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Kermit Williams |
Everett Seay was convicted of using the city to commit a crime. I liked Everett Seay and really hated to know that he was involved in such a vile crime. As a person convicted of a crime she did not commit and spent eight years of my life incarcerated! I can truly sympathize with anyone in jail or prison. There is someone in this city that does so much damage to our people and proclaim every week that he is working for the people, but in reality, he is working for himself. Kermit Williams is a Scoundrel and a cheat and he is using the city as his own private piggy bank. Along with his partner in crime Doris Taylor-Burk, they are trying to rip the city off. There is so much business that wants to come into Pontiac, and they don't want to deal with Kermit Williams and his ways. It's his attempt to get money out of developers any way he can.
I knew that was his game, when all those houses started popping up on the Eastside. Houses were going up like flies. I could believe it, and then I remembered Walter Moore. I heard that at one point, he lived in Rochester, after his fleecing of the city. Developers, he had allowed in the city had built him a house or gave him a house. This one in payment of letting him build homes in Pontiac. I know there is some truth in it, because all the people of Pontiac know how Walter Moore robbed the city. Kermit Williams is no better and all the dealings that he has in this city is to fill his pockets. The way he has to get up in meetings and can't sit down for more that an hour. That's nothing but a habit! A bad habit that just might get him in the same place that Everett Seay and Jeff Hawkins ended up. I'll tell you it ain't easy, but he is holding up valuable projects in the city with his greed and callousness towards our Mayor. He acts worse than a "catty" old woman.
The first thing I noticed, about his interactions with the Mayor, is that he is short with her. When she is speaking, he won't let her finish a thought. What's that all about? You can catch him, however, asking his friend, Doris Taylor-Burks, if she is finished with what she has to say. Tonight, at the City Council Meeting, he stopped her right in the middle of a sentence. He didn't even let her finish her thought. No one, can say what they need to say in exactly three minutes. What is so ironic, is that Councilman Cater didn't even use his three minutes. Kermit Williams has it so that he speaks last. The City Council Meetings is his chance to "grand stand" and act like he's looking out for our people. In reality, he's looking out for his nose, and the reason he can't stay in his seat. I was present at one of the last budget meetings with Plant Moran, and he sat at the table eating chicken nuggets and fries from McDonald's.
That means that he's not only unprofessional with the Mayor, but unprofessional when we have people in our city that we do business with. That's why people don't respect our city. Sadly, I think that's his entire point. If he was hungry, he should have eaten, before coming to the meeting. I don't understand how someone could support such a disgusting person. He has no respect for the office of the Mayor. Not because she isn't doing a good job, but because she has taken away he and Doris Taylor-Burks ability to get money from people who want to bring businesses into Pontiac. He is angry with Plant Moran, because they are now doing the job they were meant to do and not bringing someone in here to "fudge" our books and make little accounts, just for him and Taylor-Burke to "buy coffee" with. The young lady from Plant Moran present at the meeting was very professional. She knew all the accounts by number and had to explain to him what the process is. After she explained it, he waved his hand and said, "I don't know where your going to get the money from, but take it from somewhere!" That's when the Deputy Mayor had to explain that you must balance. You can't just appropriate money to a cause or department, without taking money from somewhere else.
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Doris Taylor-Burks |
His anger with the Mayor comes from her veto power more than likely. She can simply veto his resolutions and make him bring it all up, again. This is difficult for him, because the only part of the charter that he knows and understands are the portions where he is allowed to steal. All other portions he hasn't a clue. He's always bringing up new ideas and changes to the way the city is ran. As a city employee told one of his cronies last week, "...It is the job of the Council to set those rules." Do you know Pontiac, they don't know that? Kermit Williams has no idea what his job is as a City Councilperson! Just listen to him one day. I noticed in that budget meeting. All he wanted to know is about receipts and unmarked accounts that read, "miscellaneous". He would make statements like, "Who has access to those funds?" The Deputy Mayor would explain that the people of those departments would use that money for things they needed in the office. He was never satisfied with the answer and he and Taylor-Burke, would exchange glances. They seemed to believe that someone else was getting a slice that they weren't privileged to. They also was very interested in using the grant writer the Mayor had appropriated funds to hire. But they don't have access to the grant writer.
Just like they don't have a representative on the Planning Committee. This way, they can't cozy up the the companies wanting to come in here and "hit 'em up" for cash. If you listen to the meeting this week, he kept reiterating that point. They want a member of the Council on that Board. That way, they know who and where to lean on the company for bribes. He want on that committee and the Mayor won't move on that, because this isn't the mafia. When companies like Fed Ex get that feeling they will run. They are a reputable company. Tom Hanks movie, "Cast Away" was about this company. They are willing to put 57 million dollars into Pontiac. We should be grateful, instead, Kermit Williams wants to hit them up for his share. Totally, disregarding the fact that it's not his district. Six people showed up to disagree, SIX and he wants to hold up the Vote? NO, he wants to "hit up" Fed Ex for some money.
Now, Williams has infiltrated Councilman Woodward's Fed Ex deal. There is nothing wrong with that deal, and it's not like Fed Ex trucks will be going through the neighborhood. It will be accessed from Telegraph and not cause harm to anyone. Taylor-Burks, who claims to volunteer at the Haven that sits back there, is worried about the women being found by their abusive husbands. Messy Mary told her that she sat back there and watched a woman walk from Value World with a cart and three children. May I also add that Oakland County Sheriff's Department is a half a mile down the road. Even if they aren't my favorite people.There will be no harm to those women and children by a Fed Ex driver telling their abusive husband where they are, especially if they are walking to the Value World. They must not be too scared. This is a "golden" opportunity for Pontiac. My only issue is getting Pontiac people jobs and letting them keep those jobs to care for their families, without no bull...
I want to see my city grow. It can't grow with greedy people trying to support their drug habit with our chances. "What's in it for me?" Poor Councilman Woodward didn't even speak on his own district. Kermit Williams claimed that people had been calling him about the issues of Fed Ex, and as I counted, there was only six households. It may have been more people, but only six households. Where are all the people that were in such great number, he had to taken over Councilman Woodward's resolution. Re-Zoning is a District situation and should be handles by the districts councilperson. Kermit Williams is so greedy, he wants some of that Fed Ex money. That little garage over on Paddock and Osmun isn't going to get him the "Big Bucks" that Fed Ex will, and he has taken over. I implore Fed Ex to do all of it's business "above the table" and not give him a dime. He needs to concentrate on his district and all the junk that's down at Osmun and Paddock and Osmun and Jessie. The logs dividing property and the uncut grass. I went down that and took a video of what the garage would sit next to and here it is:
The grass, well weeds, are at least six feet high. It's like that every year. I live down the street and drive passed it three to four times a week. I'm not in his district, however, but at the cut-off and Patrice Waterman is my councilwoman and that's another story all together. What's with Paddock being paved to Elm? Eastern Oil should be made to pay for half the road project, because they are the ones messing it up. They have huge trucks on those streets, everyday. How come they aren't doing anything to pave the streets down Paddock to Elm? They're probably lining Kermit Williams pockets for the right not to fix the roads they destroyed. Somebody should ask him about that! He has that obviously challenged woman, come to the meetings and sing his praise. She can't even control herself, and has no kind of decorum or self-respect. The Mayor had to call the police on her. She's just about as ideal a supporter, as Williams councilman, how he eating potato chips and chicken nuggets in budget meetings. So, I guess they deserve one another.
I would like to end with this. Our Mayor is a very professional woman. She has class and she is very intelligent. She does an excellent job at representing our city and she doesn't need to steal our money. The way Kermit Williams attacks her, cuts her off and treat her disrespectfully is outrageous. Everyone is always bringing her husband, the late Judge William Waterman, into the mix. He would have the "cow-doo" beat out of Williams if he was alive. But it wouldn't even get that far, because he wouldn't disrespect her like that if he was alive. It makes me question Kermit Williams manhood, when he treats a graceful woman of her stature like that. But I was at the "SOUP" presentation on Saturday, and he came behind me taking pictures almost on my head. I turned around and he gave me a sneaky, evil and sadistic smile. I never know he has my back, but he knows now..."That's not it..."
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Elm and Jessie |
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Jessie |
I've been getting negative feedback on my Facebook fanpage about my attitude towards Councilman Kermit Williams. Please, if you have Facebook, click on the link and go to the end of the meeting. He is so unprofessional and disrespectful towards the Mayor. I believe, because she is a woman. I know he doesn't plan to go to Lansing, and treat those legislators the way he treats our Mayor! This is just a whole other kind of insolence.
City Council Meeting June 3, 2018