It's that social problem called, "I'll do what I please and when it's over I'll just repent." Jesus has to take you back. RHOA don't have to keep you through all your vocal shenanigans. You fight with everybody. The only reason you got with Phedra, is because Apollo's junk was all over the media. When she became relevant, she became your best friend.
I use to love NeNe. Man she was the best. She didn't take nobody's mess, and she held her on. Now she's just a mean girl afraid Kenya and her crown will steal her thunder. Her fear was evident last night. She knows she's hanging on by a thread. They got her another gig with Kim and I know they hope that makes her want her own thing so she will stop messing up the dynamic on RHOA.
NeNe loves to create clicks to gang up on people. She can't deal with life without RHOA, even with everything she's done in the past. None of which pans out for the long haul. I think she should create a pilot for a show where she runs the house and can tell everyone in the story line what to do. Manipulate them to do what she wants them to do. Sorta like Rosanne. Nobody got over on her, but NeNe will wear Louis and Gucci while doing it. That would be an ideal scenario for her. Maybe that will allow her to be likable in real life. Doing so much on her show would get it out of her system and she could be nicer in real life.
Claudia is on a mission to get her on board or off the show. I believe she has the backing of the executives of Bravo and Georgia. Somebody has told her she can go for it, without ramification and repercussions, Last night, she backed NeNe into a corner. She got things done in the Philippians. Claudia mad true progress and she thinks she's the new guru of the group. She just has no idea who NeNe feels she is. She thinks of herself as the founder of RHOA and she will stay as long as she pleases. Only will she wanted as long as she plans to stay.