Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Dirty Water...Dirty Deeds!

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Flint Water

I did my best to stay away from the Flint Water Crisis. It's one of those things that makes you get racially motivated. All the White people involved in this "crisis" are poor, which in laymen terms means They've always wanted to separate themselves from us. That's why cities like Waterford were created. In this case, however, it's right in their face. They have to face the fact that they ain't nothing, but ni..ers to their government. They will treat you just like us, if you aren't in the right tax bracket. The middle-class, made up of mostly White Americans have felt that since about 2005? The idea that children suffer, based on their race is ridiculous. The idea that people suffer in general, in this day and age is uncanny, but Flint? Well, Flint is just a travesty. When people read about this 50 years from now, and I'll probably be dead, they'll wonder how? America is so rich!

This week, Rick Synder has announced that bottled water will no longer be given to Flint's residents.. It has been determined that the water is safe to drink from the tap. So, he has made the executive decision to cut-off any bottle water supply given at the expense of Michigan. People rushed to their local dispensaries to get their share. One man said he waited in line for 20 minutes to get water, which doesn't seem long to me, but obviously it hadn't been so difficult in the past to do. Another man. told the reporter that the people had been out to his home and declared that the water had lead. He couldn't drink his water, and I'm guessing Synder meant everyone else could drink their water, but that man. He still had lead in his water. Unless, Michigan can give a clean bill of health to all the water in Flint, then he has no right to stop that water from being given to the residents.

If the pipes haven't been fix, which they have not, the problem still exist. From what I understand the pipes that carry the water to the homes are contaminated. The Flint River is contaminated and that's where the tainted water came from. These are the pipes that killed 12 people, gave a countless number of children led poison and made hundreds more sick! How can you fix the problem without fixing the pipes? How many others died that they did relate back to the water situation? Who became sick or contracted led poisoning? Some mothers aren't as vigilant as others. The true extent of the damage to these people's lives hasn't not been fully realized. The elderly suffer in silence. Pregnant women don't know the full of effects on their fetuses, until they are born, and true effect may not be seen until their developmental stage of living. Sometimes, children's ill-effects of poisoning can't be seen, until they begin to walk and talk and develop motor-skills. Moreover, sometimes they can't be discovered, until they reach puberty and they have hormonal changes.

Back in 2016, a huge water-main break happened in Farmington Hills, Michigan. It was a big deal, because even Senator Debbie Stabenow was out. She had her bullhorn assuring the residents that everything would be alright, and the sewer would be fixed soon. It was, too, and although they had problems deciding who would pay, it got paid! Residents were angry and frustrated about when it would be finish, and who would pay. I loved it, because it seemed that God was being the equalizer. Showing the political powers that you have to care for all your people not just some. I believed with all honesty that Flint would get some relief. Nope, no relief came. Now, however, a 900 million dollar home must be demolished, because it sits on a potential sinkhole. Macomb, recently had 170 million dollar sinkhole. In all, Synder would needs spend some 4 billion dollars to repair Michigan's sewer infrastructure. I'm sure he'll leave it and not act, he'll let the new governor deal with that tidbit.

Just like he'll leave them with me. Everything that I discovered, while being institutionalized in Caro and Michigan's Center for Forensic Psychiatry. How the security staff, FSA's have sex with patients and get them pregnant. How women who commit murder of Black men are allowed to go free. Sarah Gaynor and Amy Burdette, two women who murdered Black men in cold-blood. Who became prostitutes in the Oakland County Jail and went on to sell themselves in Michigan's Center for the Criminally Insane. How Fluter had sex with a deaf woman and Matt had oral sex with a child killer, Sharon Hinajosa. These are people that I wrote about in countless letters to Senators, Representatives and yes, even Rick Synder. Not to mention that DHS and Child-Protective Services aided the Oakland County Sheriff's Department is controlling the women they sold. They would actually threaten the women with taking their children from them.

All of this on Synders watch. None of it is lies, but I tell you what I don't believe. I don't believe that the Mayor of Flint is a theft. There is a news report, circulating on Facebook that says that although it hasn't be proven, she was accused by a staffer of re-routing funds from the Flint "Crisis" to her own personal fund. The article even stated that the charity can't be found. If it can't be found, then why are you writing on it and ruining this woman's good name? It's because she's going to have a conniption about Synder ending the water aid to her citizens. This way, they put mud on her name and cause her to lose credibility. Just like they did with me, after I refused to prostitute in Oakland County Jail, and began a writing campaign to put an end to the illegal activities. Men and Women were committing horrible crimes and getting less time or walking free. Tucker Cipriano is the worst case of that. 

Karen Weaver is getting the same treatment I did. If we can make her look bad in the eye of the news stations, they won't write her story or give her a voice. If we taint her voice, no one will give her a platform. Unlike Ms. Weaver, I can't snatch my platform. None of the women who were being sold are willing to stand with me. They are all afraid they will lose their children, be physically abused or even killed on the street. These men are serious and if you read my blog you will know what they still do to me. White cars, black cars, husbands and wives... When they march on Lansing, I'm going with them. I'm going to stand by that woman like the sister I am to her and let her know I got her back. I'm not going to allow Synder, Trump and their cronies crush her or her people. This bullying has got to stop!

If you click the brown/orange lettering, you can read those full stories in my blog. A new page will open of my blog!

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Remembering White Cars and Trucks

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I remember white cars now. I was thinking to myself, today. I had to go all the way out to Meijer to get cabbage and corn meal for Easter dinner. Hollywood was closed, and that forced me to go further up the road and to the left. At the corner of Opdyke and South Boulevard the light held for about three minutes. By the way, that's how I know the police is involved with this little White truck situation. About 20 years ago, my friend, a fireman, told me that the city of Pontiac could set the lights in Pontiac. When a fire engine comes out to make a run, they want to stop traffic, and give the engine a clear path to where it is going. In order to do that, they set all the lights on Woodward, then Wide Track, to red. Then all the traffic is stopped, and a fire engine can ride through all the lights and to their emergency destination.

The harassment with the white cars, trucks and SUV's is usually simple. I only go three places in my life. I go to school, Walmart and Meijer. That's just about the gist of my life. Today, I left out the house and they didn't expect it. So, by the time they realized it, they had to set the lights to red for a long period of time. This way, the white cars, trucks and SUV's could catch up to me. They can call out the brigade of vehicles to "harass" me. Anywho... I go into Meijer and pick up a few things. I'm mad, because I gotta walk a country mile to pick-up four things. When the lights are held for so long, and the car in front of me or beside me get ready to run the light, I know Benny and the Jets are in action. I'm not welcome in Walmart or Meijer, and when I go in there that is known. But I go wherever I want to go!

People act like they are going to run into me with carts. Employees, will walk right in front of my cart as I go by, and the other day when I needed someone to help me with my water... Well, let's just say, like the women in Africa, I had to haul my own water. This visit, I came out and there was a cart pushed o the side of my SUV.  Remember, the guy pushing carts out the parking lot, hit my car in Walmarts parking lot a month after I bought it. I removed it and pushed it into the carrier, got in my car and left. On my way home, I experienced all the white cars like usual. Like I said, it suddenly came to me. There is a group of thieves that exist in Oakland County that drives white cars. I remember it from Sears. They drove white cars, trucks and SUV's. They even had white trucks that hauled stolen goods to Target, Sears and The Sports Authority. That was also 20 years ago.

It seems that ring is still in existence. Remember, I told you that this group was responsible for closing down the Summit Place Mall. They included Waterford, Southfield and Pontiac Police. Oakland County Sheriff's Department were heavily involved, along with Prosecutors, School Board, City Council and Oakland County Schools members. Plus, other politicians, citizens, snitches and such. Not to mention their Momma's, Grandmothers, aunts, sisters, cousins, in-laws and people they went to school with. I hear that three of them are robbing Forever 21 blind at Great Lakes Crossing. You can go out to that TJ Maxx and there is no clothes on the racks. Burlington is just trashed, and I've never seen such a mess in my life. They are trying to turn Great Lakes Crossing into a Summit Place Mall. I think they have succeeded.

As I recall, they all drove white cars. It was like a signature thing. If you had a white car, you were knee deep in the stealing, drug dealing and such. It's almost a way to identify who they are. Like the "Wet Bandits" in Home Alone. They worked for Fed Ex, UPS, the bank and even DTE. I'm not sure what DTE has to do with stealing, and maybe someone can hit me up and tell me about that. Many of the thieves that moved on, moved into electrical positions. Not to mention the clergy, pastors, philanthropist and youth organizers who steal from big corporations and try to make the public believe they are doing something positive with their donations. In fact, however, they are pocketing the money and buying drugs, cars and new houses, with expensive furnishings. Furnishing that they get from the local Gardner White at a discount.

I remember, it was 1982. My father was indicted. Oh, yeah, it's generational and my nephew has broken that curse. My big sister wasn't having none of that! He was riding with this dude, he was doing more jive than my Daddy was. When my father came home, he explained it to my mother in front of me. I can never forget what he said, "Baby, I was shocked. That nigga did more jive than I did! I would have never thought he was the police". These people are the police and don't even know they are getting played by their crackhead friends. They don't trust me, because I don't use drugs and I'm not bi-sexual. So, I'm the enemy. When just like my father's troubles, they are being tricked by people like them and they'll be surprised at the testimonies in their indictments. Oh, the revolution will be televised. I guarantee that!

Bonus Blog:
Police Fags
Remember, I wrote that blog about the white SUV's that follow me all around? Everywhere I go, still, they have a white SUV following me. Now, they have several at different points in my route in my view. It is very frustrating. My mother says, "They are just cars riding on the street like you". She's right, but when you know there is a sinister scheme to drive you crazy, it gets really annoying and hard to take. Well, since yesterday. I was feeling super heroish, and put on my Superman t-shirt and went shopping. I had to catch the sale, before it ended. These men follow me around and taunt me, act as if they are going to run into me with trucks and speed pass me on the highway. I'm shook for a second, and then remember who I'm dealing with. Nothing but a bunch of broke fags that aren't getting much money from their sex trafficking enterprise they had created. They read my blog to understand where I'm coming from. Then they act accordingly. They are obsessed with me. They are police fags and I think it's funny!

They come into the grocery store stalking me. Some of them are alone, and some have their wives and children. Sometimes, they actually act like they are interested in me, which is possible, because they are bi-sexual, but most of them act like fags. I feel similar to they way Eddie Murphy felt in Raw. There are just all these fags watching me. Following me in their cars and harassing me. I know they wished they cold sit on the hood of their police car and act like they were the siren. Acting like their true selves, swirling their hand and making noises with their mouth. It would be the coming out of the century, and my reply would be, "It's about time".

Their women are these strong-willed, independent self-serving dikess or some abused misfit, who wants to be all that and the fag they married won't let her. I know stories of fags who tried to beat their uber intellectual woman into nothing, but she wouldn't have it. Got away from him, and became a successful dike, anyway! I say, good for her. Dikes gotta eat, too! These men have no problem bothering me, because just like a little sweetie, they have very little use for a woman, other than making the world think and convincing themselves they aren't gay. But if your having sex with men, let me tell you, you're gay and all the women in the world won't change that. They are jealous, petty and have gathered together, along with their uber dike wives to "fix" me. Again, I think it's funny. They ride together, in an attempt to show me whose boss. When you think about it, either way, it's funny to me. I mean, what does a boss do? They tell you where to go, when to be there, and exactly what to do when you get there.

They go where I go. So, I tell them where to go. When they get there, they know what to do, and they know exactly when to be there. So, I'm their job. I run them, and they aren't really good at what they do. If it was up to me, I would fire them all. It's been almost a year, and they still haven't stopped me from doing what I'm doing now, exposing their game of gas-lighting, and being their biggest nemesis; Me! It's not even me that they are trying to get, but Steve Wittebort. Like I said, he left Oakland County Sheriff's Department. He lied on me, and now they won't be able to use him, the next time they want to charge me with a fake crime. He's all washed up, and they are now questioning his loyalty to them. Now, instead of using him to get me, they are trying to use me to get him, but it won't work. I ain't got nothing to do with this mess!

Steve is not a fruit cake. I can honestly say that. I've known him since we were eight, and he ain't never came across as that. He had his friends, and stuff, but he didn't seem to beholden to their friendship. These men in these Greek organizations. Kappa's and Alpha's, Omega's and Iota's they gay. They have these parties, where they get together, do drugs and have sex. It's nothing new to me, I was exposed to it as a teenager at Wilberforce University. My boyfriend at the time was one of them. He was a freaky little something and far too close to his Sans. Them Sweethearts, too, they was too close for comfort, too. Wanted me to be one! When one of my Greek friends from back in the day, hit me up on Messenger, and told me he wants to see me, I laughed. They are just like the crooked police. All sweet and sweaty and stuff. Um, "No thank you!" You didn't get none then and don't come trying to help your fruity pie friends and get some, now. Please...

In high school, it was the Kappa League, the Leaguettes, or whatever. I didn't belong to none of their little groups and nobody liked me and I'm glad. Now, they the police, tracking me down and acting like sissies. I remember, Sadie Mae, when I was growing up. They would get dressed up on Saturday night and have the whole Projects lit. People would come out their homes, and stand on the curb and watch them make that walk from Hershel Momma house. One flamer in the neighborhood, stood in his door laughing at them. For some reason he thought nobody knew he was gay. Sadie Mae, turned around and told him, "What you laughing for...You'll be out here next week." The entire scene erupted in laughter. He's an Alpha these days.

When I left the grocery store, I went to McDonald's. The one on Opdyke, in front of the Rodeway Inn. You know where the Auburn Hills Police, troll for prostitutes to arrest and send to the Oakland County Jail, to work for the deputies. That's literally, Auburn Hills whorehouse, and that McDonald's caters to the whores that frequent there. It was the closest place to grab a bite. My food was cold, they made me wait and didn't give me a receipt; of course. There was a a white mini-van behind me who couldn't get by. He's honking his horn, and I can see him having a fag-tantrum in my rear-view mirror. I rolled my window down and and waved at him to pass me. He then began to scream, "I can't back up! I can't back up!" I kept my cool, because homosexuals are passive, but these crackheads can lose it. I pulled up and he went past me. He literally, reminded me of the skit, Eddie Murphy did above in Raw. "Pull over, pull over!" That's why I used it.

He was in a hissie fag fit. He whipped passed me, driving like a girl and left. They so mad at me! There was this one once, who turned onto Auburn from Opdyke, and looked into my car and rolled his eyes. I immediately said to myself, "Steve ain't got nothing to do with that." These fags are out of control, their Mothers, acting like Fathers got them chasing a woman around town, and that is something they surely are not used to doing. I told my mother that sometimes, they have to let a Flaming HOT Fag in the group. We would get one occasionally at Sears, too! If they don't he gone tell everybody they all fags. But with him being in the group, it's letting everybody know, anyway! He ain't nothing but a bitch! Now, he gotta follow me around, and they wanna know why? I gotta a vagina, and big breasts, and that's something they all want.

Don't worry "Boys", it'll all be over soon. Y'all Mothers, however, won't be the same. The revolution will be televised and will look like the opening credits of "The Birdcage". Men running around in thongs, riding stick horses and slapping each other on the butt. They'll have guns and badges and will be dancing on top of cop cars, putting on a show for the world to see. I mean, that's how I picture it. It won't be as exciting as that, but I could just imagine members of the crooked FBI thinking, I know he wished he had wore his newly dry cleaned uniform, today! Police fags, you gotta love 'em!