnel, Kim and Shannon. Kim was butch-like and Shannon was tall and slim and wore her tight pants rolled up at the ankles. She liked my partner more than Kim did. Kim walked around like she didn't care that we sat together, ate together and sat on the bus together. Shannon was different. She would stand and pout. Eventually, they told us that we had to stay six feet away from one another. I didn't mention that he was White, and Kim was White and so was Shannon. Most of the people at Caro were White and ran that place like an asylum, but we had all the freedom possible to do whatever we wanted.
Many people don't know this, but mental institutions in Michigan don't have to be segregated. Men and women can live in the same unit, but not in the same room. At Caro, there were four rooms in one unit. Two rooms for men and two for women. After you get permission to move to a segregated unit, you finally live peacefully. Most of the staff is involved with either the patients or one another. I began a writing crusade that caused me to get a cocktail of psychotropic medication. Whatever it was it knocked you out. When I woke up, my partner was always sitting there waiting for me to awaken. When I did, I wasn't allowed back in my room, because of Sam. Sam, was a great big dyke that wanted to have sex with me. She badgered me constantly, and wanted me to know she wanted me. My mother sent me a box of food. They opened it, smashed my chips and candy. Stole my stamps, so I couldn't report them and all of their madness.
We had a cook that prepared our food. She was also a White woman hated that my partner would sit with me when we ate. One time, we were having ham, baked potatoes and broccoli. She had over baked my potato, and poked all these holes in it so it was dry. Then they filled his plate with two slices of ham, a huge baked potato and two large trees of broccoli. They stood looking at him and and he never looked up from his plate. Sam, Shannon and the cook. Previously they had done something similar with my pot pie and he traded food with me. That night, fear was all I could feel from the man sitting next to me. I also ate in silence. The six feet sanction started soon after that. My cocktail of shots ended, too. Shannon's nurse friend, afraid, because she had begun giving me shots for sneezing. I had written the State several times, and she first went on sick leave and then went to another unit to work.
My partner, who I will now call my friend was a drug addict. He was "messing around" with another woman who was a patient there, too. She was also a prostitute. Sarah and this woman were friends. I don't know what the woman had done to get there, but she and Sarah were from Oakland County Jail. During lunch at the school, she and my friend would go back in a corner, and while the security personnel kept watch, they would have sex. Unlike sex with Kim and Shannon, she pleased him. Sex with Kim and Shannon got him perks, food, drugs and special meals. Shannon would stand in the community room and ask him, "Are you still not feeling well? Because I need to give a count for the bus ride". He would look up surprised and say, "I never said I wanted to stay back, because I was sick". He would stay behind and when we got back from evening activities, she would be standing in his door with disinfectant and a towel. I guess she had washed the evidence away. It was rumored that Sam was having sex with Shannon, too. Sam was more like a man and she looked like a monkey, with thick bushy hair in a mushroom. She was really weird looking.
We had a classic "nut case" named Brian. Brian didn't have sex with anyone, because he was crazy! I mean just a "stark raving lunatic". He went off on me twice, but my friend wouldn't let him really hurt me. One day, he got really angry and started yelling at Shannon and Sam. I just sat and pretended to watch television. He pointed at Sam and screamed, "You f*cking dyke. Stay the f*ck out of our room talking sh*t!" Then he pointed at Shannon and said, "And you, you stay out of our room trying to get him to f*ck you!" He turned and pointed at my friend and he just stared at him. Well, Sam had a conniption! She kept taking deep breaths and pacing the dining area, then she went and got the book that they wrote our reports in. Our daily "observations", eventhough she was crazier than us and power hungry. Brian could care less, he was crazy and fed up with all their bullsh*t. She slammed the book down and turned to his page and started writing. She wrote with a purpose, dotting her I's like she was stabbing Brian through the heart. Brian went in his room and slammed the door. We all had to act uninterested. I sat there with a smile on my face. My girl, the yen to Larry's yang smiled, too.
So, when they finally broke us up, me and my girl stayed friends. There was this woman there that used to sneak food to us. McDonald's and stuff like that. Sometimes, she would bring us candy. She made us sit away from everyone and enjoy our snacks and McDoubles. I think she wanted to be our pimp. My girl was from Oakland County and had gained so much weight that they had to get her new clothes when she left. Oakland County goes into bags and steals clothes for their prostitutes to wear home or to a transfer. The guys got food and stuff, too. Charles would sit between her legs and let her braid his hair. When I gasped, he said, "Why you mad I give that old lady a thrill?" I replied, "You giving her more than a thrill." Every nurse was responsible for giving the patients their fix, like that woman gave out the fast-food. One day I was offered something in a cup that resembles a container of creamer. I said, "No thank you." My friend, however, downed his cup and went off to bed.
At night, they have these weird one-on-ones. That's when a security person sits at a patients beside all night. It's very awkward for the other people that live in the room. At shift change, they have to tell each other what's going on. On my first night, the transition turned into a talk on a cabin in the woods and a rude brother-in-law. I turned over and asked them to be quiet that I was trying to sleep. This man that looked like "Wolf Man Jack", stood over me, and stated, "What are you going to do about it if I don't?" I looked up at him and was shocked. He was intimidating me! I turned over again and said, "Nothing." He went to his one-on-one and I tried to get some sleep, which was impossible, because he was talking to yet another co-worker telling her about his daughter's new house. You get no respect at all at Caro or any institution that I've ever been in. This was my fifth and worst.
They fight the patients, too. One woman jumped on this security lady, whose entire family worked at Caro. Her daughter-in-law came to get her dig in and tried intimidate the young woman. This woman could care less, and I think she would have fought her, too. The woman had rather large hips, after having gastric by-pass. She was kind of deformed looking, but that was her sore point. The young lady that she got into a fight with kept calling her Barbie. It irritated the security lady to no end. Every time she said something, she would start whining in a despicable sneer, "Okay, BARBIE!" One night it was just too much and she charged the girl and put her fist in her face. She never hit her, but she pushed her fist into her face. Another one of the people that worked there used to instigate fights with patients she didn't like. In jest one night, as we sat talking she said, "I tell her, grab her by the hair and beat her in the face with your fist!" She threw her hands up and stated, "She never gets it and always gets her ass kicked!" Playing devils advocate, I asked her, "Why don't you just beat her up?" She turned to me and laughed, "I have." This guy DeJaun that takes advantage of the women too naive to know he's using them, just shook his head.
DeJuan was from Flint and had made his rounds to all the Michigan mental facilities. He had killed a man and got a "Not Guilty By Reason Of Insanity" plea. They knew that he wasn't insane, but he said that some how he fooled them. He said that they are never going to let him go. Like Sarah, they had been given a gift. He wore Michael Jordan sweat suits and shoes, kept his hair cut and had all the women he wanted! Even Sarah, but they broke them up, too. Sarah is White, and DeJuan is Black. The people at Caro can't stand inter-racial relationships. You can have a relationship, but not a Black/White relationship. The White women wanted me to feel bad about who I was. I didn't need their little "Boy Toy". He laid at my feet, and I never laid at his. DeJaun and my friend had it as good as it gets. Because they were an Alpha-Males, they ran the show. DeJaun would use drugs and play chess with the Caro police, mostly every night. He wasn't like Jimmy, but like Jimmy he wasn't going home. His murder was callous and the State of Michigan wasn't letting him go. Jimmy had killed his mother, while in a psychotic state, removed the skin from her face and ate her eye-balls. They always gave "dap", because they know what their life will be like; forever.
Man, those were tough times at Caro, but hilarious, too. I went out in the common area and saw one of my roomies having sex with this fat dumpy arse of a man. The activities director caught my old roomie, bent over "doing it" in the theater. The thing is, they fought every morning when we got off the bus. I guess it's true what they say. I know what you're thinking, but I never indulged. I was too busy taking notes and trying to get people to tell me stories. It's been a while, and I know they still running a whorehouse/sex den. I'm still reeling from my bunky sleeping naked and trying to crawl into my bed. Having night terrors and standing up and just peeing all over the floor. But hey, that's life in a mental institution...
Monday, February 4, 2019
Fieger Law...Song and Dance?
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Geoffrey Fieger |
I got a rejection letter from the Fieger Law Firm, today. I called them last week, because I wanted help with my situation. I have contacted them several times over the last 20 years. I have never gotten a invitation for a interview or meeting with an attorney. Then, I suddenly realized the reason that I am having all of these problems. Oakland County Sheriff's Deputies are running a prostitution ring out of the jail's clinic. That means that men are buying sex. Who runs Fieger Law? I bunch of men. I always knew that men from Oakland County's administration bought women, and that lawyers knew that their clients were going to the jail to prostitute. Some of the lawyers would put money in their accounts, because more than likely, their clients were paying them with sex. I was just so naive to believe that Fieger's commercials were true. That he was a good and honest litigator that worked for the people, wasn't going to give in to the system's evil ways. He was different and would help his clients without money, unless he won.
Boy, I was really stupid and know now that a man is a man. I can't say that Mr. Fieger is buying sex in the clinic at the Oakland County Jail's (OCJ), but someone there is. My case is a classic harassment case. None of the people involved can ever say that I threatened them, which is the core of a stalking case. The idea that it took nearly two years to get access to phone records, when you can access those in less than a day. A woman from the phone company told me that she could have those records in seconds if she had the correct phone number. Getting them to me would be a matter for the US Mail. In fact, I know that Jeff Buchmann, received my record in the Chief case within three days, saw that the Chief had lied and ignored the records and put them away. For 18 months they claimed that it wasn't that easy and that they were having a hard time retrieving the records to the Pontiac Police Department. They sent me their phone bills, when any cop worth his weight in pennies knew exactly what I needed, and it wasn't phone bills. When my attorney asked the prosecutor for the records in discovery they should have produced them, but not in Oakland County.
Any attorney who was for anything good, could easily win a lawsuit. Unless they were engaged in soliciting prostitutes from the jail. I can remember the woman we called Naomi. She was tall and thin and when she came up the stairs naked, with nothing but a shirt on, Laura Z. cried out. Oh my God, look, she looks just like Naomi Campbell! I came to my door and looked out and saw a woman coming up the stairs with long legs, smooth black skin and deep bounce curls. Where I lived, it was solitary confinement where they put the prisoners that start trouble. That's how I had gotten there, and when they locked "Naomi" in her cell, we called her to asked why she was in our pod. She claimed that a deputy brought her over, because she's slammed her cell door. She slammed her cell door, because he refused to give her a new pair of pants. She had messed her pants, because she was on her period and through the night made a mess. She said the deputy told her it wasn't his fault she didn't wear panties. When he asked where her panties were, she got angry and slammed her door. Now, she lived with us. We got her tampons and toilet paper, I gave her a used bar of soap. I thought that important to her situation. The deputies, knowing her problem left and said they would send up a trustee with toilet paper, pads and tampons later. "Sit on the toilet! We got you!" Someone screamed from their door. They called out to the inmate on their walk.
"Here, go give this to 22!" They walked down the stairs got the tampons and toilet paper. Others offered more and she yelled back to us her thank yous. There was a lot of cross talk, and it was mainly about her lawyer. Her cousin, supposedly, used her name and had a warrant. She had been arrested for that. I wondered why she needed a lawyer. All that needed to happen is that she give her finger prints and go home. Nope, she had a little case she had to take care of. She came to me and showed her proof that she had money. She was to buy all of us hot food when it came. It seems her lawyer had sent her $50. She also told me that she would buy me a bar of soap. She spoke of her lawyer more like a friend than an attorney and he seemed to be a friend. My lawyer would never give me anything. He thought, because I was their for stalking the Chief that I had screwed half the police force. He asked me, "Who else have you been with?" I looked at him like he was crazy and replied, "I haven't been with none of them!" He was flirty, too. Would raise his eye brows and look at me funny. I wasn't interested. I thought his flirting was just because he was old. He got sick and I got a new lawyer that had always seemed like there was something else. I can't explain it, but I was lost. I knew they were prostituting by now, but not with their lawyers. I started understanding why some of the women could get their lawyers to write motions and have court on the spare of the moment.
I guess Geoffrey Fieger's lawyers aren't any different, or maybe even Fieger. I went to court in 2017 and I couldn't fight the lawyers off me. They walked passed me and smiled. Walked towards me after a meeting at the bench and smiled a coy little smile and nodded. I was shocked, because I had never gotten any litigators who acted like that. They usually never made eye contact or anything. These men were acting like ambulance chasers that smelled a slip and fall. No, I got a good case and that proved it for me. My case is simple and easy to win. I just haven't gotten to the right lawyer, yet. Fieger talks a good game, and even tried to convict a fellow lawyer of sexual harassment. What would make a man that is supposed to be so big on Women's Rights, turn my case down? It's an "open and shut case". There is no way to lose. It's not time, yet. Plus, they want to keep quiet the idea that Steve Wittebort is a liar. That makes everything a lie, because the basis for all other charges against me a lie, because they based their cases on that lie. I'm not an attorney, yet, but I am smart. Geoffrey Fieger and his team are probably guilty of soliciting a prostitute, or doing a job, with their payment being sex. Either way, they are losing out. They would lose their license, however, if it was ever found out they were doing anything like that. I'm sure those deputies tied their nuts in a sack, quickly. It's just not time...
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