Thursday, October 17, 2013

Obama...Our Lion

Barack Obama this morning

I'm so glad that America is back on the right track.  It had seemed that the House and Senate had forgot what our Founding Fathers wanted for this country.  They meant for us to prosper and live amongst one another in peace and when peace was impossible, created the courts to make peace.  I think the Republican Party believes that they are all three branches of government Judicial, Legislative and Executive.  This morning, however, Barack Obama woke up secure.  He is secured in the idea that people love this country more than they hate him.  That is a beautiful thing to know and a bright means for the next three years.

I hear that the Republicans want to start impeachment proceedings that will remove him from office.  They say that he didn't stop the Shut-Down soon enough.  In other words, he didn't do the ridiculous things they wanted him to do, in order to stop it.  Again, no other President has had to deal with impeachment after a Shut-Down, and this ain't the first one.  Seriously...  So, when this happened in the past, which all of the television shows have been talking about, who else was impeached?  I wanna know, how a President is responsible for the inconsiderate and unreasonable demands of a group of power hungry Republicans?  No hurry, I'll wait.

Shut-Downs are the work of people, not one person refusing to come to an agreement.  When was it his job to be able to control a bunch of money-grabbing Senators and Representatives in Washington?  If they weren't so busy worrying about their positions and those of the men who pay them to be there, this would have never happened.  What the problem is...Excuse me, I keep showing my color.  The trouble with the Republicans is they don't understand that the Bush's years are over, and all of their Big Business constituents will not be getting richer, while the real American people suffer.  All this mess about lower interest rates and stuff is malarkey, because during the Bush era, banks still wasn't giving loans.  Furthermore, all that did was cause people to use their credit cards, rack up more debt.  Then the housing market tanked, due to predatory lending.  People walked away from homes and those who were lucky enough to still have a job, bought them at a steal for cash.  Because like I said, the banks weren't giving loans.  That was the reality of America in the Bush era.  Now, Obama wants to correct it, and the majority of this country can now live, instead of just get by.

But the Republicans strive when America suffers, and the low get lower and the 1% of this country prosper.  It is a shame that it has to be that way.  Then they start a panic with the EBT over the weekend, and try to drop Obama's approval ratings with Blacks, so they can impeach him without us screaming racism.  They wanted us to believe that Obama not giving in to them is hurting us, too.  Being the conspiracy theorist that I am, I thought of that immediately.  The key to deconstructing a man is making him a villain to those who love, respect and admire him.  How do you do this?  You hit them where it hurts and make him the reason for their suffering.  They don't realize that children didn't eat from their pettiness.  This is the cause for the Republican Party, Tea Party and John Boehner to be thrown in the Boston Harbor.

This morning, my lion has woken victorious and I love him even more.  He is a man and Michelle should be proud of him.  She has a man whose legacy is that of unrelenting pride and steadfastness.  That's even if Boehner wants to share it; by making having to be that way a means of surviving.  I'm never going to turn my back on him for any reason.  I might shed a light on his down falls, but we all have those.  The job of your supporters is not to agree with you all the time, anyway.  It's to stand beside you when times get hard.  Like my baby tells me, we need to "Hold the Line".  Nothing is always easy, but when it gets tough, you can't give up, but dig in your heels and fight in the trenches with who you trust and believe in.  You have to stand for something or be a fool.   A lion is the King of the Jungle and how fitting for our cause.  Getting the real America back to work and off the unemployment, welfare and disability lines.  To end corruption in our governmental organizations.

The scripture reads:  "When all else...STAND" and I think Obama knows Paul intimately.  America will stand with him now that we have tackled this hurdle.  We will tackle it with the knowledge that there will be another one soon enough, especially if Boehner has anything to say about it.  That's what life is, one struggle after the other and that builds strength of character and faith.  Let Faith have it's perfect work.  Good morning, Mr. President! (Big smile)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ratigan Rant...An American Travesty

I don't know who this man is, but I think he believes in a man more than he should.  Everyone knows that the President of the United States of America has never ran this country.  He takes the discussion all the way back to Teddy Roosevelt.  A man who felt he wanted more power and set out to get it.  That was before the drug wars and even before Prohibition.  I'm not sure if that America will ever exist again, without a nuclear disaster to wipe out the world.  The truth is America is a capitalist society that is ran by men with a lot of capital.  These are men who don't sit on Capitol Hill (no pun intended), but run it, from palatial high rises and mansions in the mountains of Colorado.  Dylan Ratigan is an idealist, and that is what we need to change this country; but only after we get permission from the White men with the money who run Capitol Hill and thus our country.

The truth is our country is a bureaucracy, and that means things take a while to happen.  Then when something happens, up pops an agency, group or organization to profit from the legislation.  You think I'm kidding, but I have an example.  The drug companies were made to account for their product by the government back in the late 90's.  So much of their product was disappearing from warehouses, before it could reach the pharmacies.  Novartis, P & G and the rest of them had to be accountable for their shipments.  Thus, came the distribution companies that created the scenario where as all those drugs would be accounted for using their means.  It gave another face to Commerce and created more jobs for the people of this country.

Moreover, it created a way for the rich to get richer and for the stealing to become more organized and efficient.  We all know that drugs are still being stolen and make it to the streets faster than our local Rite-Aid.  The only difference is, the House and Senate look as if they care and I think that's what Ratigan wants from Obama.  Except, he will never get it from the little boy who wouldn't let the White kids at school touch his hair.

What this rant is about is the Republic.  The system that says beyond all doubt in this country the man who is in charge has to appear to be in love with his country.  Not only should he love this country, but be willing to do what it takes to give the people of this country the idea that all will be well; if he can help it.  Like Lincoln and Kennedy, before him give his life for the American Dream.  I wished I could call him up and explain to him how that will NEVER happen.  Here is why:

Barack Obama is a Black man and therefore understands that there are limits to most things.  He knows that the people of this country have faith that he is real and will work hard to insure their livelihood.  What he will not do is create the ideal situation that Ritgan speaks of, because he knows he will come up against so much opposition that it will fail.  Making him spending valuable time on accomplishing other things.  Everything that should be his legacy, Boehner will make his, by defiant opposition and thus stealing Obama's glory and making it headline, tabloid rubbish.  Leading to situations that will resemble the Shut-Down that we are experiencing, today.  Most White men in this country believe in their dreams and that they are obtainable if they work hard.  Obama knows that he can achieve his dreams if White America allows him to, and except his leadership as a legitimate one.  Boehner and his cronies have showed him that nothing he will do, will ever be done without opposition and that life in the White House will be trying for him.

This is now Obama's legacy and all he can do now is save face, by not giving in to their ridiculous demands all calls for his manhood.  If he relents to the bullying of Boehner, he will go down as the President that did what no other President had to do.  He would give his Presidency over to the will and jealousy of John Boehner.  A racist and a political bull dog, whose mission in life is to destroy his name and legacy.  Preventing all of his Executive Decisions to be either halted, destroyed or relinquished to a mass deconstruction of American society.  Obama will share his legacy with Boehner, and that's what Boehner wants.  He knows that he will never be the President and wanted to be a part of one in any way he could.  No one will ever let a blatant racist run this country.  Moreover, he can't do the job.  He is the equivalent of a troublemaker.  He can't create or do anything good or productive, so he spends his days creating trouble for those who can.

He is the one in the office who wants the managers job, and gets the entire staff on his side.  Then systematically destroys the company.  While at the same time putting himself out there as the person best suited for the job.  When the boss is smart, however, the way I wish the American public can understand, he sees the man as he is.  In order to work for something, you have to love it more than even yourself.  That means it's demise can never come from your tyranny, but from your ability to help it grow.  That means that it doesn't matter who is doing it, as long as it gets done.  I don't see what's going on as a chance for America to grow.  I truly don't believe that the Republican Party can be trusted to fix it, after they so elegantly broke it.  That's why Solomon gave the baby to the woman who would rather lose her child than her child losing it's life.  So, she let her baby go to a woman who was a thief.  I think that's what Ratigan wants Obama to do.  I think Obama is thinking this, "If I give my child over to a liar and a thief, what kind of life would it have?"  Therefore, he waits for the Republicans to realize that he is the President and his word is what is best for this country.  He was elected and there is no other way, but his.  I'm just say.