Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Randy Carter: The Cussing Councilman

Randy and Brenda Carter
I associate with people who aren't my friend on Facebook. As an example, I went to an event with Brenda Carter and her husband Randy Carter about two weeks ago. Representative Brenda Carter works really hard to keep her position as State Rep. productive. Her husband, Pro-Tem Randy Carter of the Pontiac City Council is a mess and always has been. While on the Pontiac School Board, Rep. Carter did some fantastic things. She took a group of 10 Pontiac students to Japan. Not only did she take them to Japan, but they learned the culture and the language, before they went. She told me that they spent countless hours getting ready for the trip. Asian culture is strict, and proper. There are a lot of ideas and traditions that are passed down. As a business major, I had to learn about their culture specifically, because there are rules that must be followed. Asian culture is the oldest culture in the world. Africa holds the first life, but Asia holds the first civilization. They built cities, with sewer systems and toilets. Arborist created systems of planting things and cultivating them. Asia is a also a continent of great work and amazing art and language. Our children had to gather all of this in one year and then President Carter, did a wonderful job of leading them into a fantastic experience that they will not soon forget.

Her husband went with her. As in any relationship, you can't leave your mate out of the good things that you do. Especially, when they also strive in the community to work hard and get things done. It becomes a plus, to have his strength as your support, when dealing with the community. When his choices, however, begin to disrupt your progress, what do you do? I wrote a wonderful piece on Mrs. Carter, before she was elected to the State's House. I found her refreshing, because she works hard to get her message out here and to make it work. Her husband, however, is becoming a liability. You read my blog about him and the information that he knew about the State marijuana issues here in Pontiac. He sat with me and personally went over all the systems that were dealing with the subject. I had to look in his eyes and tell him that I'm not interested, because I don't use drugs.

So, he makes this video about Hawthorne Park. It's that park where that young man took that couple out to and killed them back in 1989. I was out of high school only a year. Over the years, I've heard Pontiac City Council members talk about the park and improvements, but I find it ghastly. From the looks of the park it seems that the elements have gotten to the park more that anything. If their were people that truly wanted to be involved and play and have picnics in Hawthorne Park there would be an uprising in the citizenry in his district. He's heard on the video cussing and calling "Ho's" and "Skanks". Who is he referring to, and why does he have to use such language? Before making an outrageous video like that, you would think that he would have sat with Balint and had several conversations about the situation. He admits that he had made "a complaint". A complaint as in one? That's totally unacceptable. People are serious about this city, and I'm just wondering why City Council has such a hard time acting like adults. How come they fail at every turn to sit down and talk to the administration with sense and a little respect. If not for the woman, the office that she was duly elected, too.

I read the comments on the video. There were only a few. One person wrote:

“Your mayor likes to brag about all the surplus funds the city now has – must have come from lack of providing city services – as much of what yoor video shows is hazardous – don’t you think having channel or whomever come out and do a story?”

He then replied:

“Thank you Marcia Battles: The evidence is overwhelming. There exist over 40 parks within the City of Pontiac, Michigan? Not on the “give-a-dam” list to be visited or have Inspections records for many years.”   -Randy Carter

I think the word is "prioritizing". Everything can't be done at once, and when people refuse to be civil, working with them is surely not a priority. This video is counter-productive. This "woman" never said one word about his language. Never said one time that as an elected official that he had a obligation to be proper and not be on Facebook cussing and carrying on. I want to know what she has against the Mayor. To have a total disregard for herself and the language he used is a disgrace. I've seen this Marcia Battles at events and she always walks around with her nose turned-up and seeming to be better than others. I know most of the women who have ought with the Mayor is that way. She hints about a news station coming out to see what's going on. I think the story will probably be about a councilman that is out of control and less about a dilapidated park. He was out of control! I think his wife's job is in jeopardy. How do you explain this kind of behavior away? There were people, playing in the park. Not as many as in Beaudette Park on a summer day, but there were people there. I think that he should talk to the administration and not just "make a complaint". I know that when you throw out a little honey and be true with it, you'll get more done. Don't just do it to get something. Find a common ground and work on that angle. He says that he was an engineer at GM. I hope not going in the board room cussing and carrying on like that. Everything must be done, "decently and in order".

I want to add this, and it is not mean spirited. His wife is doing so well. What man that truly loves his wife, would put on such a damning and obtuse act. There were children playing in that park. His wife is an advocate for children and their education. Why is he walking around a park, of all placed cussing. Absent from the chaos at the council meeting was the President. He took off, before the fireworks went off. Not truly understanding that he doesn't look smart, but cowardly. Either way, it's not a good look for him. He and Pro-Tem Carter are friends. They think they are slick. I told him about a situation I am having and he state, "Oh, I never heard about that!" He acted shock, but didn't ask me to elaborate. Representative Carter has to deal with a lot of "important" people. She usually brings her husband along. I don't think that will be as comfortable now, as it has been before.

Our children in this city deserves more. The attack was on the Deputy Mayor, Jane Bais Disessa. She took her time and spoke at the council meeting and spoke her peace. Then she went to the video. The Council got up and walked out. I can't believe it. When the camera came up, there was no one sitting at the dais, but "Messy Mary" Petilia. Williams left earlier, Waterman led the charge, Miller, Taylor-Burks and Carter followed suit. I wonder what kind of people vote in Pontiac? Carter, is a miserable man to go out to the park and cuss like that, call names and Challenge this Mayor and Deputy Mayor. He's not even from Pontiac! His biggest "claim to fame" is his clean-ups. That neighborhood has always been nice, since I remember. I believe that is Susie Shoemaker's district and she was awesome, and could work with people and get things done. I believe that Pro-Tem Carter needs to speak to her about dealing with things. She's White, though, and I wonder if that is close to "s**t color". Because that all the Mayor deals with. 

Yaktown allegedly has millions of dollars, but our park looks like [explicit]. Where are the crumbs for my park. Hell to the Naw Naw!!   -Randy Carter

I think his "money is where is mouth is". His dignity and self-respect, too. I pray that he finds his way to think, before he allows his anger to get to him. He has a higher calling as a public official. He can't use words like "Skank" and "Ho" when referencing the Deputy Mayor and the administration. His wife Rep. Carter only commented, "Wow!" That could go either way. Kenny Anderson, community activist and case manger at Community Network Services, came to her defense and went on a tirade He faced the Deputy Mayor and her supporter and called them out for showing the video. People had signed up for "Public Comments", one after another. That way, they could yield there time to the video, and the tape could be played in its entirety. Anderson has a health initiative with Rep. Carter. He always talks about people being a part of a system, where they don't stand for their own views, but those of the people they follow. I think, tonight, we saw that Kenny Anderson has a side. He works with Brenda Carter, and tonight, her reputation was tarnished and his program is now in jeopardy. Due to his political Black activism, not many people want to deal with him. He knows now why people hurry to the sides of their leaders, when they are in distress. 

Pro-Tem Randy Carter
Pontiac City Council

You can watch the 15 minute video by clicking the link, below: 

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Mouthpiece Miller

Gloria Jean Miller

I watch "Basketball Wives" on VH1. There is this woman on there named CeCe. She is engaged to an ex-basketball coach. A man named Byron. Byron has a son, who is not his biological son, but he raised him since he was a toddler. His son's name is Thomas. Thomas is married to a lovely brown-skinned woman named, Kristen. They have a toddler. On one episode, Kristen cries and says that Byron and CeCe, don't come to see their kid. Bryon is all at once over Kristen and doesn't want her at the wedding. Of course, now Thomas isn't coming, and this CeCe woman says, "I don't care!" Then she has this meeting with OG. OG is a basketball girlfriend that doesn't like Kristen, because some things said. So, CeCe in her family hateration tells OG that Thomas, is not Bryon's real son. OG and Kristen are at a gathering of the women. OG picks a fight with Kristen, and spits out of her tired mouth the truth about Byron and Thomas. That sends Kristen into hysterics, because she loves her husband and like any woman that loves her man, wants to protect him and his secrets.

All the women in the room know what's going on. I know from my living room couch what's going on. CeCe doesn't like Kristen, and has now given OG a bone to carry back to Kristen and hurt her to her heart. She can't do it, because that would show her hand. She wants to convince Byron that she really likes Kristen, but she's just this evil manipulative person that he shouldn't like. He doesn't like Kristen, because she was dropped from the guest list quick. Too quick to be her father-in-law. It was in CeCe's deliverance of the news that caused the rift between Kristen and Byron. CeCe doesn't want the family involved and only hers. She wants control, but she is dealing with some A-1 women that can see a snake from a mile away. They played these games before and been the victims of these games. CeCe will not prevail and the show will go on. With or without her, just ask Jennifer Williams.

Now, what does this have to do with Pontiac City Council Member, Gloria Miller of District #5. She's being played and don't even know it. She's a good person, true, but she's getting played by the devils that sit on the dais with her. They are all crooks, and she is not. She gets on television every week and yells at people. She told the Deputy Mayor one night she needs to resign. Yelling at people about who she is. I heard a long time ago that you never need to tell people who you are. They should be able to see your good works by the things you do. You don't need to preach every week about your goodness. You can't even say that people like you, because you never know who truly likes you. People will sit in your face and lie to you! Kristen thought that CeCe liked her, until she got around the "Wives" and they embrace Kristen. CeCe then began weaving her web of deceit. Gloria Miller is in the same predicament. They are using her to say all the bad things they want to say, but can't, because it would make people hate them, and they are hanging on by a thread as it is. Most of the things she say are either dumb, corruption at work or lies. Made up to make the Mayor look bad. So, they get a true person that is only trying do their job. Someone who is unschooled in the games that are played and is falling deep into their hands. I just hate watching it, because they are doing an excellent job, because I can't stand her!

All of them sit there and let her ramble on about nothing. Loud talking and making a bunch of noise about nothing. Everyone is wondering what's wrong with her. The things that she says, she acts like a bully and she is just a City Council Member. They voted together, up until a few weeks ago. Then they stopped, but you can go back and see the tapes. You'll know whose playing the game, when you see whose votes changed. She can come out of that seat anytime. With a recall or voted out when her term ends. Chuck Johnson, a political rambler came to the podium a few weeks ago and told her a story. There was a person, I think a person from DPW, he was treating people badly. Bullying them like Councilperson Miller, and he was found dead in a vacant house or something. They said that Chuck Johnson had come to the meeting and threatened Miller and somebody in the audience called the police. Not one time did Mr. Johnson threaten her. He told a story. I think he was trying to tell her that she was becoming bigger than her position and some people weren't going to tolerate her vocal tirades and opinions that she hasn't one clue about. In other words, "Keep on and you gone find out what 'bad' really is." She took it to the Oakland County Circuit Court and got a Personal Protection Order (PPO) against him. I just about know where that suggestion came from.

I think our City Council has friends out at the Circuit Court, because I told you about the lawsuit they one. They had to pay a lawyer they had never retained. The President engaged a firm, without permission from the Council or Mayor. A judge ordered the City to pay them them $90K on the President's scam and money grab. They gave her the PPO and he fought it. He went to the judge and asked them to drop the PPO. He had not threatened her. I can't find the video and they may have taken it down, because of the content issue. It should be shown, because the people need to hear, for the second time that she lied to the court. He never threatened her. Tonight, she spoke on the situation, which may or may not be a violation of the PPO. She ordered him to stop talking about it, and to "Be a man". I made reference to the President in a post on the meeting on the Mayor's page. That he allows her to do all the talking for him. Now, she's telling Mr. Johnson to "Be a man"? I see she get's geeked, when Taylor-Burks, Petilia or Waterman raise their voice. They do it once, or for a few seconds. She gives entire speeches with her voice raised, telling people what to do. She so loud and wrong, and don't even realize she been CeCe'd. I'm telling you, she makes me sick.

She is a beautiful woman. She had the potential to be a very good councilperson. If she would just be quiet and learned the ropes. They have her mind all in the wrong places and she comes to the meetings ready for a fight, every week. You can see it on her face, and how she pulls her sweater on her shoulder with an attitude. I don't know who makes me sicker, her or the Clerk. The Clerk actually thinks the council chambers are a place where he straightens out his problems. They say it's not the Mayor's meeting, but the Clerk grabs the mic and it becomes his meeting at the drop of the dime. He is doing a poor job at keeping his mouth shut. The Mayor told him tonight they can go, if the Clerk wants to give her report. The look on his face! Lort, he wanted to go straight off. I felt the "magic" through the screen! He was ready to get lit. He's been allowed to run a muck, because that keeps the attention on him and not the real culprits. He can't see it either, because they got him all in his emotions, too. The Clerk should be silent. He's the biggest instigator at the table. Always grabbing papers and putting them in the Presidents face, shaking his head and making melodramatic sighs and faces. I would say something, but I'm going to let it go.

I hope this helps Miller and the Clerk find their places. Because at this point they are being manipulated and playing someones else's game like a puppet. She's going to read this and go to the council meeting next week and say, "I'm nobody's puppet!" Proving that exactly what she is. Remember, what I said about letting people see what you are. You don't have to tell nobody anything about you. They'll see it in your words and actions and I see a puppet. I would go deeper, but I don't want her people looking for me, like they looking for Chuck Johnson with guns and stuff! 

Listen to her at about 1:50:35