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Me after a stay in OCJ and two months later |
I just read an article in the Detroit News. It read that Nathaniel Abraham is being tortured in the Oakland County Jail (OCJ). I know a few things about that first hand. Well, I guess a story like that would never appear in the Oakland Press. They are bought and paid for by Oakland County. When I was accused of stalking Val Gross in 2010, they printed an entire story about me and my situation. They even printed stories about both the times I was found incompetent to stand trial. They failed, however, to print one single story about my acquittal. Not one word about how Gross had lied about the 30 phone calls and not a word about prostitution or torture either. So, the people of Pontiac, can hold their breaths waiting on any kind of justice coming by way of the Oakland Press. We can put the emphasis on "Oakland" and forget the "Trumping Press". Question: Who goes looking for an assailant out on a $100 bond, for a misdemeanor bench warrant? I had a felony bench warrant and nobody came looking for me. Something is up! You can read the article here:
His attorney, a man named James Galen, is quoted saying "...He is in what amounts to solitary confinement. in a cell - - 23 hours a day - - no other human contact, commissary, no TV, no books, nothing" That is my story. When I was first arrested and put in OCJ, I was moved to the "Disciplinary" side of E-Block, almost immediately. Let me explain how they get you there. They use other inmates to torture you. If you read my blogs, you will understand what I mean. Mr. Beane, the women inmates in E-Block's "Daddy", was the best at that kind of torture. They move inmates that they own to your Pod, but they usually are already there. Eating free "hot food" and commissary, already. I want to see if Nathaniel will be emaciated like me at his next court appearance. Living on OCJ food alone, will cause massive weight loss and suffering. They plain and simply start a fight or argument. When you get so upset that you can't take the picking and loneliness. They pick with you and ostracize you and you simply snap. You end up either fighting or cuss somebody out, or in my case cuss a whole pod filled with women out. I can recall standing up and shouting, "Fuck all y'all Ho's!" The deputies rush in knowing exactly what they're going to do. But just in case they missed it, someone yells and points at you, "It's all her fault! She's arguing with everybody!!!" Nathaniel is an easy mark, because of past incidents, and Oakland County will exploit those for ratings and convictions.
The Sergeant then points at you and says, "Pack up, you're going to the other side!" And just like that, your moved from among the other inmates into a whole new world. They do the men differently, however, and don't give them anything in solitary hell. No books, no commissary, TV or nothing. Just like Mr. Galen said, it's torture and hell. Women would lose their minds in a hell like that. Plus, that's usually where Beane puts his "girls". You know, the ones he's going to prostitute? With the men prostituting male inmates are different, those inmates are usually Trustees. So, don't believe that Nathaniel is being prostituted. I stopped that when I first heard of him fleeing arrest and taser incident. I posted that he was being targeted for prostitution, on every media website reporting on the incident and had banter with several others aware of the situation at the jail. I pissed off a few when I said that I had never heard a judge quiet a defendant so much, as Martinez did in his arraignment. I had a young woman yesterday, tell me that OCSD are already "messing" with her like Alicia, my little runaway. If before Martinez for arraignment, he would sell her down the river, because that's what they want him to do. They get something on everybody. The police knows everybody secrets. So, actually Martinez isn't a bad man, just a man with something to hide!
They don't know that it was Martinez that sent me to jail in 2011, after I failed to secure a GPS tether. He claimed that he was going to do some research on a "free" tether that the jail offered. It's called a "Sheriff's Tether" and is only handed out to a few inmates for minor offenses. Did I tell you that I was being bound over on an "Aggravated Stalking" charge? That's up there with "Armed Robbery", "Assault" and any violent crime "less than murder". So, a so-called "free" tether was out of the question for me. Furthermore, those tethers are left for their best prostitutes, and only after you've been in hell, I mean jail for a short period of time. Women who get those tethers are usually "Retail Fraud", "DUI" offenders and smaller drug offense "Less than murder". Believe that Martinez knew all of this, but he knew where I was headed, and he knew what most likely would happen to me. He wanted to make me believe that he was trying to "save" me from prostitution. Guess what, Miguel, I made it! Dios saved my soul. I hope you know him, too!
See, they have Nathaniel all set up to take the fall. He's a child murderer, but America has forgiven him for that. So, they bring up situations in prison where he fought with prison guards. That which is ideal for this new case, where he supposedly has fought four Oakland County Sheriff Deputies. I have something to say about that, too. First, it would take three or four OCSD to hold an accused down. They are so sorry that Shaman got beat-up by a female inmate in 2002. The woman was sent to prison for her deed, too. He then ran me into an open door taking me across the hall to E-Block. He couldn't handle me, although after getting beat-up by the other female, he had started lifting weights and gained a few pounds. These men look exasperated as the other deputies pull up on the scene. "Tase him!" They yell at the new deputies on the scene. How about you three sorry souls get this one man under control! How bout that? Pee-Wee the little deputy, I see in the picture is barely five-feet-five. He gets his nickname, because, Crystal says he has a small penis. Like Shaman, they call for help. Like me, Abraham was then accosted by three more deputies, and marked a "troublemaker". I was never tased, but a taser stuck in my face! I have Alder to thank for that one.
Pee-Wee the small guy to the left holding an arm.
Pee-Wee the small guy to the left holding an arm.
It is just that simple to become a troublemaker in the Oakland County Jail. You don't have to do anything to be trouble, just follow the natural law of being a human. Run when you don't know why your being chased. Fight back, when someone is fighting you. Cuss, when somebody is cussing at you. And so on and so forth. Only to see those inmate receive privilege, while you can't take a shower for three days. Black men are dying in this country at the hands of White cops. Running from a bunch of them when you are out on bond, doesn't even seem unreasonable to me. About his fight with guards in prison, I got something for that, too. There was this officer in prison who picked an inmate, one every few months that she picked with. I mean a systematic harassment that took on a life of its own. Every morning when she came to work, she would call this inmates name. It is six in the morning, and she is yelling at the top of her voice. I'll use Richardson, "RICHARDSON! Get out here right now!" True story... "RICHARDSON!" Every morning, and all through the day. Richardson would come to her, be berated and the situation would end. But some mornings, Jesus help my soul, I would be so angry. I'm not even Richardson, but that's the total disregard for our peace these people have. I wanted to go to my door, open it and yell back at her, "SHUT UP THE FUCK UP!" Saying that could lose me my parole, and I would just wait for Richardson to come to her. But some mornings...
For all of you who say, "Well, you shouldn't go to prison and you wouldn't have those problems." First, I wasn't supposed to go to prison, but do 90-days with more than 45 of those days done. Second, it is called the "Michigan Department of CORRECTIONS" not the Michigan Department of Torture. There is barely any corrections going on that doesn't include torture. They put me in RTP that's the Residential Treatment for mentally-ill inmates. When I was accused of stalking Gross, they used that against me and declared me incompetent to stand trial twice. It stopped anyone interested in my story of prostitution in the jail, not interested in my stories. That includes prominent newscaster Huel Perkins that I wrote weekly from jail. There is no education system. There is only about 150 slots in the Women's prison, and 3,000 women. Every judge always makes it a condition of parole to get a GED. Where? Prison? There are only 150 slots for school and 3,000 women, they will deny, because Huron Valley is supposed to only house about 1,600 prisoners. So, right now they are almost housing twice as many women as they should.
This is my last point; I promise. To all of you people writing that Abraham is just a bad person. How come his mother is the only one that sees he has a mental problem? He's bee in the correction's system most of his life. A mother knows,because they told my mother I was crazy. But my mother wasn't having it. She told my lawyer, "My daughter doesn't have a mental problem, but y'all gone give her one!" And I think on some levels I suffer from PTSD. Ronnie Green was a friend of my niece and his grandfather lived around the corner. He came to our house a few times and my mother remembers how quiet and sweet he was. She never cries out for the demise of Nathaniel Abraham, especially now, knowing the struggles I had with Pontiac Police and OCSD. The Correction system is flawed and creating these people that come out worse than what they were when they went in. At some point, you have to ask yourself why. Why people are repeat offenders? Why people come home and go back to jail, only not to go back to the prison system? Why the majority of those committing crimes aren't new felons, but repeat felons? It's not because they are bad people. The majority of them can be helped, but due to poor upbringing, lack of support and education they have a different and damning way of seeing things. Those situations can be helped. That way they can be corrected and not defected.
A link to his Go-Fund-Me Page
I was asked by a man on the Channel 7 post if I had more. All red letters are links to other blogs on this page, and to the right-hand side a list of other blogs. All OCJ blogs are under 2013. Thank you for your support...