Tuesday, July 16, 2019

NAACP...Fake News Maker

Reverend Wendell Anthony
Remember, I went to that Black Legislative Caucus last month? I had a little trouble with Wendell Anthony. President of the NAACP Detroit Branch. He and a few of his cronies, including his daughter create a smorgasbord in front of me and ate like hogs. Even invited a Michigan leader to join, I however, was not invited to the party. Steele Hughes was seated at the table with me. In fact, he is the man that I refer to as "the young man". He sat in front of me with his burritos, pulling cheese with his fork and looking at me like I wanted some. Actually, taunting me with his food. I guess the police had informed Reverend Anthony that I didn't have money to eat. What I didn't have time to do was lose my parking, ride around looking for food and ending up missing Garlin Gilchrist's speech. I have to watch who I speak of fondly, because the police will harass them, too. But, Lt. Gilchrist was next, after lunch. I sat and ate my turkey sandwich anticipating his speech. I by no means wanted to miss him. I'm not bigger than the State, by any means.

Mr. Steele is good friends with Wendell Anthony, head of the Detroit Chapter of the NAACP. I have to say it again, because I can't believe that what is going on is going on. I watch Channel 7 Action News this evening, and there is Steele Hughes. If that's his name. He was arrested and "beat up" in Detroit by some police. He was awarded $45K for his trouble. Absent was his friend Wendell Anthony who will probably be showing up tomorrow with his righteous indignation about what happened to Mr. Hughes. Chief Craig also has a problem, because if this is a fake incident to get Hughes money, create police brutality where there is none, or hype the notoriety and power of the NAACP, his officers are involved! Not only did they wrestle Hughes to the ground, take him to jail and cause him to stay there for 72-hours, but they lied on purpose. Creating a scenario that they lied to cover-up their "abuse" of Hughes. It was all on Channel 7, today.

Now, I know from the Black Caucus meeting he's a flunky, because I sat quietly and was picked on by him. He and all the rest of the people that Reverend Anthony had trying to make my mouth water? I really don't know what eating food in front of someone can actually do for their status. I don't know Mr. Anthony or any of his staff. I don't know if Mr. Hughes works for him or not. I do know that he is not a gentleman, and a very sorry and petty man. I'll let you see for yourself in the video. Excuse Anthony's daughter, who is a size zero and is trying to convince the world she eats by chowing down on her chips and salsa. She knows how to be fake legitimately. Hughes is the guy in the blue suit pretending to be interested in what Lt. Gilchrist has to say. You can see his fake demonstration of that on the video, too. 

What I want to know is this: If Wendell Anthony, President of the Detroit Chapter of the NAACP, is your friend. Where is he during your misunderstanding with the Detroit Police? Furthermore, where is he in your interview with the local news. See, even if this was settled, it can be the cause of a lot of political activism in the city with the police. It can cause loss of morale in the police department, trust in the community, between the citizenry of Detroit and the police. Not to mention the city had to settle an amount of money for a fake crime. I'm watching the news report and I don't believe any of it. Wendell Anthony has a lot of power in Southeastern Michigan. You should have seen the way those Legislators came to him and gave their salutations, while I sat amazed at his level of rudeness, superiority and lack of chivalry. I think that he and Hughes need to read the book on how to treat a woman. In this so-called attack, he was with his fiancee. They had just had dinner and he was walking to his car, with a doggy-bag of craw-fish and rice. Well, I know he can eat, but I didn't know he was also good at running game. This is Hughes on Channel 7 Action News, today:

Now, this is the thing that is most disturbing. How many times has this happened in Detroit? I know in Pontiac, the City Council President conferred with an attorney and got $95K, Nobody knew he was talking to an attorney. Not the Mayor, not even his fellow City Council Members. He did it all on his own! The City didn't pay, because they had not retained an attorney. More than likely they saw it as a money grab. Since the Mayor got in office, stealing is hard to do. City Council President, Kermit Williams, not able to steal, may have gotten desperate. In my opinion, the law firm was guilty of fraud. You can't charge someone without a retainer. Nope, crooked judges at Oakland County award them a sum of nearly $100K. With all the right players, they could get away with small sums like this over and over again, because people complain about large sums. When millions of dollars are at stake. People don't think twice and such a minuscule amount. The City of Detroit is out more than just that $45K, but those police salaries, lawyer fees and the bad publicity! The publicity  alone should be enough to start an investigation. If it's what I think it is, Wendell Anthony is sick. The African-American Community deserves so much more from an organization that was started to lift up our people. To have it destroyed by a power hungry individual that just wants to be seen as some kind of King, can't stand. W.E.B. Dubois is rolling over in his grave. We must ask for better. We must demand better!


It seems that The NAACP National Convention was coming up, soon. It seems that Reverend Wendell Anthony might have been wanting to use this contrived incident to boost attendance and attention to the event, with his righteous indignation. Now that I have shared this blog with people in the news, he has shifted his righteous indignation to Donald Trump, President of the United States of America. That was smart, because no one dislikes Trump more than African-Americans in the US. This is just insane that a man in his position would need to create controversy in order to boost the number of people that attend his event and pay attention to the NAACP. I feel that many people in the community are tired of his falseness and opportunistic ways and no longer run to him for help.  Mr. Steele seems to come from the same kind of uppity background, himself. During the interview there was a picture of him and four other men. That may be his fraternity or some other kind of social organization. Some people have eternal devotion to their frat. Exposing that picture to a local news report, could be his way to show some kind of loyalty to the group. I don't know, but it seems that they were going to blow this small and made up arrest to sell more tickets to the convention. Just like movie stars suddenly have naked photos leaked, family members exploit their lives or a DUI just before their movie is about to be released. I guess the Detroit Chapter of the NAACP knows the same tricks of the game!

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Facebook Jail

On July 2, 2019, I woke up and was in Facebook Jail. There was a meme where a woman was looking over her boyfriends shoulder. He was reading a text that asked him to come over, because his girl was going to work. He ended the text with "I love you". Then the meme asked, What's your next move?" The meme is below:

I wrote my next move would be to ask if he is a "f*g". I wrote other curse words, but I left letters out and replaced them with an asterisk. So, I'm thinking that the word that was offensive is "f*g" It is a homosexual term that is according to Facebook is offensive to homosexuals. So, why would they post a meme and ask my next move, if they want homosexuals to not be offended? Who is Facebook to decide what is an insult and what is not? People call "Ni**a's on my page all day. That is offensive to me. None of my friends have been put in Facebook jail! Why not just get rid of offensive memes all together.

I see Black kids twerking, young Black men in horrible sexist situations that are so stereotypical of a gay man that is just demonstrative. I got a video in my "Memories" of a Black man acting extra gay. It starts in his bedroom. He's laying in the bed talking to his boyfriend. Then his mother calls him to mow the lawn. He get's up and acts like total gay man. His mother calls him a "punk" and "fat". He is a very exaggerated way, gets outside and tells his "boo", "I'll call you beck!" Starts the mower and in a very gay and exaggerated manner, with all the gay mannerisms starts mowing the lawn! 

The police have Facebook looking at all my posts, because I write blogs about their illegal activities and those of the City Council in Pontiac. I use Facebook as a platform to get the word out and pay for ads that help my blogs reach people in and around Pontiac, and surrounding areas. My nephew came over and told me that they can delete your account all together if they you break their rules four times. These crooked cops State or Federal are using their influence as law-enforcement to try to get me kicked off Facebook. This would help block my blogs from being read. They have used their influence to decrease my audience on Facebook, as well as Google that powers my blog. 

I used to pay for ads and get three or four-thousand hits. In fact, Eric Hawkins resigned his position from the Southfield Police Department, after my blog about him. His absence was mighty blow to crooked law-enforcement and their illegal activities. Now, they are using their influence to minimize my blog being shared on Facebook. I have seen people murdered on Facebook. A Asian man chopped a man up on the street. I've seen women shot in the head and children being physically abused. It's not taken down, because it may help a child be safe. Black children are exploited on Facebook, twerking and in sexual "grown-folk" situations. All of that is offensive to me. I've had to block people with vaginas, sexual positions and butt-naked women on my feed. One word, makes them suspend my account for seven(7) days. That ain't nothing, but the police. Using their influence to harass me, because people are reading my blog and people are taking action, because of it. Here's another example:

As a woman, I am offended. I don't think of myself as a ho. Our little girls twerking offends me. Look at this video that has circulating on Facebook for a year:


This is all a joke. Who made Facebook judge and jury about who is offended? How come they get to decide who is offensive and who is not? I was offended that they put up a meme, ask me a question and then are offended by how it was answered. I report videos and memes all the time, and I never knew that word is offensive. I've been offended a lot on Facebook. Those shadows over death videos are only making people want to see what's under them even more. Doing that might be the legal thing, but not the best thing to do. I have seen gore, death and things I would never want to see. I socialize on Facebook and would never want to change, but I guess after two more bad words I won't have a choice. I called a "b*tch" and a "f*g" and now I can lose my Facebook? Who is policing Facebook? Check out this video with this young Black boy pushing up on this little Black girl. Talk about inappropriate.
