Friday, October 8, 2021

Released: Not so Fast!


Jimmy Rolan

Yesterday, while at work, there was a man peering at me through my coworker's partition. He looked just like the man that raped me 35-years ago. I thought to myself, "What's going on?" They usually do that kind of fear-mongering when what I say or do is some sort of threat. I was at work, and what could I possibly be doing to disrupt their prostitution racket. When I got home, I turned on the news first thing, and there it was. A man who had shot another man eight times had been released and the charges dropped on his Attempted-Murder and Firearm charge. I sat on my couch and giggled to myself. I had been to jail four other times and had seen worse cases and dangerous people go free, after selling themselves in the jail's clinic. This time, however, Jessica Cooper or David Gorcyca isn't in charge of the Prosecutor's Office. There is a new Sheriff in town, pun intended, and Karen McDonald's lynch-men aren't letting dangerous criminals walk free. There had been a manhunt soon after he was released, charges reinstated and he was recaptured in less than 24-hours. My giggle turned into a full-blown chuckle. I hate to say it, but I told you so!

When I was in jail, there was a woman there named Starr. Starr had killed a man. Not on purpose, but while shooting him up with heroin. He was her friend, and she had no idea the fix in the needle was too potent for him and he overdosed and died right in front of her. She was arrested and brought to jail because that is a crime. Many want to change that law, but it is still a fact. In 2010, it was more of a fact than it is today. Many courts with the opioid epidemic have become lenient, but in 2010, it was some kind of murder. It probably wasn't what they made it seem like to Starr because she had started to blossom. She was no longer the heroin-addicted inmate with sunken cheeks and face sores. She was eating and her daily food intake had her filling out in all the right places. She was suddenly attractive and still able and willing to make their money. She had blond hair and green eyes and a butt like a black girl, with thick legs and a smile that could kill. When people like Starr came in she was the talk of the jail. Many of the women envied her, because her kind of looks got her not only a spot in the Trustee pod, but Hot Food, twice a week and all the commissary she could eat. She brought my breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I was fascinated by her popularity and her ability to brush it off. Then I discover her case and knew her sadness inside. No matter how much food and attention she got, her friend was still dead.

She had shown me her wristband with her original photo, and it was a different person. The woman in front of me was a true star. The woman on her wrist was a drug addict of the worst kind. She said she looked at it every day as a reminder of how far she had come. That's where she had lost me because she really hadn't come that far. She had only come as far as jail/ They had decided not to give her drugs because they still get high in jail. It was more beneficial to keep Starr sober. She didn't equate her sober living to being locked up. She felt she was in the real world, but I knew it was a world created by a false narrative of prostitution. Many of the women had never been treated so well. As long as they did what was required of them they lived a good existence. Once they stepped out of bound there easy living ceased. Starr ended up in prison for six years. At least that's what the women had said. I hope she spent that time getting better for real. 

Julie Nicholson

The man that they let go of yesterday, had an entire month to get comfortable in the fallacy that he was going free. He is a very handsome man. Almost looks like a woman. The deputies will give a prostitute the feeling of euphoria to keep them making them money. This man shot another man eight times. His intent was to kill. A man like that should never go free, at least not without punishment. There is no doubt in my mind that the guy is a prostitute, If he isn't going free, they will try to get him a lighter sentence. He had been locked up a month, and they thought everyone had forgotten about him. That's why I say, we can't ever let go of these horrific crimes. Those deputies look to detectives to get so caught up in the work that they leave prosecution to the administration. One young woman had asked me why her detective comes to every one of her hearings. I simply told her, "He wants to see you get what's coming to you."  She had robbed three people in one night at gunpoint. She needed to go to prison for some period of time. She had disappeared every morning, too. She claimed she was going to court every morning. Right...

The judge who can't comment. Well, who won't comment is a pimping judge. They control them not only in the circuit court but the district courts, too. She did what she was told to do. The last time something like this happened, a woman and her two children were murdered. Things like this never happen in "normal" conditions. There is a tearing apart of justice in Oakland county. It was evident to me when Tucker Cipriano got out of Oakland County Jail four months early and tried to kill his entire family with a baseball bat. He succeeded on two counts and left his father disabled for life. This is the Oakland County I know. I saw yesterday that it will slowly become the Oakland County of the past. I pray that Karen McDonald can catch every one of these instances. I know I'm here for it. People who endanger our society should not be allowed to walk free. At the same time a young woman who commits petty crimes should not be locked up and forced to sell herself to get home. It's Christmas money time. Those deputies are looking to fill the jail with inmates willing to work off crimes to get the deputy's child a bike. We need to start saying, "Enough!"

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Baby Woes and Deputy Friends


A couple of weeks ago, I went to a City Council Meeting in Pontiac. I spoke about the State of Michigan and how the Child Protective Service Unit will come and get a woman's child if she either refused to prostitute or told authorities about the prostitution in the Oakland County Jail. On yesterday, a child was found dead in a Motel 6 room. The child had obviously been abused says the woman that worked in the rental office. The motel is known for drug use and of course, prostitution. Big shocker, this happened in Farmington Hills in Oakland County. Today, there is no mention of the story in the news. A 14-month old baby is killed and it gets barely half a day on the news. That child deserves more than that in life and death, but they never had a chance. I'm going to tell you the Oakland County pimps shut that story down because that is one of their prostitutes. For me once again, it is obvious. They helped her keep that child she was abusing and killing every day. I mean every day that child lived it was a step closer to death, because of what its mother was doing to it. Child Protective Service didn't help that baby live a day but added to its misery.

There had to be someone that cared, because when they found the child. the police were doing a welfare check. Someone worried about the child had called the police. Probably, the same person that took care of the child when the mother ran the street or was in jail. These men that sell women for money in jail could care less about these children. Right now, it's Christmas money time. From September to October they work on getting as many prostitutes in the jail as they can so that their wives and children have a merry Christmas. A Christmas filled with gifts, a huge meal, and family gatherings. The women they are selling get socks, a pencil, and a candy bar. passed out in a plastic bag. Santa's bag turns into a Hefty bag. And these women seem grateful. I don't see it!

One of them burnt my food at a local eatery. I posted it on Facebook and didn't mention her name, but said she was a regular at the jail. Another frequent inmate jumps on to tell me that I need to take it down because I know what it's like. I said, and I meant it, "I don't burn up people's food!" This woman was a bam-bam occupent. That's the line of cells that gives hand jobs and blow jobs through the food slot. She does their bidding when she is out, but claims she has found Jesus. They got her a little job, and she follows me to read my blogs and jump on when she wants to play "captain save a HO." I told her off. Well, I went to get my nails done, today. There was a woman at the salon that favored her a lot. The man doing my nails was so rough and it hurt. I think, and I'm not sure. but I think it was supposed to be a punishment for what I said to her, which was nothing compared to what I just said. They keep it up, I'll say her name on a blog and have her trying to sue. They would probably get one of their pimping court-appointed lawyers to represent her. They call themselves coming for me again, and we will just have to see. 

Just like this poor child that has been murdered by its mother's abuse and neglect. The idea that the story no longer plays on the news is proof enough to me that OCSD is involved. They get something on everyone and try to frustrate the hell out of people that go against them and they are dirtier than a mud puddle. You see Andre Spivey hasn't mentioned James Tate and that's his "Boy". I went to a Detroit Council Meeting in 2015 and they ganged up on me. Took a sheet of paper, passed it between one another, looked at me like they were shocked I was even there. They are in it thick: TOGETHER. Spivey doesn't want to spend his life like I do. The police are relentless. They pulled dirt on me before I even left the jail. My book is 384 pages long, and I still can't fit all the mess they did to me in it. Not to mention this is the second time my registration was forced to expire. Spivey better hopes he is able to do that time, because turning on Tate could be detrimental to his health, too. Every time the camera is on Tate when doing a news report on Spivey he has that, "You better not say nothing about me," look on his face, and Spivey keeps him out of it, for now.

What I'm saying is these cops are in it for real. They call themselves taking care of these women, even after they leave jail. Especially, if they help them negotiate to ruin some throne in their side life. like mine. I bet that woman, who is not my friend on Facebook, checked the "notify first" tab on my screen and she gets a notification whenever I make a post. I wonder what she'll have to say about that baby. If she doesn't know the woman that is now in jail for killing her own child. They took it off the news because they don't want us to follow it. They are probably going to let her go. When detectives walk away from cases and leave them to the prosecutor, those deputies can do as they please. If we aren't following the case, it will be left behind with all the other hundreds of news cases we watch every day. If that happens and OCSD helped that woman keep the child she was abusing, and we let it go, that woman could walk free. I've seen them give Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity pleas to women who killed and should have gotten LIFE, but instead did three (3) years in a mental institution. We can't let that toddler's life be lived in vain.